We are reading about some activity in the workplace stated by 1 person. I'd like to read about the events told from a different person's perspective. Would the saga be told the same way on a ladies knitting forum in their every thing else section? Wanting more than 1 light in a room is anything but a whine, but a desire for nicer working conditions. Cutting wires a prank, no that would have been vandalism. Taking the time then causing the expense of unscrewing 48 fluorescent bulbs, is an act of sheer stupidity. Certainly not funny if you're the one paying the bill. I do agree about whining, but I don't see the women as being the main whiners.
You can research any newsworthy organization and the numbers indicate women get paid 72-81% of men's wages. Some jobs do offer the same wage, however it's much less likely that they get hired, they have to take jobs that pay less. The days of women having a baby like dropping a deuce on the bank, then going back into the rice paddies is over. I support the time afforded to them. From feeling ill during pregnancy, to the pain of child birth, to getting their bodies back in shape, not to acknowledge and sympathize is another form of disrespect. Men don't understand pregnancy, pms or child birth, they don't experience it. Heck they've done the hard work all you have to do is teach little Johnny to throw a B/C. High divorce rate, the more reading I do the more I understand. That being so many of these women in the workplace are single mothers, women generally get custody of the children. Yeh some of them got one tough job, I'd be cutting them some slack not hindering them.
I sense as much about fearing women as I do in treating them as second citizens.