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Everything posted by POPRG

  1. Went on a ride yesterday to check out the local dicks... [WHAT??] couple a clearance bins w/$ 6.97 rapalas and opened packs of sluggos for $4.99?/?..did get 3 packs of 1/4 oz. tru-tungstens for $5.97 sittin at the bottom of a bin covered in GULP juice!
  2. Hey jigfishn10,is that a SK tri-buzz? If you haven't tried one yet,i'm sure you'll like it..Love my cavitrons,but i had a cheap old,beat up tri-wing sitting in the truck that i put a new black/gold skirt on one bored lunch break.. last summer i was walking the banks of my favorite lake one VERY foggy,pea-soup evening on a last minute decision and only had a few lures in my truck at the time and put that sucker on and slammed some of the best bass of my entire season. Gives off a slow and low plopping sound!
  3. Spooks,poppers,buzzbaits,sammys,frogs,jitterbugs..topwater strikes always get the blood flowin!
  4. Love the buzzbait! The cavitrons are very well made,comes to plane quickly,and can be reeled in slowly..which is how i fish them most if the time. Great for flanking the edges of weedbeds/timber lay-downs @ dusk to dawn. i use a red blade/black skirt 3/8th ouncer most of the time. Ooh man,why did you have to go and mention buzzbaits,its only january!!!!
  5. ( Blown up in the PAST year Hooligan,october included..FTR) And you are correct about the stomach issues,just felt like puking a lil' because i missed the past threads. Do they work hockey? everything has a time and a place.,do you NEED one,that's up to you...
  6. P-line c21 >< yo-zuri hybrid? anyone had the chance to try these two and see a big difference? I like the hybrid,never hear of the C21 untill this thread..
  7. I guess it matters on the area waters you fish..i will never throw a rig even closely resembling an a-rig in any of the new york area waters i fish!. I hated like heck trolling umbrella rigs for stripers on long island sound when i was younger and had no choice, and cant ever get my self to actually throw them from a bass rod. I know its been blown-up in the past year on the b.a.s.s. circuit and it flat out has its place and time,but it's one technique i will never take part in.To each his own and if it works for some,i have no problem with that. Targeting big bass is number on one my list..,not numbers..give me a jig,popper,worm,swimbait,frog or crank.
  8. I'm going to take a look at that cliff,i need something to about 15# for next spring..i bought a rapala 15# digital scale[no gripper] from a clearance bin last year,just put a battery in it a few days ago,and it wont even turn on! Contacted the company and did get a quick reply so i was happy to see that.i'll send it back and see what happens.
  9. The boga grip is very nice,but out of the $50.00 price range. There are many "knock-offs" out there now,but i'm not too sure about how valid the weight features are. The boga can be sent in and calibrated and is an accepted device for weighing I.G.F.A. records. Mine has held up flawlessly in saltwater use for the past 4 years. I found a boga-type gripper on the beach a few years ago and have used it quite a bit this past season when surfcasting, but i see there is a lot of rust coming out of it when i flush it with wd-40..i haven't seen that on the boga. Check the boards maybe for a used original boga? i'd like to hear some opinions too about a decent $50 grip/scale..
  10. Hey wormy,can you give any thoughts on why you like the lews over the smoke? [better casting/flipping,smoother,etc..] I have one of the two on my radar for this season.Trying to do some research,but it seems that anyone i talk to w/ either reel is very happy w/ their choice.
  11. Carp on the menu! High protein/fat rich carp gets them BIG fast! Japan lakes have a huge carp/koi/goldfish population from stocking and public releases. On lake biwa,you cant release LMB ,they are considered an invasive species throughout most of japan and must be killed when caught. Some guides can now finally release them after years of fighting kill laws. Not too many predator species in these waters,so the bass have a big dinner menu. Many of the japan anglers use 11-14" swimbaits with some crazy color combos
  12. Yeah,i just saw that in the 2012 BPS catalog the other day..wish i noticed it sooner though,just bought a bunch of rattlers on ebay. I like the flat maxx series a lot too.
  13. You should be fine w/ 8# test for smallies,this stuff tests out at a much higher breaking strength than whats on the package.
  14. Nice jig alternative..try a couple drops of craw/garlic flavor on the "chenille-scent pad"!
  15. As its been said,the hybrid is one tough line! Iv'e straightened a few hooks on a straight-pull snag w/ 15# test! I went down to 12# last spring on a crank/spinnerbait set up and like it a lot. Don't buy it thinking its a flourocarbon line, its has more stretch for sure,but slightly stiffer than mono.very abrasion resistant!.. I'm going to try the 15 or 20# on a swimbait rig this year.
  16. i'm not sure why the two stores within 25 miles of each other don't have the same sales ever? Example,the one store has the quantum tour pt listed @ $129.00/sale price..go to the other store and it's $249.00 and they wont honor the sale price?? Also,one carry's rage products,the other has none!?! Guess they are independently owned and can decide what stock to sell..
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