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Everything posted by fishingaddict

  1. haha ;D definately a must what's your secret to catching your lunkers? I use BP gasoline ;D
  2. Perfect! thanks alot ;D
  3. wow! I always believed sponsors endoresed tournament anglers only this is giving me a new aspect towards gaining sponsors though i am young and probably don't need any right now Thanks for letting us all know about this!
  4. B.A.S.S. member for about a year now Not happy with the magazine like the rest of you (well many of you) it is a shame it had to be bought out by ESPN Though it would pretty tough for a real fisherman to buy the magazine from such a big umm company like ESPN :'(
  5. gonna go pick up some of those definately I am sorry if this has already been asked or said but what color was the fat ika?
  6. hey thanks for the help I think i'll head to the fabric store and see what they have
  7. great story! i wish all fishing stores were like that and that we had some where i live but unfortunately i live in a VERY rich town that would eventually tear down all mom & pop type fishing shops and build multi million dollar condos happened to the marina we keep a saltwater boat at they were bought out by a BIG company and are turning into a "dockominium" and the dry storage is going for at the least $120,000 a year!!! > enough of my rambling I just really wish we had some of those stores around :'(
  8. Sounds like a pretty lucky shirt KU_bassmaster except for loosing your camera I think i might get one just to show a little love to the bassresource.com people
  9. all of those are bad but I really someone who casts over my line especially on a party boat and definately people speeding past when i'm fishing in my boat Also people who regard fishing as a hobby or activity that is as easy as throwing out your line, laying back and having a fish just hook up And people with little patience who get fed up with fishing after half an hour of not catching anything (though sometimes i get frustrated too)
  10. Tell me if you catch anything with that new shirt on I might have to get one ;D
  11. Thanks I hope one of them do
  12. I was wondering, since i'm new to lure making, are there any kind of patterns for airbrushing cranks? Like a pattern/stencil such as the one below
  13. Really nice baits Jbass are you using balsa or some other wood? and also are you using a dremel tool?
  14. day when its not so sunny a leaking bass boat or a flat tire on ur car
  15. 13 + better river in classic ohio or alagany
  16. id say largemouth who is ur pick to win the classic kvd, mike ike, davy hite, aaron martins, or other
  17. Just depends on the conditions i think the article low budget put up also i agree with earthworm any black jig with a matching trailer is great
  18. ranger bassmaster classic or elite 50
  19. titanium black and blue jig or black and brown jig
  20. probably because if the tournament is run by the club they have to pay for some of the prizes because maybe all the entry money doesn't pay for the prizes
  21. mercury having a pizza delivered 30 min. late but pizza is steaming hot or having pizza come on time and be cold
  22. thanksgiving red sox or Yankees
  23. i only like mc d's cuz the salads are good more annoying: someone spitting gum in ur boat or some one using ur rods and almost breaking them and not caring
  24. v hull (i just have a thing for them lol) fishing in nebraska or fishing in new jersey
  25. one day catch the world record bass or become a tournament pro and hang with the pros
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