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Everything posted by fishingaddict

  1. I have one, I don't have the web browser on it though. I just hope this upcoming year they come out with some new games, so far I only play mario kart, super mario galaxy, wii sport, brain age, and mario party 8
  2. Nope, there isn't any evidence of who the next villain is
  3. Just came back from it, and I have to say it's probably one of the best movies I have seen let alone blockbuster of the summer. The acting was stupendous and the action was bar none. I don't usually buy movies when they come out on dvd, I just rent them but, I will have to make an exception for this one.
  4. I looked at the mayan chiclid and I'm pretty sure that's what it was. Thanks to everyone who posted
  5. Saw two of these guys while fishing on the bank, didn't catch them but I have a feeling they might have been dumped there from an aquarium. I'm unsure what it is, but I'm curious to know.
  6. Are you fishing in the Gulf or the Atlantic? I fish in the Gulf and I mainly use squid and shrimp, they produce some nice fish like pompano and mackerel. Most places I fish produce pretty well, but check in with some bait shops and ask them where some good spots are. If you're not in a boat, piers are usually good places to start.
  7. Welcome, I'm down in Naples. Glad to see more Florida fishers joining
  8. Right now it looks pretty clear here, but the heat is pretty bad. I'm hoping to head out in a little, just to get in a bit of fishing time.
  9. Welcome, I'm in the opposite direction of you in Naples
  10. Naples, pretty much fish one neighborhood lake but it produces good bass so I'm not complainin' ;D
  11. Thanks for the updates, that's a nice one George Welcome. It's still raining too hard to go out, but I'm hoping tomorrow there's enough of a lull to get out.
  12. True, true but, I actually haven't been able to fish for 6 weeks because of surgery. The week I get my cast off and it rains everyday. Any other time I'd be welcoming the rain ;D
  13. Anyone else getting pounded by rain for the past few days straight? Is anyone finding time to fish before or after the rain, or even during? If so are you catching anything? I'm getting fishing withdrawal from this constant rain :'(
  14. Living in southern Florida it's hot and humid all the time especially during summer, luckily I have grown mildly accustomed to it. I'd suggest, as other members have, going near sunset or if you can't, try to find a shady spot to at least keep the sun off of you.
  15. I only go when it's a must see, usually I can wait until it hits dvd. This summer I've only seen 1 movie because I took my sister to see Wall-E.
  16. If you hadn't said what that was a pic of, I would have been stumped. Looks so sick up close, nice picture
  17. haha great show and the movie is one of my favorites "Were we supposed to make a Remember 9/11 float or a Remember 911 float?"
  18. I was in Jamaica and those guys use bamboo poles, string, no reel, and a hook with w/e meat they have around for bait. I guess it's not too strange considering that the fish they catch has to feed the family, so they'll use anything.
  19. Hey glad to see more south Florida bass fishers, I live in Naples
  20. i forgot to look at tackleunderground ;D good idea
  21. Right now i am in the process of painting some lures and i have made a VERY primative structure to hold them to dry what are some other ways to do this? thanks LT
  22. how long does it really take you to catch all the fish for one episode?
  23. Naples, Florida since 92'
  24. wow! already picked up some sponsors that's awesome great job in the tourny too
  25. really cool video i wish I could see the bass in my lake that clearly ;D
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