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About underwraps1

  • Birthday 06/25/1991

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  • Location
    Palm Beach County Florida

underwraps1's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. The last two or three days of weather have been hot and overcast which is leading up to rain and thunderstorms tomorrow. Weather now is 81 degrees and its 6:30PM so the sun is getting ready to go down. I'm fishing a canal that is about 1500 feet long with two pockets on it, I guess you would say, like a cul-de-sac on a street. I would say the average depth is six feet, with a lot of grass and a little bit of weeds on top, also a few rocks here and there. What should I look for, and what baits would you recommend to use? If this kind of question is always asked, and I could find the info somewhere else, please direct me. I don't mind reading/buying a book to read so that I don't post a million clueless threads on here. Thanks!
  2. That's why I'm in college.
  3. Who is this Robert Guillame? And the fish died because someone wanted dinner.
  4. I NEED to go to a buffet after reading this.
  5. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124991924916619783.html?mod=yhoofront
  6. Lol at this thread.
  7. After you guys set your drag, do you leave it? Or do you loosen it after every outing. Does loosing the drag help to maintain the reel?
  8. How do I properly set the drag on a spinning and BC reel with a scale, and how do I properly set them without a scale?
  9. on how weather affects bass? I would love to find something on this subject.
  10. Congratulations!
  11. That is a good idea...too bad I don't have a digital camera. Where can I find detailed descriptions of reels at?
  12. I have an old BC reel that I would like to try and take apart to clean. What products and tools do I need to do this?
  13. At the moment my setups are limited, so I can only fish a few baits. I voted for spinnerbaiting this time.
  14. Well, that's different. But that makes sense to me now, thanks.
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