Here is my take on trying to obtain sponsorships for a new tournament fisherman. You are better off promoting companies that you believe in than going out and trying to obtain sponsors just to be sponsored. What I mean by this is, if you have a product that you truly believe in go ahead and start promoting it, make youtube videos, talk about it at tournaments, put a logo on your boat or jersey if you want, if you do a good job most small or midsized companies will notice you and you might get repaid with a sponsorship or discount on products.
I get anywhere from 2-3 a week to 2-3 a day emails and some time phone calls (please do not do this most smaller companies are way to busy to chit chat on the phone about giving you free product) asking for sponsorship, 99% of the emails I receive I don't recognize the name or do not even know if they have ever fished my product. The only people that are currently or being considered for pro staff positions I or one of my other pro staff personally know, and I can see the unsolicited promotion they have already done. I, and am pretty sure other companies do it to, do a regular internet search to try and find out what is being said about our products, I take note of those that are promoting product and what is being said (it is how I found this site) if one of my customers is standing on a hill top shouting about my products I am going to take notice and reward that customer, and I am pretty sure most companies would do the same.
The whole reason for this post is I am tired of the emails that tell me they would really like to promote my product but want something for free in return before they ever lift a finger, I see it as the other way around, prove to me that you are capable of promoting a product and I will reward you. That "free" product that all new tournament fisherman are looking for is not free, it costs me real money and time to complete, and in the end will cost YOU time to obtain, putting a sticker on your boat or a patch on your jersey is not going to cut it, we need to see something above and beyond before you are going to get something in return.
And I will also add if you are under the age of 18 most companies (unless they have a jr pro staff program) will not talk to you, its not that you are not a good fisherman or any of the other things, for me personally its that there is no return or little return on the investment, I know you all have friends and your own tournament circuits and what not, but the sad fact is that persons under the age of 18 generally do not have money to spend on product, I might get flamed for this or whatever but it is a business, it is how I feed my family and pay my bills, if I can't get a return on my investment I am not going to throw money out the window.