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Everything posted by FL_fisher

  1. I see gators all the time I just had 4 little one swimming after my buzz bait an hour ago.I had to reel fast just so they wouldnt get it. To bad no bass wanted to bite it . ;D
  2. I live real close to winter haven FL what golf course was that?Did you do any fishing when you were down here?
  3. I have caught more than a couple bass that had one eye. ;D
  4. pa angler is right you will end up useing up more fuel with a 50 than you would with a bigger motor.You will also be getting places faster .That boat might not even plain with a 50.
  5. Its not the switch I used the one from my good tm and it still didnt work. when you take the foot apart all the way in the back there is the wires that come from the top. Two of them go under some stuff that is like hard gell I think the problem might be under that. I also no it is not the armature because I put the two wires together that goes to the armature and when I turn the tm on 1 or 2 nothing happens. When I turn it on 3 4 or 5 it sparks. Any ideas of what it might be?Any body know what is under that gell stuff . The only way you can see what is under it is to pick the gell out and if you do that there is no way you can put the gell back . :-/
  6. I took the foot apart and found nothing . Then I put it back together and now 1 and 2 gear dont work at all 1 gear in rev dont work and the trolling motor goes backwards in forward and so on. Does anyone know why it would be doing that? Its not hooked up wrong at the switch or the battery so I dont know.
  7. I know its not the switch. I took the switch off of my other trolling motor and put on the trolling motor that is messed up and it did the same thing. I took the foot apart and the wires looked good. so i will just take another look at it later.
  8. I just took the top apart and I am 100% sure that it is something in the foot. :'( Now Im going to take the foot apart and see if i can find the problem.
  9. Today I was outside trying to see what was wrong with my reel when I heard a fast thumping noise.I looked up and saw that it was my trolling motor. It somehow turned on and the prop was hitting the boat . After a few seconds the prop stoped but the trolling motor was still running (the prop strepped) . So I turned the trolling motor off the let it in the water and the foot had smoke coming off of it when it hit the water.After it cooled down I put a new prop of it and went for a troll to see if the trolling motor still worked .The good news is that it still worked but the bad news is that 1st gear feels like 3rd and 2nd also feels like 3rd and 3rd feels like 4th and 4th and 5th feels like 5th.What do you think the problem is? I dont see why the swich would make the gears feel different but maybe.
  10. What do you all think about fishing with a rattletrap in 12 feet of water ? Or is there a better bait ?
  11. Iv been biten many of times but not by any Venomous snakes. The only times I have ever been biten is when I pick them up. If you want to see a mad snake corner a black snake they will get mad .I dont usually mess with snakes any more like I did when I was younger. Every once in a while one will get in the porch and Ill have to get it out. Most people think every time they see a snake that it is poisonous but 9 times of of ten it is just some kind of water snake. most people that get bit are the people that try to eather pick them up or try to kill them. It is pretty dumb also theres really no reason to kill them. They do more good than bad.Id rather have a snake in my house any day over a rat. AlsoI wouldnt be scared of snakes because they are quick to get out of your way.
  12. I want to fish in deeper water because I havent been able to catch many fish as of late. I was wondering what I should look for. :-/ I live in central florida. The lake Im fishing is 3000 acres and very hot and murky you can see your bait about 6 to 8ins down. The problem is the lake does not have the things you would normaly look for no dropoffs,no cover,no grass in the deeper water.The biggest dropoff I have ever seen is about 2 feet. In the channel it is about 12 to13 feet deep. Also what kind of baits should I use for these deep bass .
  13. Does the switch look like it got melted ? Also try touching one of the main wires (big red or big black )to the little wires one at a time and see if you get power.If it works it is the switch.watch out for the sparks.lol
  14. I dont like to fish in open water much mostly because the lake i fish most is real flat and has no drop offs but anyway today I was fishing and i saw a lot a shad breaking the surface and bass attacking them . so i go out to were the shad were and it was from 9 to 10 foot deep and i started with a rattletrap. after no luck I used a crank bait and still nothing and the shad are everywhere so i go back to the rattletrap. still nothing so then it was getting a little dark because it was about to rain and then i used a spinnerbait i even tried throwing worms into the schools of shad but all failed. what should i have done to catch these fish ?
  15. mac is right if you can catch fish at a ratio better than 1:50 then you need to think about going pro even 1:50 is very good .no ponds included. just think if you fish for 8 hours and catch bass at a 1:50 ratio at 2 cast a min you will catch 91/2 bass keeper bass. if you fit this then stop what you are doing and go pro.
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