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bass or bass ?

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Everything posted by bass or bass ?

  1. Get the Charmin Mega Roll. The best value for the money. Tightly packed rolls, and very large.
  2. Berkley Cherrywood. Wal-Mart carries them. I have two, a medium action 7', and a light action 6'.
  3. A lot of the coves and the feed rivers on my regular lake are no wake zones. My motor hates running at no wake speed for very long. And when I get back on the main lake and open it up , it takes a while for it to build up speed and get on plane again.
  4. Flatheads are strictly predators and large channels prefer live food, so both are possible artificial bait takers. I caught a 25 pound flathead 4 years ago while bass fishing on a medium action Quantum Express rod with a Quantum Mantra reel and 12 pound test line. Took @ 20 minutes to boat it.
  5. I love white. Looks like shad.
  6. Congrats guys. I'm a moderator on another site and love it.
  7. I made my own using 1 gallon water jugs. You need a jug, an old fishing line spool, a 1/4" X 1 1/2" long stainless steel eye bolt, 2 washers, and 1 nylock nut for each buoy. Drill a 1/4" hole in the jug cap. apply silicone sealant to a washer and place it on the inside of the cap, it should be large enough to just fit inside. Apply some sealant to the line spool and place the line spool on the outside of the cap. Now add the other washer and thread the eye bolt through the assembly with the ring on the outside, add nut to the inside and tighten. I used bright green surveyors cord for line on my markers. Wind it on the spool and use lead sinker. Before deploying the marker, snap a glow stick and place it in the jug, replace the cap and toss it overboard. The glow stick will last for @ 8 hours.
  8. Your story sounds like mine. My answer? You got old (like me)! Give up fishing and take up napping on the sofa! Just kidding. I just got back into fishing @ 4 or 5 years ago and it seems that I don't catch anywhere near the number of fish I did as a teenager. But last weekend my partner and I definitely had a 100+ fish trip (Friday, Friday night, Saturday morning). Just relax and have fun, don't worry about the fish count. When you least expect it you'll slay 'em!
  9. I'm guessing that you don't wear a seat belt in your truck either.
  10. I see plenty of 12' to 16' aluminum boats with trolling motors and trailers on Craig's list for $500 or less. Look there for a small metal boat.
  11. How about a fishing kayak?
  12. Beautiful work! I'm just getting started making my own lures.
  13. In the last couple years here in Arizona I've read about 3 incidents of guys slipping off the side of their boat, hitting their head on the boat, and drowning as they tried to urinate over the side of the boat. No pfd's worn. I keep a 1 quart plastic mug for this purpose, then dump it out, rinse it out, and store till needed again. Much safer. Whenever my big motor is running, EVERYONE in my boat wears their pfd. Don't want to wear it? Find another boat!
  14. Can anyone direct me to any good bass and panfish fly fishing sites? Someplace with informative posts and good folks? You know, like bassresource.com.
  15. Nice fish. Thanks for the photos. How swift is the current? I'm thinking perhaps a float tube outfit or a single seat pontoon.
  16. I keep mine in their original bags inside the zip lock bags of my BPS soft plastics binder.
  17. That's awesome! When I was a teenager my Grandparent's house was on Cypress Creek, brackish creek/canal in Ft. Lauderdale. The fresh water lock was @ a mile upstream from their house. I caught largrmouth, snook, even jack crevelle from the bridge next to their house. Great memories.
  18. I agree; this is a standard night fishing lure, tried and true.
  19. BPS sells one that is almost exactly the same. I have one in my S-10 Blazer.
  20. Here in the desert it's over 110 degrees during the day in the summer.I just can't take that, so my summer time fishing trips are over nighters. I do a lot more surface fishing at night. I also catch sunfish before dark and use them for flathead catfish bait over night. Love tangling with big flatties!
  21. As long as there is no structural damage, fiberglass cloth and resin over the entire cracked area. I'd go up the sides a few inches as well. Apply resin, then the cloth. Smooth it out. Apply a few more coats of resin. You should be good to go. Home Depot sells fiberglass cloth and resin.
  22. According to Berkeley, ultra violet light is the enemy of mono. When stored away from uv light it should last a long time. However, as stated in an earlier post, it is inexpensive, so why chance it? I replace mine every spring.
  23. Problem? What problem? If I had the money, I'd have the same "problem".
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