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Everything posted by zbass

  1. Another thing on the soft plastic frogs. You can let them sink after a miss. Used to throw a weightless flipin' tube as a frog and would have a greatly increased hook up ratio. The soft plastic frogs are the same way. There are days where they prefer one frog over the other and other days where flippin' is the way to go. You did what a lot of people, including myself, would have done.
  2. That's a good one.
  3. Getting in the "split" is a fact of life when fishing pads. Some lures come thru better than others. The first thing I do is flip, flip, flip. Then I will flip some more. I do throw frogs and such every now and then, but my passion around pads is flippin'. One thing I do use 100% of the time in pads is Stealth braid. It acts as weedeater string when under tension. You can also get your bait back if it is stuck in the "split".
  4. I am all for fish care. That is why when I swing a fish, i aim for the passenger seat. the fish doesn't hit the carpet and the co-angler can go home smelling like fish too! Really, I take as good of care of the fish as I can. I am not a biologist or anything so I just use common sense. I have a fish care net and it gets used.
  5. Welcome, new here myself
  6. I would pay that for a spinnerbait tha I have a better chance of getting back than maybe say, oh, a lucky craft. :'(
  7. Welcome, new here myself. How close to Bristol are you?
  8. Welcome, new here myself.
  9. We've had snow and ice since Thanksgiving. #$%$%%^&&*
  10. Thanks guys. Kind words. The only water these are going to see around here is in the bath tub. Ice is here.
  11. Was tinkering out in the man cave today and came up with this. Tell me what you think. Good or bad. Zbass
  12. Happy Thanksgiving Be thankful for all we have. Sometimes it is easy to not be aware of what we have been given. It only takes a second to be reminded when life seems short. I want to thank God for a second chance! I want to thank my wife for all she does and puts up with! I want to thank our service men and women for their sacrifice and duty! Zbass
  13. Try a couple of steel shot from a shotgun shell. They will gove you weight and a rattle. Zbass
  14. Just try not to use them in water that have toothy critters. They work!!!!! What size did you get? I have both the larger and smaller sizes. I personally like the larger size better. With little twiches, you can see the water coming out the back side. With practice you can get the bait to walk also. They are some good lures. Keep them. zbass
  15. Me and my buddies do the "dollar" game also. The bad thing is for the first fish they always make me ask them when my pole is out of the water. Too many times I have burned them when I feel a bite and say "dollar for first fish?"
  16. I have heard it called the "kill dot". It is suposed to give the fish something to aim at. There have been studies showing that a bass will ignore a bait without one. I have caught fish on baits without one, but a whole lot more fish with one. Try an experiment. Throw a bait without one and then out one on it with a Sharpie. I did that and found some interesting results. Lets just say almost all of my baits have one in one color or another. P.S. Nice baits Big M!!
  17. The 1/4 goes about 2.5-3.5 feet. They are great baits around the rocks and rip rap. Deflect very well. Have a loud rattle. They have fairly thin sides so don't smack the water to get weeds off. Learned the hard way :'(
  18. What is your series called? Do you have a website or anything? Why not pool 13?
  19. I use hot plates, Lee's pot and a presto pot. The Lee's pots for plastic and lead are different. the lead pot will scorch plastic in no time. For small amounts you can use the micro or hot plates. I have three single burner hot plates set up so I can do either three colors at the same time or run concurrent batches one after the other. The Lee's pot will give you more time and the amount of plastic you can use will be greater also. The Presto pots are a larger production type deal. They may be a little large for you if you don't want to pour 20oz at a time. Hope that helps. Zbass
  20. Count me in about Mayish. Sounds like a cool thing to do.
  21. R.C. 1.5 at BPS. Can't go wrong!
  22. Lurecraft Delmart bobstackleshack Plaster of paris and make your own. Just some ideas
  23. I have seen both sides of the fence also. There is good and bad times. "Get the net" is exciting to hear from your partner o those long days. It keeps both people involved in the "team concept". Draw tournys are a different story. i will net my partner for the day's fish but I tell him that I will let him know if I need it. Nothing worse that to have that winning fish at the boat only to have it "stabbed off" :'(
  24. I was an observer in the old elite 50 trail a couple of times. It was a great learning experience but, not worth it anymore and definatley not when its nasty :
  25. Most of the Fishers of men trails have one. You may try to contact the director for your area and take a look at that. Where does your trail fish at mostly? I was born in eastern IA. on the mighty mississippi. Zbass
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