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Everything posted by spothogg

  1. Hey spothogg, What areas do you fish? Nothing specific, just wondering if we may have crossed paths before. Sadly, my boat hasn't seen much action yet this year (truck problems) so I feel your pain with time on the water!!!! I fish Frederick and Washington County's in a bright red jet rig.
  2. May take a Family trip in the next couple years, And wouldn't mind catching a few smallies when I'm there, what time of the year is best for over all numbers, with a few nice one's mixed in. What is the fishing like. what tactic's would you suggest. I'm a sponge so lets have it. PM me if you like. P.S. I will be fishing from a jet drive rig.
  3. Hello, I fish the UP from a jet. It's been a slow summer so far. Wife had ankle surgery first of July and I have been cook, house keeper and sitter for a month now.
  4. Two ?'s . I'm looking for a good depth finder, I mainly fish shallow rivers, but will fish some lakes. what should I look for. what angle trnsdcr. dual angle? High def, how many watts. I'v never owned one as you can tell. What make is best or better. can you have two trnsdsr's hooked to one unit. I am thinking of using the cooks tackle system for my bags of tubes worms, well most of my plastics. anyone using this system. I'm worried about stuff melting. I know you can take it out but that kinda defeats the purpose or convenience. Thanks
  5. Going to add that to the list of things to do in Hawaii! if I ever get there.
  6. Nice looking jigs, -Spot
  7. Looking for a way to store my rule on a hatch/ storage door. seen some of the pro's with it there. Was wondering what they use. It looks like it slides in and out of somthing? Thanks
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