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Everything posted by Danonboat

  1. My friend went to retrieve a lure for his little brother when they were kids. When he stepped into the pond a snapper bit his pinky toe and almost took it off. He still has the toe but he doesn't touch fish or go in anything other than his pool. I'm not quite sure of the relation from touching fish and the turtle but he claims its there. All I know is he is scared of going overboard and I take his fish off the lure for him.
  2. I made a tiller handle extension out of some tubing, old speaker stand and some various connectors including a quick release air compressor fitting. It works better in a fixed position..
  3. It is a problem you can probably fix yourself. There are multiple seals and gaskets that could be the problem. But you should just replace them all. Post a messeage on the link I attached below. You will have a parts diagram and anything else you need within a couple minutes depending on the time of day. you can get a seal kit for around 20 bucks at NAPA. If you dont like working on stuff I am sure you can take it in but this time of year I would just try doin it yourself. You could build a pressure tester using a lower unit oil fill screw and connect it to a air compressor at 5-7lb of pressure and spray soapy water on the lower unit to see where it is leaking from. But replacing all the seals should be done as well. Good luck and like I said post on the link below and you will get detailed help. http://www.aomci.org/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?board=askamember
  4. Thanks for posting. I am going to attempt this in the near future..
  5. If you post a wanted ad here I bet you'll get a response fairly quick and for a lot cheaper than an after market. Good luck http://www.aomci.org/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?board=Webvertize
  6. Let me know how it goes I've wanted to do the same thing!
  7. If you post your question here you'll get a quick accurate answer . They will even post the lower end parts diagram if you ask http://www.aomci.org/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?board=askamember
  8. The float inside the carb bowl is probably stuck or bent. I would get a carb kit for it. It may even come with a new float. Gotta love garage sales 30 bucks is a good deal. A carb kit shouldn't be more than 20 bucks. It may be smart to replace the impeller as well if that motor uses one. I don't know anything about gamefisher. Good luck..
  9. Nice to see another older fiberglass boat being restored. I did one this winter and it was really a great experience. It looks like you are taking your time and doing it right!! Enjoy the process. Hope you have something to fish from in the meantime
  10. Well I saw the other guy doing the fiberglass project so I figured I post the last pics of my glass boat. I ended up putting both batteries upfront under the trolling motor and the charger under the casting deck floor. Already had it out this year and the weight is no problem up front. Very stable maybe even more stable with the added weight of a second battery and the decking wood. Kinda created a ballast. I think if it was aluminum I may have had weight issues upfront. The glass boat is heavy I think it takes more to unbalance it.
  11. I have done it in the 40's. Probably not smart but who wants to lay carpet in the nice weather when you can fish. It worked fine. I would just keep the glue inside until your ready to use it so it goes on smooth. I think the cold weather just slows down the curing process. JMO
  12. Go to the car stereo section of your local box store or stereo shop. They will have 50 amp fuse blocks and fuses.
  13. For people who use tiller bow mounts which style extension is preferred. The two or three options are either the type that attach to the tiller handle itself and either are fixed or swivel. Or the third option being the "big Foot" handle that mounts to the tiller shaft and only helps in steering not in throttle control. I have the big foot foot on/off switch. But is it worth having the throttle control style for further speed control. Any brand recommendations are also welcome. .
  14. Depending on the year and make the following link maybe very helpful. It basically walks you through doing a whole tune up on a older evinrude, Even if your motor is newer the basics haven't changed to much in the smaller motors. Check out the article on reviving a 15hp. The basic concepts are the same going right up to 40hp. Very straight fwd easy to understand articles. http://www.duckworksmagazine.com/06/columns/max/articles.htm
  15. I need to figure out where to place the batteries and charger. My initial idea was both batteries under the bow and charger under the front platform. Then a couple people suggested that would be to heavy. I think they were right. But the problem is i planned that from the beginning so now I am a little painted in a corner. Then I was going to put them behind each seat. But man that takes up a ton of space. I have these cedar boxes I am planning on using for battery boxes. Where I am at now is shown in the pictures. The battery and charger under the bow and one battery in the middle back. I really want the cooler and gas can where they are but I am open to ideas. The seats are on pins so once I arrive at my spot we'll pick the seats up from the driving position (where they are in the pic) put one on a pin base/pedestal on the front deck and one where i have it in the picture (middle back not yet installed). Thats what I am thinking but any ideas are welcome. I wish there wasn't ice everywhere or I would just test it out. My 2 major concerns are all the batteries in the back it will be tough to plane off and too much up front I'll be off balance when i fish alone.
  16. Oh man that little lady on the back is a 1956 Evinrude 30hp. She is my girl. We have had huge fights but in the end we still love each other. And I am using a cable-over-sheave (pulley) system for steering. It use to run down both sides but now I am going to rig it just down the starbird side. I am trying to keep it as much of the vintage as possible. 50's era with some modern fishing gear. And I am happy that I got the evinrude trolling motor. I love the rudes!! Here is the link were I saw how to run that sheathing down one side. http://www.duckworksmagazine.com/03/columns/max/05/part2.htm
  17. Hey I just checked out your boat. DAng you did all that in 6 hours. Nice!!My brother always told me I was slow ;D. I have been workin since fall. But I do have a newborn so that'll be my excuse. Enjoy your boat I have a couple months till the ice breaks. .
  18. Well I am glad to hear you enjoy yours. Most modified fishing yaks you see on the net are sit on top so I just figured that was the way to go. And I am happy about being able top stay dry easier. Living in upsate NY I would have had to wait longer to get out and fish if I was going to get wet quicker. CAn't wait for ice out!!
  19. Really? I'm glad you told me that. So then you have to run all that 6 gauge wire up to the front obviously. Man I was really hoping to hide those buggers in there. How if I found lower profile batteries and put them on the floor under the console area on either side of the boat? It wouldn't be so close to the tip of the bow and the weight would be lower and more balanced. Think that would be good enough? I just hate to have to run all the wire up front and I was hoping to build in a cooler in the back. I already picked up the big foot and plan on grabbin an extension arm as well.Thanks
  20. Well I have gotten some more work done. I also just scored a bow mount evinrude trolling motor 43lb thrust for 75 bucks. Its a tiller but i don't care its in great shape. Its 12/24v and I really want to run 2 batteries and maybe even an onboard charger. But its a small boat. My goal is to get both batteries under the bow cover where the troller mounts. But it will be a tight fit. Are there good ways to secure the batteries with little space? They wont fit under the platform. I may mount the charger under there.? Next pics hopefully she will be painted and carpeted.
  21. No you are not crazy. The kid told me it was a sit on top when I asked him. But when he showed up it was the sit in you see. i was dissapointed but still did the trade. :'( The thing was in new condition and i figure it will get the job done. I dont think he lied he just didnt know what I was talkin about.
  22. That is great to hear. Thanks for the quick response. I don't know what a battery interconnect is but i'm sure a google search can help me. Thanks again
  23. I picked up a 12/24v evinrude trolling motor today. Very nice shape . It came with the manual and it says it must run off of two batteries. I have a small boat and want to run my electronics off of one of those two batteries. Is this possible? Or do I need a third battery to run 12v accessories. Why would they give you a switch for 12 or 24 v when either way you have to use 2 batteries?? Thanks Dan
  24. I don't know about the bent shaft he didnt post any pics unfortunatly. Also I guess I never even knew there was a voltage difference among trolling motors. I have always just had a basic 12v transom mount. If it is 24v do I then have to use 2 batteries. Because right now I just have one that I use for both my depthfinder and the trolling motor. I wouldn't mind getting another if that were the case. . Thanks
  25. Anybody know much about evinrude trolling motors. I am mid way through a 14ft boat mod and I am looking at a 1997 42lb 42" evinrude bow mount hand steering trolling motor. The guy said he has only used it four times because he took it off to put a different one on. (probably foot controlled). I am not concerned with the hand tiller. New addition in the family so money is a main reason for this. The guy is only asking 75$. Thanks for any tips. It is an hour drive to this guys place and I just happened to be going there today to ice fish at my buddies. So i will erase this post before I leave. Thanks Dan
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