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Everything posted by SoFl-native

  1. Used to love that canal. Fished it a ton back when i lived down there. Would drive right past the other 'L' and the other boats and keep going over the dike to that little gem.
  2. This is a bass forum. No trolling allowed.
  3. yeah that was the word of mouth big fish tourny. Bruce probably knows what won it. I couldnt fish it and am glad based on your report.
  4. Peacocks have made their way north from transplanting but mostly from migrating. A peacock released in the c-100 system in Miami could make it all the way north to west palm via canals and culverts. As the population grew fish kept heading north looking for fresh territory with no competition. Years of warm winters allowed them to make it all the way to PBC.
  5. 31 when i got in my car @ 8am.
  6. I couldnt believe the water temp. I was thinking 60 or so but 53 sat morning at the ramp was a bummer. I caught 4 fish all day. 3 keepers. It sucked. somebody had some fished dialed in to catch 20+ pounds. thats impressive.
  7. water temp was 53 sat morning on the north end.
  8. Bruce i am fishing the north end saturday. Ill let you know what i find maybe it will help you down south.
  9. Didnt know you fished the Lake. launch out of Clewiston?
  10. Wow. That mush have been a hold over from last year. Based on that i would guess there were some left in osbourne too but i havent heard of any.
  11. right on! i would love to fish osbourne with you. i have a tourny in january at ida. i have some spots, but they are all down south. you show me your north spots and i'll show you my south spots. Thx guys. That fish bit @ 1:45....weigh in was 2. Bruce......That will work. PM me and we will hit it up.
  12. It was chilly sat morning on osbourne too. I thought the bite would be off. It wasnt. I caught a 6 and a 4 and weighed just under 16. Good for third. 1st had 20 pounds even with a 7.
  13. This front coming will take care of that.
  14. I picked up a Duckett micro magic 7'10" a few months ago to replace a Castaway 7'6". The duckett is a good stick. I like the addtional 4 inches. (thats what she said.. )
  15. How is the hydrilla, Steve? It was pretty matted all through the NW sections when i was there last. (also where the fish were)
  16. I by no means think that a tip is standard. I tip guides just like i would any other service. If they bust *** and really work hard then they get tipped, and tipped well. On the other hand if i ever went out with a guide who really put in a poor effort/or had a poor attitude he would be getting NO tip from me, and i wouldnt feel bad at all.
  17. The last time i was there the water was low. There was no gunning to get through that area. I would run the North canal and then come around the other side if i were you.
  18. Nice bruce. Way to turn a bad into good.
  19. Nice fish Mike. the afternoon bite is where it is at apparently. I was there saturday morning and the water temp was 65 in the morning. Caught a mess of little fish straight off. Bite got better and better as the day progressed. Was up to 69 when i left and started to seeing good fish busting. Started catching them ripping a trap and then caught a good one on top at like noon and missed another. I ran from Southern and was on the flats way on the west end. Caught 20 maybe but most were small. Great day and the power pole got used a lot in that wind. Couple pics:
  20. Good fish. Planning on hitting lox this weekend.
  21. What was the winning weight? I was going to fish but had a work obligation. I fished sunday. Bite came on later in the day.
  22. There is a park right on the lake with a double ramp. It is six bucks to launch on the weekend. free during the week. I forget the name. Some spanish guys name. It is on google maps on the South side. oh and btw there are def tarpon in blue lagoon. I have jumped many and caught a few.
  23. pretty decent little cool front coming this weekend. Thursday/friday are looking good.
  24. yeah the c-100 has that crazy blue/green water. REALLY clear. you could see bottom in 12 feet. You could see midas ciclids from like 30 feet. haha The peacocks in there have the most brilliant colors i have seen.
  25. He absolutley freaks out when i let him come. 4:30 am and he is running circles around the truck and boat like he is on crack. then he sleeps under the console all day. lil ba$t@rd
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