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Everything posted by SMfisher

  1. we have success using jitterbugs but we are fishing in a river. black is the best all around color in the 5/8 size. we also use yellow, chartuse, white with red head, and frog color. we just have to keep on trying different colors untill we find what they like the best.
  2. congrats J Francho!!
  3. pictures of my two trucks. the Dodge is used for pulling the boat and long trips. the Ford is used for fishing, Hunting and everyday use. the license on the yellow truck says SMFISHN the one on the dodge says HEMI 05.
  4. nice bass. wife and i have made that same fishing trip but its been a few years ago after we moved out of state we have not been back to Bluestone River.
  5. I voted just like pizza, the two pizza chains that i like are in wv haven't found one near where i live now. they are Gino's and Giovanni's. I make my own pizza couple times a week, have been making my own a little over 30 years.
  6. sorry for your loss Fishing Rhino. i have two dogs of my own and dread the day that i will lose one of them. i take them fishing with me almost every day. we have so much fun even with small fish.
  7. here is my plate
  8. last year fishing for smallmouth caught a 41" muskie on 6lb test line. this year so far have caught 5 muskie the biggest being 39" all on 6lb line. had one today try to take my smallmouth, glad it changed its mind would hate to have injured the smallie, the muskie just stayed 10 feet in front of me for about 5 minutes my wife even waded to where i was at and got a good look at the muskie.
  9. for the river report below the Bluestone Dam at Hinton you can call 1(304)466-0156 2.5 gates open is the best fishing at Hinton i use to fish at Hinton every weekend.
  10. one of my favorite moments is when the SM jump, when they jump at night you can tell by the sound of the splash if the fish is a big one.
  11. want the Celtics to win but i see the Lakers taking it in 6
  12. great story and nice looking SM
  13. fireballs or other hard candy and water if i'm only fishing a few hours, if i plan on fishing 4 hours or more i take a honey peanut butter on flat wheat bread and water
  14. a friend and I were fishing friday night he was throwing a 5/8 oz yellow which i didn't have, he was catching more fish i tried 5 other colors all 5/8 oz including the black he still caught more fish that night. the next trip who knows what color will work best just have to keep trying till you get the one that works.
  15. jitterbugs, we use different colors depends on the water and how light or dark of a night it is.
  16. black jitterbug 2x
  17. nice report. great pictures, looks like you guys had a good time in spite of the weather and the river not being low and clear.
  18. you guys have any pictures? the water was probably still up a little. i was wade fishing today without my waders and the water seemed a little cold for this time of year.
  19. great post and pictures.
  20. the river is clearing up a little also going down (slowly). talked to a reliable source today he said they were releaseing water every 4 hours for something that was going on down river. the little river and little river dam just below the claytor lake dam is still up and stained. fishing was tough today i was the only one wade fishing, there was a few in boats and 3 fishing from the bank, did catch a small muskie (31") and 15 bass 1 redeye the biggest bass was 16". was hard to get my bait deep enough where i wanted it, the current was to swift. was out in the middle and talked to a fisherman in a boat he said there was 7 of them in 5 boats hadn't caught anything today but yesterday they caught 3 muskie and 2 good size bass. they were fishing near whitethorn yesterday. was using flukes and white spinner baits. if we got no more rain the water should be a lot better by saturday. forgot to say what i was using, i used a 5" black senko also green pumpkin with black seeds also in 5", used a jig with ragetail craw caught most of my fish on the jig. caught the muskie on the black senko. tried a few other thing but kept going back to the jig or senko.
  21. welcome.
  22. went by the upper end of clator lake today it wasn't clear and up a little. has rained most of the day don't know what north carolina has gotten. crossed the river at radford the water was still up and slightly muddy (to high for me to fish). thursday might be the last day i could look at the river i'm going to Petersburg friday.
  23. welcome
  24. SMfisher


  25. welcome to BR!!
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