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Everything posted by eatnsleepfishing

  1. Can anyone tell me if a Merc prop will fit a Yamaha if they are the same HP
  2. I custom ordered a 2009 Skeeter and shipping was 190.00 from TX to MO.I don't know if its the same every where or based on where I live.
  3. I bought a sponsorship certificate for 17,000 and got to order color and options I wanted but had to pay 605.00 for the options and shipping.Dealer did not make a dime on it but had to be shipped to them.I can't complain about the price so I don't mind buying batteries.Its would retail for about 25000.Thanks for the help
  4. Any ideas on what batteries would be best for this boat? 2009 Skeeter 190SX 150HPDI and has 70Lb 24 volt Minn trolling moter. I picked up my new Skeeter yesterday but didn't come with batteries.There are so many to pick from.Pro guide sponsors a lot of the tournaments I fish but still don't know what size or brand to get for the boat I have.Of corse the dealer wanted to sell me the $130.00 jobs.Thanks for your help
  5. Would this include the 4750.00 I just sent for entry fees?
  6. I went out this last Sunday and the water temp is at 55 but going down every day.I'm still catching bass very shallow but they are changing from Large mouths to Kentucky bass.Large mouths are starting to move out to main lake points and bluff ends.I have a tournament this Sat. I will let you know what the temp and how I do.I'm using Shakey Head and Football jigs and Square bill Bagley.We have tournaments all winter long here but you do see the total weight for the day go down as the water cools down.
  7. In our Central Pro Am we do not have enough co-anglers so some pros do not have anyone to net for them so rules are (NET YOUR OWN FISH).
  8. I leave all rear storage for the coangler.I have a good idea of what we will be doing and don't need a whole boat full of tackle.Most coanglers bring a helmet and that alone takes most of 1 box.Hope you draw some good pro side anglers that will work with you and good luck.
  9. Triple R Rods here in MO just built a 8' swim bait rod for me.If your interested I can PM you the phone # .He builds with Loomis blanks if thats what you want or has 1 other brand thats a little cheaper but only has 1 year warnt where Loomis is life time.
  10. Thanks guys I will try the clinch knot.I'm sure its breaking at the knot.After the line breaks you can see the little curl at the end where it went through the lure eye.
  11. That is what I use and I make sure the loop is above the main knot. Thanks
  12. Chunk rock and ceder trees.I use a 5/16 head and a 5 1/4 Senko.
  13. I have been using 12-15 LB Seaguar fluorocarbon to fish a shakey head but have had trouble breaking line on hook set.I have new rods that are 7' MH and got along fine till fish moved up shallow the last couple weeks.I have lost several fish from this.What is your guys take on this and what should I go to next?I fish in MO. Table Rock most but very clear water. Thanks for your help
  14. If that don't work let me know I might have one
  15. Here on Table Rock in MO that spoon can be deadly flipping it up in boat docks.If you find a dock that is 35' deep or more out on the end try it.I use a 3/4 oz white War Eagle.Flip it in there and just a few jerks and move on to next stall.I flip it right over boat lifts and all.Give it a try and let me know if it works for ya.
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