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About Btech

  • Birthday 12/31/1985

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  • Location
    Winnemucca, Nevada

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  1. Ok figured some of it out and am now stuck on the Sacramento river trying to catch Striped bass, I can catch 2 - 3 in an hour but never get better than 14th - Any sugestions.
  2. Finally! I found Bass ... and although the trip was short, I caught 2! total weight probably less than half a pound (IDK) lol but it was fun. I did alot of research and the closest thing to Winnemucca was 1.5 hours away in Denio Junction called Dufferina ponds, and finaly after casting on my Quantum UL, 4lb with a cheep walmart 1/8 oz jig caught my first Northen Nevada Bass on the first cast! I know to everyone this sounds lame but its been over a year and finaly have a place to go to - after 40 bucks in gas, hours of packing, setting up camp and 30 degree weather, I caught TWO! Anyone who needs help locating Bass in Northen Nevada please contact me Via PM
  3. B dozer you are absolutly right with out my gerber on my hip I'm lost I don't need my wallet when I got tools to get the job done Fire thanks please give me a pm or call sometime well have to catch up And wow I'm shocked so far gerber is the number one answer I thought for sure leatherman would be. I used to be a fan of leatherman but a buddy got me a gerber and I abused the heck out of it as a mechanic it broke (when I used it as a chisle) and gerber not only sent me a new one but a updater and better tool. Ill stick with my gerber for life. Now if they could make a sheeth as tough as the multi tool.
  4. Hey guys, I have always caried a Gerber Deisel: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=gerber+diesel+multi-plier&psj=1&wrapid=tlif12900540649121&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=873202082664279324&ei=xankTLCDDIaisQPhnKjxCA&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CDoQ8wIwAw#scoring=p (Wow Biger Link than i though) I have this thing on my hip Day and Night and have never realized how handy it is for fishing. Its got a File, Sisors, pliers and more. Just wondering what you all use in your boat / Bag. I know most of you will post Leathermans lol. I stuck with Gerber. Share your thoughts.
  5. May be a good idea to raise money for the site. Id buy a set for my truck and boat.
  6. May be a good idea to raise money for the site. Id buy a set for my truck and boat.
  7. May be a good idea to raise money for the site. Id buy a set for my truck and boat.
  8. Hahahaha sorry I don't mean to laugh but it reminds me of the 4th annual roadtrip. We were given a set of jj s and told what ever you do, do not spill it in your boat. Well my buddy scott didn't spill it in the boat thankfully I had just replaced the carpet. Instead he put it in his bag that got litterally thrown into the back of the truck. Upon returning to our hotell room we wondered why the kitchen was using so much garlic.... a few hours later firefighting15 icemanspd and I nearly admited ourselves to the hospital all 4 bottles broke and sloshed all over a bag ! Needless to say I don't think any of us will touch garlic bread again! Goodluck removing. The smell the bag still smells 2 years later aned its been washed 100 times with scent lock.
  9. Ya know regardless of who is "Right" in this I'm just glad to see someone still sending a letter to the company explaining why they are upset (or happy) for that matter. Not many people take the time to do so anymore. They would have just said to Heck with it and found a new place to shop. I think if you like the company and their products, than its not wrong for you to express your concerns and fight to get a lower price or explanation. I cant wait to see how they reply. I had a similar experience with Berkley, they ended up sending me a ton of promo stuff and coupons to fix our problem, so i stuck with them. Good luck. I hope you get the results your looking for.
  10. How do we know if we arent getting them something they alredy have?
  11. Id say SI as well, but im surprized no one said " Google Earth " / Similar Programs. Its not quite fishing, and i know its been out a while, but look how many are using it for fishing benifits. A topic of SI photos would be cool - Ill look and see if we have one if not we should make one.
  12. Id say SI as well, but im surprized no one said " Google Earth " / Similar Programs. Its not quite fishing, and i know its been out a while, but look how many are using it for fishing benifits. A topic of SI photos would be cool - Ill look and see if we have one if not we should make one.
  13. Id say SI as well, but im surprized no one said " Google Earth " / Similar Programs. Its not quite fishing, and i know its been out a while, but look how many are using it for fishing benifits. A topic of SI photos would be cool - Ill look and see if we have one if not we should make one.
  14. What would be really nice is if these companys made an "App" For your blackberry or Android Smart Phone, Everyone Send them Emails until they do lol.
  15. What would be really nice is if these companys made an "App" For your blackberry or Android Smart Phone, Everyone Send them Emails until they do lol.
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