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Bass Dude

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Everything posted by Bass Dude

  1. Do a search, there are a lot of posts on here about how and what you need for pouring. Also, check out tackleunderground. They are a sight dedicated to lure building.
  2. That's a sweet looking ride Jig Man. I don't own a Champion, but I've always heard good things about them.
  3. X2---the most important thing is to keep the slack in the line. Use quick pops of your rod tip and get it to the point where when you pop your rod your just tightening up the slack and pulling the bait slightly. It's hard to explain, but I hope this helps. Also....trim the legs. Go on the Spro website, they have videos of Rojas giving tips on fishing it.
  4. It's hard to tell from the picture....but the weeds look very brown. I always look for the greener stuff. The decaying weeds remove oxygen from the water. That along with warm shallow water does not make for good habitat for the fish. Not all weedbeds hold fish...this may be one of those spots! It might not be your lure selection, it may be that the fish aren't there.
  5. Try contacting your fish and game department. They should be able to give you an idea of stocking info or what type of fish are in the various ponds. They should also be able to tell you if they are on state/public land.
  6. You are way off on your opinion of trolling. It involves a lot of skill and technique. First, you still have to find the fish, just as you would casting. Secondly, you have all the same variables in presentation such as lure selection, lure speed, wind speed, depth, etc. Last, but not least, you need very precise boat control. In some ways, it is a way more complex way of fishing than casting. Go salmon fishing on the Great Lakes and see how involved it is...you will find a new appreciation for what goes into a successful trolling trip. If you aren't catching anything it isn't much fun, but neither is casting for 10 hours a day without getting bit!!
  7. GAS POWERED AUGER!!!!!!!!! Once you drill a couple holes with a hand auger you will sell your first born for a gas powered one. Trust me...you will be drilling A LOT of holes!! Also, a clam or some kind of shelter...the worst part of ice fishing is that brutal wind chill. Anything to keep the wind off of you is worth the $$$.
  8. Like the others said...when the water starts cooling and the fish start following the bait, it will be on again for 'the rig'.
  9. I find they go into the newly flooded cover after the water comes up. Also, the rain will muddy up the water so find the new cover along with the clearest water and you should have some success.
  10. My skunk remedy.....a few Miller Lites and start up the BBQ!! It's actuall the same thing I do when I catch 'em
  11. I hear this decribed a lot with frog fishing, and always found it kind of funny! If you really think about it...this is true of every lure you throw. They are either killing it, you get a few fish, or you don't catch anything.
  12. I use the popper more than the "original". I think the fish can find it in the mats better with the noise it creates. I have found that they don't miss the popper as much as they miss the bronzeye. Also, as the other poster said, it also walks easier than the bronzeye.
  13. I haven't used the Duckett rods, but a few guys in my club use them. Nothing but rave reviews. As far as the combination of a good price and quality....they say there isn't a better rod out there. I think you will be happy with your purchase.
  14. Where did this idea start?? A hook will rust because it's underwater. It takes a long time for this to happen and even longer to rust to the point where it would break. The fish does not have any magic metal dissolving fluids. I will stand corrected if there is any scientific proof of a fish's digestive tract has the ability to dissolve metal.
  15. Saw these online. Supposed to go throught the thick stuff better than traditional bullet weights. Anyone use these....opinions??
  16. Saw the articles about the man that jumped from the brink of outer space, check it out and see all the numbers. Amazing!!! And...he wants to do one even higher, where he should break the sound barrier. He would be the first man to do that without being in a vehicle of any type.
  17. I would put on a 1 to 1.5 ounce bullet weight along with a plastic bait and punch right into that stuff. Especially if the sun is out...they will bury themselves in that stuff. Sometimes weeds CAN be too think. When you punch the grass and get through that top layer, you should feel it go smoothly to the bottom. That means there is some room underneath the mat and thats what I find the fish hold to the best. If you punch it in and it keeps hitting grass while it's falling...I usually find that it doesn't hold fish. It's hard to explain...easier to feel by trial and error. The fish love the grass, but the trick is finding the "right grass". I think that's where people get frustrated..just because there is grass..doesn't always mean there is fish in it.
  18. If I can, I sometimes cut the hook off at the bend. It will still leave the barb and a bit of the hook in the fish, but it won't have that huge hook left in its mouth.
  19. I've put styrofoam into the body of the tube, that works pretty well. I do it when using them on the back of carolina rigs.
  20. I would Texas Rig it...I usually use a 4/0 straight shank hook. As far as weight...1/8 would work, if you have a lot of grass, you may have to go heavier to get it through the cover.
  21. I was just looking at the launch pictures from the BASS Northern Open. It shows Cliff Pirch launching his boat and the tow vehicle.......a UHAUL truck. Anyone know the story behind that??
  22. Why do people seem so scared of the moderators?? A gentleman wrote a very good post, but he started it out by saying he hopes the moderators don't close the thread or give him a warning. I have also seen other posts that have a comment similar to this. I could be wrong and in the minority, but the threads that I've seen closed....I would agree with the mods and them locking the threads. Also, I don't believe they give out warnings without valid reasons. Just curious why people seem to be so tentative....I don't think they can take your birthday away...can they?? ...and no I am not brown nosing!!
  23. My favorite flippin' tubes are the Yum Vibra-king 4". For the smaller tubes I don't have a preference.
  24. X2 Totally agree...the other difference in other brands are very subtle differences in shape. Tungsten is tungsten!
  25. Not sure the exact time frame it takes for bass to get darker. But the lighter fish in the grass usually means that they have recently moved into that cover. The lighter colored bass are usually from deeper water or haven't been in the weeds for very long. As far as them being on the bottom. It's very common for them to hold on bottom or close to the bottom, especially after a cold front.
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