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Bass Dude

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Everything posted by Bass Dude

  1. X2..I grabbed a load of those when Yum put them out. Still got a bunch and use them a bunch. They are a good drop shot bait.
  2. I'm too scared to call in to go fishing. I always think something bad will happen 'cause I lied to go fishing. I'm lucky though, I can just tell them I'm going fishing and get the day off!!
  3. There was a 40 pound limit caught here (Chickamauga) this past February. A couple weeks later same guys got a high thirty, I think it was around 38-39. The lake has been on fire this year. Lots of 10+ lbs. caught this spring too.
  4. I don't know if anyone has seen this new crankbait online, but take a look. I think it's hogwash!!! It's one crankbait with the look of three baitfish inside. They say it's supposed to represent a bait ball. I don't think a bass can tell at all that there are three "baitfish" in that bait. All they see is the color flash by them. I think to them it would look the same as any other crank they've seen. I think this is the proverbial, "catches more fisherman not fish" bait. Let me know your opinion.
  5. We all seem to be in agreement on the fact we would use what it takes to win. I don't have any issues with that. But I think it effects the credibility of the pros when they say they are using one thing but are really using something else. As on of the other posters said...just say you used a crankbait. Don't say that you caught them on a Strike King if you got them on a Lucky Craft.
  6. This may be a stupid question, but....is the ICAST show open to the public or is it a "fishing industry people" thing?
  7. Bass Dude


    I make my own jigs and was wondering what the differences are between my jigs and the ones Seibert puts out. I have the same heads they use, I use high quality Owner Deep Throat jig hooks, I use the same skirt materials they use, I wire tie all the skirts and I powder paint the heads. Other than colors I was wondering what the other differences may be. I don't mean any disrespect to Siebert as they make a great product. As a lure maker I want to know what sets certain lures apart, so I can get better at the craft. I am only using Siebert as an example because I know a lot of you use them and I can see the similarities between their jigs and mine.
  8. I do understand the reality of the business. But I don't care what underwear Jordan wears...I still think it's BS!! If there's no tooth fairy who the heck took my tooth!!
  9. I don't have an issue with them using other stuff at all. I would use whatever it took to win as well. What I do have a problem with is the lie. I don't think anyone limits themselves to one brand either because of what the pros do. When they say they're using a SK square bill and you go out and buy 50 of them, then realize they wacked them on a LC square bill...that's kind of messed up!
  10. I find it interesting to see that pros don't always use their sponsors product, but say they do anyway. For instance, I was at a BASS tourney and was spying on everyone's lures as they pulled out of the water. I saw a guy who is supposed to live and breath all things Strike King, have nothing but Lucky Craft cranks tied on. Just today, another website was showing what the winner of the FLW Chickamauga tourney used with his umbrella rig, and the caption read that he used Zoom swimming flukes. The picture they showed, you could tell those were NOT Zoom baits. Don't get duped people. Use what you like and don't listen to what they say about the lures they use!!
  11. Just curious if anyone still throws these. They used to be very productive, but I haven't thrown them in a long time. Just found some in my garage, I think I'm going to give them a try.
  12. Length of cast is also a HUGE factor in diving depth. A lot of guys are saying they like the slower retrieve because it helps them fish the lure slower. I fish shallow cranks pretty fast, that is why I like the faster (faster than 4 or 5 to 1) gear ratio. Also, I find it easier to slow down with a fast reel, than try to speed up my retrieve using a slow reel. As with all fishing, we all have our personal preferences.
  13. I would stay with the 12 pound. Since your not deep cranking, the twelve should do you just fine. Plus, as you said, it will be better for fishing around the brush and rocks. As far as the gear ratio...for shallow cranks, I wouldn't use a reel that slow. The low gear ratio is more for deep cranking as it lessens the torque produced by the the deep bill and eliminates fatigue. It doesn't necessarily keep it deeper longer. For deep crankin', I would use 10 and slower gear ratio reel.
  14. I second that on trimming. Sometimes you want that slower fall too. That longer skirt will give you that option.
  15. Actually, they are comparable. If you lived in Tennessee when the rig stuff started you would know how foggy the unbrella rig rules can be. Even the game wardens down here would give you different answers regarding what was legal when it came to what could be used on the umbrella rigs. Regardless, it wasn't the rule that got him busted. It was BP. It was a mistake, we ALL agree it wasn't done intentionally, and I don't think there will be any huge ramifications from his DQ. But I do think that BASS isn't the one to blame in this and I don't think they should be choosing tournament sites based on the laws and regs. On a side note---Joe Balog wrote a blog about this on another site. He is a very good writer and gives a great perspective on all things bass fishing.
  16. It seems that everyone is blaming BASS for choosing this tourney location for the reason BP got dq'd. If I'm not mistaken, he was the only one that had this problem. FLW goes to areas where the rules for the umbrella rig are varied and sometimes very hard to understand, yet those anglers are able to fish without getting DQ'd. The rule may be stupid, but BASS shouldn't determine a fishing location based on what the fishing regs are. In NY waters, you can't use lead weights under a certain weight...should BASS not fish Oneida or St.Lawrence because of this.
  17. I'm going to play the devil's advocate here. First, why do you need a sponsor? Have you fished BFL's or the Weekend Series? What are you stats in those tournaments? What do you do to get your name out there? Are you a well know "stick" on your home lake? Secondly, lots of people have caught 5 pound bass....why would creme sponsor you for catching a 5 pound bass. I see this a lot on here. Why does everyone need a sponsor?? You can buy a jersey and they will put whatever logos you want on it!!! The pros need sponsorship because it costs roughly $30K (if not more) just in entry fees. That's not including gas, hotel and all the rest of the essentials you need on the road. Go fishing....and pay for it yourself. The pros paid their dues to get their sponsors and to be where they are. They ponied up the cash and sacrificed a lot of things to reach the level they're at. Once they became successful, the sponsorships started coming in. Heck, there were stories out there at the beginning of the year about some of the pros that can't fish because they can't find sponsors. These are PROS that have experience and a resume that anyone would be proud of....and they can't find sponsors. Randy Blauket and Mary Stone are two pros that come to mind that have had to back out at one time or another because of lack sponsoships. My rant is over......just go fish. Don't worry about sponsorships.
  18. I read an article in Bassmasters about the difference between Aaron Martens/Gary Klein and Gerald Swindle and Casey Ashley in relation to organization of their tackle and modifying lures. They were saying how Aaron and Gary both spend hours fussing with tackle to get everything the way they want it after they come off the water. They said Gerald gets done fishing and doesn't touch his boat until the next day. There was a quote where G-Man said if the knot was good enough for the last cast of the day it's good enough to start the day. I'm just curious what category everyone else thinks they fall in. As for myself, I'm kind of in between. I do like to re-rig before each day or each tournament and I do like to know where my stuff is. I do modify some lures, but not others. I think I fall somewhere in between. I do like the deck of my boat as clean as possible. I saw Iaconelli's deck the other day on some BASS coverage and he has rods and lures all over the place....that would drive me bananas!!
  19. The only thing you may need is a heat gun. You will need that to melt the glue, then you can just pull the old tip off.
  20. A friend of mine has them and loves them too. The only drawback he found is that when he walked through some sloppy mud, the soles created a suction effect and drew all the mud through the hole in the sole and into the shoe. He did say they were very good on the docks....the way the bottom is made gives really good traction, even on the wet aluminum docks.
  21. Why are fisherman so concerned with having a really soft plastic, plastic craw? Last time I checked real craws were not soft. As far as action, real craws have very stiff movements as well. Just wondering....
  22. Find another club. You have to find one that fits your expectations.
  23. I did that to my unit on the bow with a 1 1/2 oz punch weight when I was trying to yank a fish from the weeds. Lost the fish and put a "bullet" hole in the screen. Like yours, the unit still works. Not worth getting it fixed.....adds character!!!
  24. I'm not knocking Shaw, I just thought there was an anchoring rule. Maybe it's FLW that has that rule, but then, like you say....Power Poles would be an issue. I would have bet money that there was a no anchor rule. Oh well....I can say it.....I was wrong!! Good research though!!
  25. I believe they are counter-weights. It balances out the weight of your rod and reel. Sometimes with a long rod, they get a little top heavy and that will eliminate that.
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