Well I was doing quite well until I lost it……..?
It was the medium bill, I think dives to 8ft or so. I caught a monster smallie on it the night before.
Thank You Sir!
Hall of Fame
norman fatboy
Baby 1 minus
smithwick or rapala suspending
zara spook
pop r
Rattle Trap
Hot n Tot
There are many variations of these plugs made by many manufactures, but I believe these are some of the hall of famers you are looking for.
Just get the avid or avid x in the same length and power you want and you will have a better rod. It will resale better if you ever want to sell it as well.
You can thin the epoxy with rubbing alcohol if you desire a thinner coat. The thinner coat of epoxy will be just as durable and may not lump in the eyes so much.
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