In an effort to share good info acquired via books, I thought it might be of value to spotlight some of them with a brief review. Feel free to add to this list with yours, so that I can learn even more.
General/beginner books
Homer Circle. Bass Wisdom great info, told interestingly w/ an index for follow-up
Freshwater Angler. Luring Largemouth Bass not as good as Circle's, but a fair intro for the newbie. Indexed.
Ken Schultz. Successful Bass Fishing Better than Luring L.M. Bass (above), about equal w/ Circle's book, however so good tips for the more experienced bassman. Indexed.
Advanced Books w/ many helpful hints:
Larry Larsen. Bass Tactics Well-done even though it's a 1992 print. Valuable tips, excellent sketches. Indexed.
Steve Price. Best Bass Tips Brief, but excellent. Good on breaking down a body of water, either seasonally or a new lake.
Steve Price. Catching Bass Like a Pro. More of the above, w/ some overlap. Covers the entire range of baits. Brief but well-done.
Mark Sosin. Field & Stream Bass Fishing Handbook.
Brief, as above, not quite as good for about the same price. Mostly drawings, rather than illustrations.
Outdoor Life. Big-Bass Secrets. Top notch tips, well worth the cost and read. Excellent layout and illustrations, but NO index.
Bob Underwood. Lunker A different concept. He spend 1700 hours underwater observing presentations to to bass. Shatters some of our long-held beliefs, e.g. line color does not matter, he says. See why. Good info as a reference. Index
Bill Murphy. In Pursuit of Gian Bass. A classic. Focuses on little used techniques, like stitching. Great on patterns discussion, different bait presentations, seasonality etc. A must !! NO index.
John Weiss. The Bass Angler's Almanac 650 tips arranged by equipment, baits, different water body fishing, etc. Well-written and valuable. Illustrations/drawings. Index. Worth the $.
Mike Folkestad & Ron Kovach. Serious Bass Fishing
Comprehensive, yet boring to read. Some tips of value found here, among the massive verbage. Not worth the time and $. No index
Bass Pro Hints Books:
North American Bass Club. Secrets of the Bass Pros
Well illustrated, well-written articles. A good tip source and reference. Indexed
Field & Stream. The World of Fishing for Largemouth Bass Similar to above. Same comments. No index, however.
Dick Sternberg. Advanced Bass Fishing More of the above two, but better illustrated and layout. Easier to pick out tips. Indexed
Tim Tucker. More!Secrets of America's Best Bass Pros With Sternberg above, this is the best of this category. Check out the last 3 chapters on Rick Clunn's seasonal system for bass location. NO index.
Gary White. Bassing with the Best. Doesn't look like much, but ten very good articles by the big names on the pro tour, followed by an extensive tips chapter. Valuable. NO index
I'd welcome any additions you all feel are worthwhile for a bass fishing library, and I hope this one assisted you in compiling the same.