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Big Bait Fishing

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Everything posted by Big Bait Fishing

  1. i use an improved clinch for pretty much everything including big swimbaits , never had a line fail at the knot , and i use the same knot on power pro braid without problem ........
  2. i use 6 lb. CXX on my 2500 size reel and it is very good , as long as i respool after a couple of trips !!!!! btw , if you want a very good option , try IZORLINE XXX in smoke color , a very managable line that has very good strenth ....
  3. for spinning reels i use and highly reccomend 6-8 # P-LINE CXX . i have been using 6 lb. CXX and the line is super strong but has to be changed out regularly , starts gaing ALOT of memory . have some 12# CXX on my INSHORE (revo) and manhandled a 11 lb. catfish yesterday with it , the stuff is crazy strong but like i said previously , the memory sucks !!!! another line i use is IZORLINE XXX , another very strong co-poly line !!! i use this for throwing swimbaits ( 25-30 lb. test ) alot more managable than the CXX , especially in higher # test like 15-30 lb. .....
  4. was wondering what guides you guys reccomend for a rod that i'm gonna make using a spiral wrap . was leaning towards using micro guides but changed my mind . i now am gonna use smaller double-footed guides .was looking at using American tackle titanium ring locks or h-locks . so what other guides do you guys use ??? i know alot of people will say Fuji , but give me the series of Fuji's you are recommending and why you like them ! thanks in advance !!!!
  5. of course i chose OWNER !!! , no other hook comes close .....
  6. i use the improved clinch knot for every bait i throw except on a drop-shot rig . i have never had a knot fail on me , i use them on all my swimbaits ( 8'' hudd's ROF 12 and 16 , 8'' BBZ-1 , etc.... ) and trust them without a doubt ..... btw , i use the improved clinch on braid , yep , don't let anyone tell you that it won't work and will slip cause it won't !!!!
  7. right now it is the 8'' bbz fast sink and slow sink and the 8'' hudd rof 16 , can't wait to get some baits from natesbaits and SBI and maybe 3:16 .........
  8. is that the smaller version of the pluton ??? if ti is , i wonder if it is gonna weigh more than most reels of that size ?? i know the pluton is a tank at 12.5 ozs. !!!!
  9. that is a pretty good '' 3 way rule '' Raul posted cause it usually figures out that way that when you jump up a # test ( say 6 to 8 ) it is usually 20 yards less , so going from 6 to 10 should be around 40 yards , so i would estimate your reel would hold 135 yards of 10 # line , almost exactly the same as Raul said
  10. i like those joints better , that way you don't see gaps in the bait , that is the joint that Bill used on the Tsunaga , i good improvement . maybe he will do it on the clone series . i can't wait to get the 7'' threadfin shad and the 10'' trout , those Ebby's are looking good too !!!!!
  11. mine used to get alot of grass on it , traded it for a 9'' sidewinder , pretty good deal , huh !!!!
  12. it's a NATESBAITS joint !!!! ;D ;D ;D jk!!!!
  13. i have the REVO SX ( and the INSHORE and TORO 51 ) i love the SX !! , it will take some gettin' used to , but once you do you will love it . very solid reel !!!!
  14. is that6'6'' lite by chance clarus ??? if it is , those rods are great !!! i want to get another but i think im going to get one custom made , but try to replicate the action and power of the clarus ...
  15. i only use CXX in the lower # tests (4# and 6#) any thing above those # test line are just ridiculus to deal with !!!!
  16. what if i went over the guide wraps ??? i would like to make the rod ALL black ( like my swimbait rods )
  17. was wondering if it is possible to re- paint (change color of blank) a factory rod . i have a 7'XH carrot stix i really like but would like to change the blank color to black . will the epoxy or whatever you guys use to color coat the blank adhere well and not crack ?? would like some input on this and can this be done with out taking the components off (reel seat , guides , grip ) ??? thanks for your help ...........
  18. i throw swimbaits ( the big ones , not hollow bodies ) so the best line i have used for this application is IZORLINE XXX . i use 25-30 lb. line for baits 4-13 oz. and 20 lb. line for baits 2-4 oz. , i originaly used P-LINE CXX but that stuff coils way too much and wears out after a few outings ,plus if you get a kink in it , you will get broken off > , i have casted way to many baits off to go back to using that stuff ( i do use 6 lb. CXX for my spinning set-up ) IZORLINE XXX is alot more smoother and managable plus doesn't kink up hardly ever . it is also very strong and shock absorbent !!!! btw , this line is a co-polymer line ....
  19. are you talking about ''100% flourocarbon'' ???? :-?
  20. Diamond Valley lake is a good spot for a record bass , i fish alot at lake dixon ( where ''dottie'' , the 25 lb. 1 oz. bass was caught ) and i doubt there will be a record from there , but you never know
  21. i live in San Diego , CA and i have never heard that live crawdads are illegal (in most lakes) the tackle stores sell them and every lake i have fished at , they are legal ........ Interesting. Crawdads are banned or were banned at Castaic, Casitas, Cachuma, Piru, DVL etc., Maybe San Diego decided it's OK to sell them at the lakes, can you catch them and transport them to the lakes? The hysteria over quagga's; clean & dry boat inspections still continues and is spreading to northern CA. WRB lake dixon , wolford , hodges, and i presume all other lakes , are legal to fish with crawdads . they sell crawdads at the local tackle shops and the supplier of these crawdads have to have them checked by the DF&G (same with minnows)............
  22. try this rod , i would buy it over a bps rod , actually if some one gave me either one or the other , i would take this okuma !! it has premium components , IM-8 blank , ACS reel seat , ALPS guides , cork split-grips and Okuma's life time warranty at only $90.00 it is a steal..........
  23. for spinnig rods i use 6 lb. P-LINE CXX , very strong and managable . i only use the moss green color . their 6 lb. line is as strong as most brands 10-12 lb. line ...........
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