i am putting a REVO Skeet Reese handle on my REVO SX . i like a longer handle on my reels , my SX is the 7.1:1 high speed , so now with the longer handle it is more like a 7.3:1 -7.4:1 . i had had a bass pro shops "power handle" on the reel , but it did not fit as good as i wanted it , plus i went to tighten it up when the bps handlke was on and i stripped the main shaft and mainshaft nut so i just got all the parts (the skeet reese handle , main shaft , handle nut , handle nut locking ring and the screw for it ) it cost me $31.00 shipped to the door !!! as far as the BASSTAR and ZPI handles go , maybe if i was putting the reel in a collection , i can think of plenty of baits i would rather get than buy a $100.00 handle !!!!
btw, the Skeet Reese handle has the same paddle handles as the REVO TORO (bigger than the stock paddles )