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Big Bait Fishing

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Everything posted by Big Bait Fishing

  1. just use the Owner beast hooks .........
  2. i didn't vote , but I'm probably gonna get one here soon and it is gonna be the TEC scale . right now i have the berkely 50 lb. digital and it is very inconsistent . this the one i have .
  3. i use Spectra lines ( i know they are supposedly classified the same as dyneema ) and really like Power pro , Izorline spectrex , and P-line spectra braid . they just hold up better and don't bleed color on to everything as some do . if you only want to have to purchase just one braid and want a very good one , get some power pro in 30 lb. and you should be good . if you plan on using it for heavy cover , try 50 lb. , for fishing water with some grass and wood structure , the 30 lb. braid should suffice . i actually use 30 lb. for frog fishing !!! hope this helped ....
  4. if your talking about the difference between CX and FLOROCLEAR , that is a good question ;D ;D ;D
  5. i guess i put my foot in my mouth by talking before i understood what i was talking about :-[ because now i want to have this done and have made plans to do so !!! so thank you Basman Mike for posting this on the forum , i appreciate it ....
  6. here is another http://www.aquasuperstore.com/products/Abu-Garcia-Vendetta-30-Ton-Graphite-7'3%22-Heavy-Casting-Rod~62915.html?CAWELAID=457170127one
  7. if you are using a 2500 size spinning reel , go with 6 or 8 lb. P-line CXX , i actually have 8 lb. CXX on my baitcaster , i use it for crankbaits , spinner baits , texas rigged worms , flukes and a few other things . you will be amazed by the srength of it , just change it out when it starts getting too much memory ( every 3-5 trips ) .
  8. if you don't mind me asking , why do you need exactly a 7'3'' rod ??? why don't you get a 7'6'' telescoping rod , the Okuma 7'6'' tele. flipping rod is a steal of a deal at $90.00 !!! you get top components ( ALPS zirc. guides , FUJI ACS reel seat , IM-8 blank , lifetime warranty , etc..) is cauase that is the max that will fit in the rod locker ?? cause if so , telescoping rods are where it's at to solve that problem . take a look at them http://www.***.com/Okuma_EVX-A_Casting_Rods/descpage-OEVXCR.html
  9. are you guys saving your trout guts for catfish season ???? trout guts are a VERY good bait , been catching alot of cats lately
  10. not if he is gonna throw big swimbaits on it :
  11. those logger frogs are nice !! they remind me of a bigger space monkey (wish those space monkey's were that big )
  12. the lizard (5",7",and9")assasins and the 4" split tail assasins (fluke type baits). some good deals
  13. sounds like you might want to throw big swimbaits on this reel , if that's the case , you bought the wrong reel : you should of got a curado 300 or if you want a smaller framed low-profile baitcaster , you should of got a REVO winch or a REVO inshore . you won't get much 25 lb. mono or co-poly on that curado 200 , maybe 60-65 yards .....
  14. well you should of been more specific , yeah the skeet reese and the older premier are lacking but when you just state "REVO drags" most people will think you are talking about ALL REVO reels !!! i own a TORO51 and i'm pretty sure that it's drag is or very close to 22 lbs. i think the only drag specs that are off is on the SX , but not as bad as tackle Tour says ( they claim they tested it to 11 lbs. ) but the STX ,S, winch , and inshore all pack 24 lbs. of drag . well any how , i guess you are just making it smoother , right ??? i wouldn't mind doing that upgrade , just don't need any extra drag pressure ......
  15. united outdoors are very good to deal with , an even better one is Lakeside Reels , he ships usps priority mail (2 days) and it's also free shipping . beleive it or not , i actually had Abu Garcia change the rebate deal involving the receipt , you used to have to send in the original receipt but now you can send a copy
  16. when in the store ,very lightly tap the tip on something preferrably rubber , so you don't scatch a rod you haven't bought yet and also importantly , to check sensitivity . you should get a good idea of it by that
  17. i feel that i have an excellent combo for jigs and texas rigged worms , it is the 7' XH fast action Carrot stix (CLTX701XH-C) paired with a REVO SX 7.1:1 , it is VERY SENSITIVE and has got a ton of backbone , i just love it
  18. check out the Okuma EVX 7'6'' telescoping flipping stick . you won't find a better rod with better components and better warranty for $90.00 !!!!!
  19. I really don't understand this because there are hundreds of places you can order the reels from. It doesn't have to be Abu's site if this is where you ordered it from. The rebate qualifies from anywhere except for Ebay I believe; I got my revo STX from BPS. Anyways, it took me 4 weeks to get the glasses which isn't bad in my opinion because any rebate takes a while to receive and they are a free pair of quality sunglasses. Plus, Revo's are excellent reels (I own 4). I am unable to compare the Wiley's to another pair of nice glasses because I only used to buy cheap glasses, so the rebate was nice. They work well and fit my fat head nicely, so I don't have any complaints. Revo's are fantastic reels, so you don't have anything to lose in ordering the reel. If you don't like the glasses, sell them on the flea market and buy a pair in which you do like. It's a win-win situation no matter what. i bought my reel of off ebay from united outdoors and had no problem with getting my shades . i got a NIB REVO TORO 51 for $199.00 w/free shipping , they give you a receipt that you make a copy of it then send in . if they are not backordered , you will get them in about a week or so . i still have to send in my receipt from buying a REVO INSHORE , hopefully do it soon
  20. for small bodies of water , i like to use a shakey head worm , a 7" worm like a shakey power worm on a 1/4 oz. shakey jig like a Owner ultra head , jigged off the bottom works wonders
  21. are they dead > hope they are not and you are gonna get them back in the water ............
  22. why would you ever need to "upgade" a REVO drag :-? their drags are very smooth and very strong , i guess their is a market for people looking to "super tune" something , but i think that any more drag on them will destroy the reel , you even say not to cinch them down too much for possible damage to the reel , so why even spend the money to do it if you won't need any more power than there already is ????
  23. i some times like to experiment with baits , i don't usaully buy storm baits except for wiggle warts , but i figure if i don't like them , i give them out to some kids that fish where i fish in the summer months . i usually fish deep waters , but once in awhile i go to a place that is pretty shallow all around and these would be perfect for , i meen why spend twice as much for a Sebile magic swimmer that i won't fish that much and that this bait will work as or nearly as good !! i don't have a problem spending money on baits that cost $40.00 and up ( swimbaits ) but they are baits that i throw alot , so any how , i hope to hear more reveiws on this bait .......
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