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Big Bait Fishing

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Everything posted by Big Bait Fishing

  1. Lew's definitely has great customer service !! one of the big reasons i use their reels
  2. SX1 is a LOT smoother line compared to power pro !! power pro fuzzes up pretty bad causing the line to carry water to the reel , on a baitcaster your hand gets soaked ! SX1 one is far better line ...
  3. just tested the KDS 110 bait ( i know there is another thread about this bait ) and i am VERY impressed !!! the bait i got suspends perfectly horizontal and was impressed that it rests nicely on its hooks without rolling over . needless to say , i will be ordering a few more this weekend . just wanted to add this so you have another option as i received mine for $7.42 delivered !!! i just bought 2 more KDS 110's in Real Shad two minutes ago ! yeah , they're pretty good ..... toal price was $12.55
  4. a Red Eye Shad in 1/4 oz. will cast very well on a baitcaster
  5. check out the Duo Realis line of jerkbaits , very , very good baits and about $10 cheaper ...
  6. Owner ST-41's , best treble hook made ....
  7. i like the Duo spybait better than the MB 110
  8. it sure would beat having to go to the park and measure off the half way of the spool !!! now i just will spool a reel full and keep the rest of the line on the spool for leaders .
  9. i have no idea , i have one of the original rods , i was thinking it was gonna break like most all of the others but it just won't !!! i very rarely use it for inshore / harbor fishing . have a Revo Inshore on it ..
  10. i don't know why i said Castaway , i meant Tornado , which has a marker at half spool and some varieties of Tornado has them at the third of the way of the spool . these are japanese domestic market lines by Sunline , do not know of any for US versions .
  11. i've never seen a half way mark on any of my spools of Sniper , Shooter , or any other of their lines i use
  12. that was going from 8 lb. to 10 lb. , re-read the post
  13. Gamma Edge's 14 lb. line is about the same as Sniper in 20 lb.
  14. you should have got some SX1 not the TX1 , a lot of people says it frays bad and unravels ..
  15. the grande bass 6.5'' airtail rattlers are fantastic baits , if they ever go on discount , i'll buy them all of my favorite color !!
  16. that's not old !! i have one from 2006 that has been sitting in the corner of my room from years !
  17. pretty sure you're gonna love the reel , the 9535 has a strong smooth drag
  18. Gamma edge is a strong and pretty managable line but has a lot of stretch like invisix and tatsu . best overall line is Sniper ...
  19. i have the Patriarch 9525 and it's the best spinning reel i've used .. . i use 6 lb. braid to 6 lb. Sniper
  20. for a low price , pick up some Sunline Model fluoro for $10 , TW has it on sale for $6 , but only 8 & 10 lb , just bought & received 2 spools of each !!
  21. Toray for me , has been hit or miss . i purchased two spools of SHU awhile back and they both turned out to be junk . for deep water jig fishing , Sunline Shooter is hard to beat ... a really good Toray line that is somewhat hard to get is Super Hard Strong .....
  22. my all time favorite buzz frog is the 4.5'' Canyon Plastics frog !! since you know the guy who designed them , maybe you can talk him into making a bigger size !!!
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