my opinion is that if you're gonna spend $300+ , get a custom made ! going with a rod builder's " custom " like a LDC , you'll be buying his interpertation of a custom rod , get with mike at DVT and have him build you a full custom off the blank of your choosing , that way you can get all the components you want , handle length , guide choice , and grip set up . those white label rods would be alright if you use a right hand reel . if you use a left hand reel , the spiral wrap is in the wrong direction ...
some good blank choices in the length you want would be the Phenix USB-800-H ( it's an 8 ' blank but you can have the builder cut an inch off the butt end if you need it 7'11'') also the Phenix USB-790-H , a 7'9'' blank , both will throw up to 8 oz. baits . both blanks sell for $160 so with components your looking around $200-$240 plus build cost
for throwing big baits , custom rods are the way to go as handle length are a major factor in throwing big baits effectively without putting alot of stress on your wrists and shoulders . i like fast action rods for throwing swimbaits , not a moderate action or slow action, as i find you have better hook sets on long casts , let your coplolymer line provide shock resistince . anyhow good luck ...