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Big Bait Fishing

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Everything posted by Big Bait Fishing

  1. the bassmafia box i have is a 3700 double deep , and i want to replace it with 2 of the hydro flo boxes . and i don't have the patience to drill it out , line up the holes symetrically cause if i got it wrong i'd throw it in the trash
  2. all good ! that misprint looked kinda weird
  3. if i'm gonna replace trebles it's gonna be with Owner ST-41's , the best treble hook on the market .. mandatory on swimbaits !!
  4. gonna get some of those soon , the Plano Hydra-Flo , i'm tired of boxes that trap in moisture , been using the Bassmafia boxes with the o-ring seal , what was i thinking !!!
  5. swimbait rod lure ratings are hit or miss like MassYak85 says , okuma's rod rating for their swimbait rods have always been off ( grosssly overrated ) my swimbait rod (St.Croix Legend Tournament musky rod blank ) is rated 3 - 8 oz. but can throw baits up to 15 oz.. , just goes to show how much descrepancy there is in ratings . a good rod for throwing Hudds is the Phenix 8' heavy swimbait rod rated 2 - 8 oz. ( USB-800H ), the rod is accurately rated and lots of guys like them .
  6. recoils are pretty light , but CRB Nano Micro guides are the lightest guides out on the market that i've seen , not that i would use either of them , when you start talking weight savings in grains , you splitting baby hairs at that point !! i will always stick to a ceramic insert guide .
  7. that's why i'm interested in the MB-806 HM that's extra fast , got's to say that i love the deflection charts they have for a lot of blanks on the RodHouse website !!! also , from NFC's website , they say the 806 is pretty much on par with the NRX 894 JWR in terms of power , sounds perfect for jigs between 3/8 - 5/8 plus trailer
  8. yeah , i follow along on TTF , i know you like a slower ''fast action'' . for me , i want an extra fast tip that shuts off in the top 2/3 of the blank . was really contimplating a point blank rod but i'm either gonna go with a NFC HM-806 or get a Phenix 707MH and a 707H . would appreciate it if you would post your initial review of the blank when you get it , give a comparison please , thanks !
  9. i also think there are better choices than 832 . i've been using 20 lb 832 and finally got tired of small backlashes from the line sticking to itself , i'm getting tired of the coatings they put on braid !! been using Sunline SX1 and am very impressed !! before that i was using Gamma Torque , but that stuff gets too soft and turns wispy . i think Gamma Torque is a great alternative to Samuri , only stronger .
  10. having a double foot stripper guide is not mandatory but it does take a lot of stress of a single footed guide ,especially if you are using a spiral wrap that places more lateral torque on the guide , that's why i use the smallest guide , a size 5 BLCAG ( i know , only a hair smaller than the 5.5 BLCAG )
  11. kind off topic , do people actually ask for recoils ???
  12. forgot to mention for you to skip putting two double foot guides , you only need one ..
  13. how does the blank feel ?? from what i've read , which there is not much out there , the blanks have a parabolic action to them despite what the manufacture says , i've been hoping i'm told i'm wrong ! i was interested in the 7'6'' M & MH blanks , please leave some feedback on your opinion of the blank you have and what you'd compare it to , thanks
  14. get a BB1 pro and you're good !! light reel , very strong , 95mm carbon fiber handle that doesn't need to be replaced , casts great , and the braking set up on them (ACB) is second to none .... you cand usually find them for around 150-160 , save some money and put it towards some good line ..
  15. i use a size 5 BLCAG-5j doble foot reverse surf guide as the stripper guide (first guide ) then American Tackle Artus heavy duty micro guides in size 3 out to the tip .here is a picture of these guides next to a dime for comparision , your Fuji 3.5's will work , i just prefer the ones i listed cause they elevate the guide ring a tad higher off the blank and also cause they are a lot stronger guides .
  16. guide sizing are usually the users preference , my preference would be some small micro guides in a size 3 , you most likely will be using 5-8 lb. line and i would assume no braid , so small micro's will be optimal .
  17. the minima reel seat only goes down to a 9.5 mm , your blank would need a size 8 if they made it in the Minima , so you would have to use an arbor just like with any other reel seat including the ACS ( also like the Minima , smallest inside dia. is 9.5 mm ) so any seat you use you will just have to use arbors with winding checks for gap issues , your handle material with take up other gaps . that's the issue with using an ultra light blank with a casting seat ...
  18. i would take a look at the composite blanks from Phenix , the X-10 & X -12 ,( 7' & 7'6'' both rated 1/4 - 1 oz. ) or for a little stiffer the X-11 or X-13 (7' & 7'6'' both rated for 1/2- 3 oz.) very light and strong blanks
  19. a custom rod may not be cheap but with a good builder and good communication between each other , you more than get what you pay for . having a ''custom'' rod built ''online'' is usually not a real custom rod , just your choice of thread wraps . couple of choices of guides , and a few handle configurations , etc...
  20. give a call to Mike at DVT . or look up rodbuilders in your area , be sure they are bass savvy and desribe the rod you would like to replicate . check the rods you use and note things you would change and would like different to suit you as in handle length , handle material , reel seat , trim pieces , guides , hook keeper , etc.. covey those things to a builder and go over every detail !! i'm pretty sure everyone has used a rod that they like a lot but wish some things were different , custom rod builds are so eyeopening !! reels are fun to customize but there are only so much you can do to really alter the functioning of that reel as with rod builds you can go very in depth to get a rod functioning just how YOU want .. start a thread in the custom rod forum as to what blank would be the right foundation of the perfect rod you want and what you'll use it for .
  21. if it's too hard to perfectly match the '' hatch '' , i try to throw a swimbait to mimic another predator also feeding on the fry , usaully triggering aggresive strikes/hits from the bass also trying to feed . i work the swimbait ( preferably a jointed swimbait ) eratically with lots of twitches , making it look aggresive and/or oblivious to other bass , letting the bass get fired up to feed . hope that made sense of what i'm trying to convey . i use slow sinking swimbaits , fished below the bait ball , quick twitches with occasional lifts of the rod to make the swimbait lunge thru the fry .
  22. your best way to know for sure is to call quantum and ask them for the sizing and brand of guides , let them know what happened and that you want to replace them and you never know , they might send you some ..
  23. that rod would be more cleaner looking without the cork but just finished with the lockdown hood , maybe a small black aluminum winding check . i have never seen the use of a foregrip .
  24. once you have some custom rods built to your exact likings , you'll be hooked !! most guys/gals who go custom will never go back to production rods .... i know i never will . warrantees for the blank would be covered by the manufacturer , rod build by the builder (what ever he/she is offering ) a consultation with a good rod builder is something you might consider , to find out what your missing ....
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