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Big Bait Fishing

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Everything posted by Big Bait Fishing

  1. i'd be all over them , if there is no signs i'd be fishing within the blink of an eye
  2. 2 lb's. even ....
  3. you will want the REVO TORO , regular sized bait casters will not hold enough line ( even the winch won't ) you can get the TORO on ebay for $200 w/free shipping , that's where i'm gonna get mine
  4. like others have said , use Owner beast weighted hooks . gamakatsu screw holders are garbage !!! they don't hold in the plastic unless you use super glue . with the beast hooks , you don't need glue . i use the un-weighted Owner twist locks in 5/0 for my Canyon plastics frogs but switch the twist lock out for their(Owner) large size CPS ( center pin screw ) and they are awesome !!!!!
  5. 7 lbs. even , looks are deceiving , the bass in my avatar is 7 lbs. 6 ozs. , doesn't look it but it is ....... and im gonna guess that the fish in the second photo is your pb of 5lb. 14 oz. ...
  6. you are one of the extremely rare people that didn't have their california classic swell up and crack open like it exploded , those baits are so cheaply made it's ridiculus , sorry Rowland , every one i know has regreted their purchase of them . you got lucky ;D
  7. Owner hooks are far superior to gamakatsu , i finally got tired of gamakatsu hooks flexing way to much and having fish come unhooked . i recently gave away all of the gamakatsu hooks i had to some youngsters at one of the places i fish . treble hooks , rig n' hooks (ewg) , weighted and un weighted swimbait hooks ( the Beast ) , twistlock w/cps (center point spring) , oversize worm hooks (7/0 & 11/0 ) , shakey head jigs , and the list goes on !! , owner hooks are the best , period ......
  8. i don't know about the popper but the 4/0 fits the smaller frog and the 6/0 will work in the 65mm. frog perfectly . the popper is alot skinnier than the ''frogs'' so you might have to just try it with the 4/0 , i just don't know if the hook will fit snuggly to the body of the popper , i hate when the hooks don't cause you'll be catching grass all day and hinder the action of the bait . hope this helps
  9. OWNER makes a double frog hook that fits Spros . gamakatsu also makes one , i myself would go with the Owner hook , best hooks made http://www.***.com/descpage-ODFH.html btw , i have tried double frog hooks on rage tail toads , they don't work for me ! i find that ewg hooks work very good , i have came up with a rigging combo that for me is perfect - i use Owner TwistLock Open Gap Centering Pin Hook in 5/0 , take the Centering-Pin Spring off and replace it with the large ones they (Owner) sell seperately and you got a lethal hook combo !!!!!
  10. i put ''no'' , but i did when i went to this weekend to a lake i never fished before . i really only check if im going catfishing . i read the report this weekend and they said they were catching good sized cats there , hah , they were all between 1-2 # !!! it was ridiculus :-? needless to say i won't trust the ''reports'' anymore , i think it's better to talk to someone , wish i had
  11. i always use green , it seems alot of ''clear'' flourocarbon lines lose their ''clearness'' after a full day fishing ,kinda gets a little cloudy and a touch whiteish . i wish they made BPS flouro in green !! i got a brand new spool of 12# i'm probably gonna return and get a ''green'' flouro instead or get my money back and put it towards some SUNLINE SHOOTER GREEN ...
  12. may be your taste , but for topwater lures you don't want that long of a rod ( 7'6'') , a 6'6'' is perfect . it's just very difficult to ''walk'' lures with that long of a rod . now if it was a 7'6'' med. XF , i would love to use it for crankbaits all day ( i want to get one for this purpose) .. btw , i have never heard of anyone using one rod for both of those techniques ( frog and topwater ) i want a heavy powered rod with a fast tip and for topwater , i want a medium powered rod with a moderate fast tip ... just my OWN opinion
  13. you must have gotten the ''floater'' , maybe try the slow sink version if you really like it or take peoples advice and get a SPRO BBZ-1 4'' SHAD .remember they come in different sinking rates ( floater , slow sink , and fast sink )
  14. i have caught quite a few fish on them even tho where i fish it's very grassy , i live in southern CA , i would be throwin' them all the time if i fished in lakes that had gravel and sandy bottoms ...
  15. negative on anything that's river2sea !!! if you want realism , get some HUDDLEBUGS ...........http://www.***.com/descpageHDSB-HHB.html
  16. SUMMER TIME !!!! , when the weeds (grass) grow and it is time to frog fish !!!! , let me tell you , if the weeds grew all year long that's ALL i would do is fish with frogs
  17. most tackle shops that put line on reels have a line recycling bin for all the old line they strip off and usually welcome people to bring in line to dispose of it (recycle it).i know i hate getting line wrapped around my feet and snagging it with crankbaits . good post , we ALL need to do our share ......
  18. i say you should get into worm farming , get a bunch of flyers made up and post them around the fishing holes you know of and get the word out that you can supply them with worms and you should make a few bucks for your self and always have them for your own use . i like to use jumbo sized nightcrawlers for catfishing , and meal worms for bluegills .
  19. for hooks , i use a palomar knot , for crankbaits and other such baits , i use the improved clinch knot ( with never a problem )
  20. you have got to try the canyon plastics 4.5'' frog , they are THE best frogs i have ever fished , in second place would be the rage tail toads . here are the canyon plastics http://www.***.com/descpageFROGSCP-CPF.html you will not be dissapointed
  21. the 7 lb. 6 oz. lady in my sig. and a 6 lb. 3 oz. hog ( 7.6 was caught on a rage tail toad , the 6.3 was on a canyon plastics 4.5'' frog )
  22. 7' XH e21 carrot stix , a REVO SX 7.1:1 reel , 30 lb. moss green POWER PRO braid ...... throwing CANYON PLASTICS 4.5'' frogs and killing em with it ;D
  23. i use meal worms on a size 14 treble using 4# YO-ZURI ULTRA SOFT . that line is perfect for bluegills and crappie , it is stronger than any other line in that same # . it works great on micro-spinning reels .
  24. try to downsize your crankbaits and maybe try some 1-2'' grubs on a jig head . i usually kill them on a mr. twister style grub and a blakemore roadrunner . i'm going to a good lake this weekend (sat,sun,and monday ) going to camp there and fish sun-up to sundown. should limit out each day (25 crappies per day ) i can't wait
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