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Big Bait Fishing

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Everything posted by Big Bait Fishing

  1. talked with ABU GARCIA / PURE FISHING yesterday and they said the SX will be out this month or next ............
  2. is it that you need a heavy action rod , cause i use one to fish DD22's and they don't stress me at all , welll , can't wait to try some of the 20+'s and 30+'s !!! so is there anyone that uses these lures regularly ??? and do they produce for you ???
  3. i have called ABU GARCIA and asked if this reel ( the Orra sx ) is gonna replace the REVO SX and they said NO , that is just another model added to the REVO line up and that the new REVO SX will be premiered late this month or next month !!!
  4. i guess you guys aren't up on the CANYON PLASTICS 4.5'' frog , you guys are surely missing out !!!! : i've used almost all of those frogs listed but they just don't compare to the canyon plastics !!!!
  5. anyone fish these alot ? how do you like them and do they run as deep as they say ?? been using DD22's alot , love em , but want to run a little deeper ( actually alot ) so please let me know how they are , thanks ........
  6. seems like a re-vamped REVO S . i sure hope it's not their new version of the REVO SX >
  7. the p-line braid is very similar to power pro , but right off the spool it seems a little softer . it is not as dark colored as most braids , almost like power pro after 10 uses , you know , faded a little . if power pro isn't available to you , this should be your next choice . and it's made from spectra ( same as power pro ) ... hope this helps
  8. from time to time i fish with live bluegills and i find that the males get CRUSHED !!!! . it's like the bass really don't like the males and are real aggressive towards them , i know , kinda hard to explain . but yeah when i get some Mattlures blue gills , i will definitly get the males .........
  9. he was using the light and tough rods alot , suprised you didn't see that ......
  10. yeah , yeah , i will always use power pro. if i had the money , i would buy it in the bulk spools . it's all i use and will continue to use , don't care if it has 1 strand or 100 strands , power pro is my choice , don't really care what anyone else is using . it's just to bad some people have to fight about what they consider '' the best '' . what a waste of everybodies time . if it aint some thing usefull , don't post it !!!!
  11. get the Mattlures ultimate bluegill , or save up some more money for some jointed swimbaits but your looking at atleast 35 or more dollars plus you will need a swimbait rod to handle the weight of those swimbaits . i guess it all depends on what you consider '' swimbaits '' , just save money and then get some big swimbaits and the required gear ( rod , reel , and line ) you will have a blast !!!!
  12. i fish for trout in the lakes around here ( northern San Diego , Ca. ) , my best method is using an ultra-light rod spooled with 2# izorline xxx ( smoke color ) , i put a split shot up the line about 4 ft. , using a size 14 treble , blow up a night crawler ( with worm blower) and fully hook it on and cast that sucker out . and of course set your drag real low so when a 5-7 pound rainbow takes off you don't break him off !!!! ...
  13. get the revo s , a much more solid of reel . you will love the centrifugal brakes . a very good all-around reel . can be had on ebay for 98.00 + free shipping , heres the link = http://cgi.ebay.com/ABU-GARCIA-NEW-2009-REVO-S-RH-BAITCAST-REEL_W0QQitemZ180413509281QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item2a017baea1&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
  14. seen those at bass pro shop about a week and a half ago ....
  15. anybody own of their swimbaits , either the 10'' clone or the 7'' little clone ??? or has anbody had their swimbaits re-wrapped and if so can you post some pics of them .... , thanks
  16. for me it's buzzbaits , small plastic worms ( drop-shotting ) , and lizards . oh and a bunch of tubes that i bought on a whim and have never used ...
  17. Berkley 10'' power worm !!!!
  18. then just use the Mattlures baby bass and the CL8 bait baby bass , they are both '' hard '' swimbaits ........
  19. i don't use octopus hooks any more , the best is to use size 1/0 or size 1 , ewg hooks , Owner of course , rig it texas style . no more short strikes that end up missed fish cause they missed that little octopus hook !!!
  20. im pretty sure you'll like them , try the ''grass hopper'' color , i myself will never buy a soft-bodied frog again since i've fished with these frogs , and trust me , i love to throw frogs , ALOT !!!!!!
  21. first of all , i know alot of you love the soft-bodied frogs , but you guys may want to try the Canyon Plastics 4.5'' frogs . the body is similar to a tube bait ( the body cavity , not the looks ! ) they run great at all speeds , get excellent hook-up percentage , and cast really good , and in case your wondering , NO , i don't work for Canyonplastics !!! . it is just that i have tried the SPRO , R2S , and SNAGPROOF frogs in and my opinion , they are a waste of MY time and money . i always keep at least three bags with me(Canyon Plastics frogs ) . fish them with a 5/0 Owner twist-lock hook with the CPS changed out to the 1/4 '' size (the ''large'' ones) then tell me what you think heres the link = http://www.***.com/descpageFROGSCP-CPF.html
  22. funny , i hook alot of blue gill thru the eye socket . ticks me off > i don't like to hurt them , but i don't care about trout and catfish since i eat them ( keep em' ) but bass and blue gill , wich i fish for sport , i hate to have them injured by errant hook penetrations . i know it's part of fishing , but i love to release them unharmed .....
  23. as much as i can !!! , usually 3-4 times a week when i'm not working . weekends , when i am working . unless i get off early , i fish till dark on those days .
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