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catish crazy jj

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About catish crazy jj

  • Birthday 07/26/1987

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    <p>greeneville tn</p>

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Fry (1/9)



  1. I would recomend the humminbird matrix 12 system you can gaet it and the gps unit for $350 brand new through ebay. I've had mine for a year with no problems, and it is a synch to operate.
  2. thanks for the sugestions they have really helped. I appreciate all the help.
  3. Hi im jason from tennessee I've bass fished since I was little. It was all I fished for untill this year when i was introduced to catfishing. I love to do both, but i have to say catfishing is more fun. I fish at Watts bar, strawberry plains, and santee cooper mostly.
  4. I am currently redoing a 14 foot flat bottom jon boat. I am modeling it after the new tracker crappie series with stick steering, but instead of having the on large livewell I want two put two smaller livewells in beside each seat. Do you know where i could find the smaller 7 or 8 gallon livewells, or would it be better to build them myself?
  5. the fisffinder i have is the hummindird matrix 12 it cost $149 through cabelas and i've had it a year with out any problems. It is also expandable so you can add gps, and a weather tracker that i have found to be very helpfull.
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