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Everything posted by basser89

  1. Sorry! Don't have any pics right now! :-[ Right now, the carpet has been stripped off my decks and I'm geting ready for an early spring redsign of the front deck. I've been wanting to do this for a year or two now but have had other things that took priority over this redesign. You may want to check out myjonboat.com. That site may help you along! Hope this helps!!!!
  2. I have a 2000 Dodge Dakota 4X4 (V6) that pulls my 16' Dakota jon boat and haven't had any problems pulling mine. Had a 1990 Toyota 4Runner 4X4 before that. It was an automatic and struggled on steeper hills. But at almost 300,000 miles, I'm sure it lost some of its pep!
  3. Hey Cedar, Practice, practice, practice is all I can offer you! It will get easier as you go! Dad and I started making our own plastics years ago. The first couple times didn't go real well but after a few times it all came together! Good luck and keep us updated with how its going!
  4. Hey Peter, Thanks for the compliment! I picked up these jigheads at Wally World. They had other jigheads with the weedguard. If you're looking at making your own jigheads, I'm pretty sure there are manufacturers that make molds that will allow you to add the weedguard. Hope this helps!
  5. There should be a plate on the boat somewhere (usually its silver and yellow with black letters)that tells you how many people, what the max HP rating the outboard can be and the weight limits. Back in 97, I bought a 16' flat bottom jon boat. I added front and rear decks, bow mount trolling motor, lights, electronics, etc, so I do have a few ideas for ya. But the best thing you can do is figure out where you'll be fishing most of the time and draw up what works best for you! Then you can run wiring for what ever you need (electronics, lights, trolling motor, etc). It's ALOT easier doing it this way than after the deck/s are on!!!!!!!! My front deck covers the front seat and the middle bench seat (about 8'). I added a supportabout half way between the two seats. I did that so the deck would be more stable as well as the added space for storage. Basically, the back half of that deck is hinged and I keep a paddle, extra life vests and a few other lighter things in there. My gas tank and batteries are in the back of the boat. If you are going to add a deck and are going with plywood, I wouldn't recommend going over 1/2"! This will help keep the weight down. One thing I did with my boat was make a control panel for all my electronics. From one location, I can turn on my front light, rear light, livewell areiator, bilage pump and either fish finder. Your options are only as limited as your imagination! Hope this helps some though!
  6. Hey CJ, It's very safe to say I won't see them all. Shoot me a PM, so you don't spoil it for some one!
  7. Hey LBH, Not positive, but pretty sure it was on OLN if that helps.
  8. Hey Madhouse, Saw it for the first time over this past weekend. It was Ike and the G-man. I really liked the format and wish I had that channel here at home! Wish I could have seen KVD and Clunn go head to head!
  9. One other thing that might help is the spec's for the boat. Most important one would be a weight limit!
  10. Thanks for the input Chris and basspro48! After making some bucktails for my Dad, step-brother and my one fishing partner, I'm running low on a few tails now. Looks like I'll be making a trip BPS or Gander Mountain soon to stock back up. If my memory serves me right, they both carry the flashabou so I'll have to play around with you're suggestion a try Chris! Basspro48, my fishing partner suggested that too so I do have a that in my game plan for the next run I make. Thanks again guys!
  11. Thanks guys! These are all 1/4oz. Once I get what I want made and tested, I'll probably add more sizes (probably 1/8oz next) since that's normally what I do with other types of lures. After that, I'll start tinkering with painting the heads and whatever else I can think up!
  12. 5-9 largemouth 3-4 smallmouth
  13. Darn, darn, darn darn! I knew that Raul! Just forgot to add it.
  14. Hey All, Just finished a few bucktails I'm going to use for smallies. Let me know what you think! If the pic isn't real visible, here are the colors. Starting top left going clockwise: green/chart, dark brown/orange, white, firetiger, black w/chart core. Note: the blade I was going to use to trim the collar decided to break on me so they're still a little shaggy. :-[
  15. A friend and I were out this morning from 7 til 11:30. Caught 15 between the two of us (my buddy caught the most). I did see one other guy that must of hit the "Honey Hole" of the day. He just sat there pulling one out after another, largemouth and smallies. I also will get out any chance I get. Logically speaking ( : ), the water should be the warmest in the early afternoon til sundown so the bass SHOULD be more active then. Hope this helps!
  16. Isn't that a game on "The price is right"? ;D
  17. I've seen Ken Penrod, a Potomac river smallie guide/expert, at a few seminars over the past few years. He targets deeper eddies with some cover during the winter time. He tends to use 4" tubes with as little as weight as possible. His theory on this is that bigger smallies are females and they are conserving as much as their energy for the spawn in the spring so large, slow moving lures work the best. I've also targeted power plant discharge areas this time of year as well. I can use a little more aggressive lures since the water is warmer but I still target the same areas that I mentioned above. Hope this helps!
  18. Most of my success with night fishing has come when the water temps are 75 and higher. The lures that have produced for me are no different from what's already been said, black buzzbaits and black spinnerbaits. I have also done well with a black jitterbug and a black crankbait. I like using an LED light that has a red LED in it. It provides you enough light to tie on a new lure or even pick out a birds nest if necessary and it doesn't ruin your night vision as much as brighter with bulbs. Hope this helps! Good luck and let us know how you do!
  19. Joining the party too! Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!
  20. This may be a Raul question, but does the lateral line run across the gill plate? I know it does on a musky and grabbing smaller muskies across the gill plate like this can be very damaging to their lateral line! To me, the best way to land them would to be either lip them on belly land them.
  21. Thanks for the link Ghost! I've requested mine! LBH, I sent an update to BPS last year with my address change so that I would receive my new catalogs at my new place. I thought I spelled it out rather clear, not sure what happened!
  22. The trolling motor prop is a good deterant for snakes in the water (as long as you see them in time!). I've done this a couple of times and it turns to snake away rather quickly! If they land in the boat, well not sure what I'd do! Hopefully, I never have to find out! I'm not real fond of them! >
  23. As much money as I had spent at BPS two years ago, I never got a single catalog from them in 05. :'( I have to bum one from a friend. Not sure what happened, I updated my profile on-line and used my rewards card when I went to the store, I just never got one. Hopefullly this year will be different!
  24. I have to give another vote for a senko follow up. If not a senko, then I'd throw a hard jerkbait with a slow but irractic retreive.
  25. LBH, That's one heck of a story and one heck of a fish! How long? What did it weigh? Thanks for sharing the story!
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