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Everything posted by basser89

  1. I popped in briefly later in the day. Found a couple spinnerbaits and buzzbaits that I needed to replace and resisted the urge to stock up on a bunch of soft plastics. LOL
  2. Check out the MD who's who thread below. Its normally a pretty active thread, just a slow time of the year.
  3. Yep, it's all you SPEED. Even this dinosaur of a laptop of mine got in. LOL!
  4. Well, another year has come and gone. How'd everyone do? Haven't tallied my log yet to say for sure here. Hope everyone has a happy and safe new years eve! Will have to get my 2014 license soon!
  5. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my fellow MD anglers! Here's hoping Santa fills your stockings with lots of goodies!
  6. Welcome.to tHE boards Richie. Add another to the list of Frederick anglers here. I've looked on line a little but haven't seen much in the expo area yet. I'm sure so others may know of some.
  7. Hey Tuck, good call with the "bump". LOL! Haven't been out but one trip to Dickerson a couple weeks back. The wind was kickin, temps were raw and the river level was way low. Needless to say, I had no action. Not sure when I'll be able to get out again yet. :-S. Anyone else been out lately?
  8. I do fish year round but have not been out lately. Hoping to get out this weekend for a little but not sure where yet.
  9. I saw 34 this morning here in Frederick. Hadn't seen the extended.forecast yet. Hopefully its not too bad.
  10. Welcome to THE boards KritterGitter! I believe there are a few members that post on here from the Eastern Shore.
  11. Nice work Nate! You hit the Potomac?
  12. With a break in the rain, I got a chance to get out this afternoon for a little while. First spot I wanted to hit was standing room only so opted for my second choice, Baker Park. Worked my way around the lake and got to a section that I've never had any action but was stuck at that spot for a while with ducks hangin out where I wanted to fish. I was throwing a lipless crank when I thought I picked up a branch but then it began to fight back. LOL! Played her out and pulled her to the shore. Only bass of the trip and she measured 20 1/2" and weighed 4lbs 11oz. Here's a pic.
  13. But you were one of the 4 SPEED! Had a little time this evening so I popped over to Baker Park to see how the front affected the bass there. I figured it'd be rough and it was. Spent most of the time looking for a reaction bite using a jerkbait and a lipless crank. Spent the rest of the time working a soft stick bait with no takers on any of the baits.
  14. Yep, popped over to Dam 4 this afternoon and saw the signs. Guess that doesn't leave many boats ramps available on the MD side since most of them are linked to the C&O canal. Is the one in Williamsport linked to the C&O? For some reason, I was thinking it wasn't.
  15. Welcome to THE boards EVF! I'm not that familiar with the Columbia area but there was a pond/small lake I was checking out in the event I got the job I had interviewed for. It is in hopewell park. That's the best I can offer you. Hopefully others can chime in to help you a little more.
  16. Took advantage of a little spare time today and hit black hills for a little while. Looks like the levels are on the way back up but it's still a couple feet low. Had one hit on a D Bomb but missed it. So after not being able to put something together, I decided to switch waters. Hit the one small lake over by Montgomery Village. Managed 3 there. 1 one a D Bomb and 2 on a Red Eye Shad. The last one I caught made it worth while, she measured 20" and went 4lbs even on the scale. She hit out in the middle of the lake and it took a slow retrieve to get her (I was barely feeling the bait).
  17. Used them back in the 80's with minimal success. For some reason I broke out the one I had left last year and caught some solid fish on them. Tackle Warehouse does carry them.
  18. Hey Wayne, now that I've got the full time job (well on 10/14), it'll be easier to catch up with you and a few others once I get back on track with everything. Hadn't forgot about your offer! But thanks for the reminder! LOL
  19. Hey Allen, let me clarify a little more. Besides the competition, I was looking to learn from others who have a different style than me so I could become a better angler. From what I was told from a former member as well as one of my friends that did join, even after an event was over, no one would share any info what so ever to help you get better. You'd get BS info no matter what position someone placed.
  20. Sheesh Brian, haven't even started the new job yet. Give me time. :-P. LOL
  21. Interesting. Almost joined that club several years back. Was talked out of it after hearing it was an "every man for himself" type of club at that time. No disrespect meant towards any of the current members that could read this.
  22. Thanks Ken! Decided on the C&O canal in Dickerson. The first action I had ended in heart break. I was throwing a KVD frog over the duckweed. Made a cast back over one of the laydowns on the opposite bank and it immediately got sucked down. Felt the weight and set the hook! The next second, all I feel is dead weight. So I think I'll just pull it free..... ha ha ha, that never happened. It somehow ran my line into a slit in a submerged log. Only think I could do is break the line. As I'm retying the bass tried several times to throw the bait. Guestimating it in the 3-4lb range. Managed 2 (both between a pound and a half and 2lbs) on the KVD frog. Tried soft stick baits and beavers as well with no takers.
  23. Visited an old spot the other evening. Hit Sharpsburg pond for a little while. Managed 3 in the short time I was there on a soft stick bait. Got the unofficial word yesterday that I'll be getting a job offer for a company in Frederick on friday so things are starting to get back to normal! More than likely, won't have the boat ready until spring. Think I may hit somewhere for a little this afternoon.
  24. The only olace that throws people off is when I talked about dead squirrel. Which is the spot directly across from lake churchhill. One of my friends called it that once and it somehow stuck. LOL
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