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Everything posted by airborne_angler

  1. Lure has no markings...
  2. It appears to be wooden...my first guess is Arbogast, based on the design of the eyes...
  3. Picked this up at a yard sale recently. Any ideas of the manufacturer or name on this bait? Is this a crankbait or something more suited for topwater?
  4. I'm not a fan of the stock hooks on the Wiggle Warts and want to replace them...what size does everyone recommend?
  5. Picked one up at a yard sale....how desire able is this color? I'm asking because I've heard some colors fetch good money to collectors...
  6. Does anyone have any kind of schematic to describe how True Turn Hooks function and why at one time they were the cats meow? How about on a Dropshot?
  7. Beer and Soda cans are Aluminum.. They don't rust...
  8. I understand it wasn't a wise choice to ride with him. It was my first (last) time ever traveling with this guy. I didn't know that much about him and never knew he like to drink and drive a vehicle/operate a boat. Wish it was as easy as just getting dropped off and calling someone to pick me up on my cell...where we were at there's ZERO cell service whatsoever...no roaming...nothing.
  9. Went out with another angler on his boat awhile back. On the way to the lake, this guy reaches in the console of his truck and cracks open a "40" of Miller as he's driving and gestures to me with a "Do you mind?" I was stumped...here I am, a guest on this guy's fishing trip, miles from anything and this dude is tossing em back as he's driving... I was in a pickle...i just gave him the ol nod and said "It's fine." Then once we got on the water,he cracked open another 40 as he ran the TM. Now I know operating a watercraft while impaired is illegal...does this normally include the TM? Operation is operation...correct? Then this guy proceeds to take his empty 40 bottle and throw it in the lake and comments..."Habitat for the fish"... Anyone ever fish with someone with such blatant disregard for laws and regulations? What is everyone's thoughts/opinions of this?
  10. I've been struggling the past 2 years on my local lake. Water has been the lowest I've seen it in 10 years. The owner of the store at the lake has posted on FB that the lake has risen 7 feet so far and water is still running in as we speak from the recent rains. So my mind is screwed now. I've fished the lake the Same way for the past 2 years and now this opens up so many more opportunities. ..how would you all approach the sudden change in water level? Last time this happened, I threw Baby Brush Hogs at the base of flooded trees and killed em...The Bass were puking up Crawfish. Think this latest influx of water will send the Bass into another feeding frenzy? Does a rise in water level usually trigger a feeding ftenzy? It's gonna be a whole new lake and opportunities abound...I'm just really anxious to try these "new" spots..
  11. I had an issue once where i believe a fellow angler (who I fished with on his boat in the past) attempted breaking into my stuff. I was in my boat he was in his with a partner. I came in off the lake and his partner, who was watching Fellow Anglers boat, mentioned it had been taking a real long time for this guy to get his truck/trailer. I went up to retrieve my vehicle and noticed the back lock for my hatch had been monkeyed with (I always lift my hatch first thing when I get in my vehicle as it aids me to see when I back down the ramp) I drove down to talk to this "fellow angler" and let him know what I discovered. It was about 8 pm with no illum and the guy has the nuts to gander a guess of "Looks like someone had a drill"...He then cups his hands and looks in my back window and "jokingly" says "So what you got back here anyways..." I called the lake the next day and the store owner, without even knowing who I was, surmised I drove a blue Jeep when I asked if any reports of breaking ins had occurred recently. Store owner told me the Red truck parked next to me had the rear window busted out and a purse and camera equipment were stolen. Funny how when I went to retrieve my vehicle that might, there were 3 vehicles in the lot. Mine, the red truck and this "fellow anglers" vehicle.The red truck got broken into, my vehicle got tampered with but by his own admission...this " other" guys (fellow angler) vehicle was untouched...Needless to say, things get pretty tense now at the lake when I see him...it's driven me to pack it in and head home as I'm afraid of him either doing it again or confrontation as I filed a police report and he's on the radar.This guy has an extensive criminal history of Burglary and drug use and as they say..."A leopard doesn't change its spots" I don't trust this dude as far as I can throw him...same guy that when I went out with him one day, broke open a 40 of Miller and consumed it as he was behind the wheel driving us to the lake.
  12. Watch the product video. http://www.***.com/Naked_Bait_Round_Rubber_Frog_Replacment_Crazy_Legs_3pk/descpage-NBREPTT.html
  13. Plastic wire ties will work, but in the sun the plastic gets brittle and will eventually break
  14. Cinnamon Purple Chigger Craw gets the nod...Just happened to dig some out of my stash (Crazy Legs style) before I read that reply.
  15. Got some jigs with cinnamon/red flake and some purple strands. What's a good color Trailer for this skirt color?
  16. Big Block...As far as I understand, Football jig is great for keeping on the bottom and slowly doing side sweeps like a C Rig.Then when something comes in contact (rock, stump) your supposed to rock the jig against that and maybe "pop" it up and over the object. I've heard of people "Stroking" the jigs too. That's taking a jig and popping it hard off the bottom so it jumps up and then let it crash on slack line...I've been building my C Rig confidence so think I wanna try a Football jig...I've always heard jigs and quality fish go hand in hand...
  17. I've seen it...it's tough to do on Dinks...
  18. We've all heard the old theory of when a fish gets a hook deep, one option is to leave it and it will eventually rust out and won't be a bother to the fish. What about red hooks, they are just basically anodized brass...brass doesn't rust or corrode like steel...so then the fish has to live with a hook for the rest of its life if you leave it in... It's a double edged sword...try removing it...might kill the fish...leave it in and it doesn't corrode or rust out...fish might not be able to feed normally...dies...
  19. So would it be safe to say if a person has confidence in a C Rig, they should have little trouble transitioning to a Football Jig?
  20. I've been trying to get a good feel on the C Rig. In the past 2 outings I've boated 3 fish with it. I've also been reading about Football Jigs and how they are typically fished. Correct me if in wrong, but my understanding is that. Football Jig is retrieved in a similar manner to a C-Rig...dragging...maintaining contact with the bottom...is that right? If this is true...When does one shine over the other?
  21. Does dragging a jig differ from dragging a C-Rig. How are the bites similar...how are they different? Is it safe to say that if you've got confidence dragging a C-Rig, that it shouldn't be tough to have confidence in dragging a jig? True or am I barking up the wrong tree?
  22. I fish DS alot and have found that they attract all kinds of fish. In one outing I have caught Green Sunfish, Bluegill, Bass and even Trout. It's not too difficult to fish. I cast it out, feed line so it drops straight down, once on the bottom I take up the slack and begin a slow twitch of the rod tip. Reel up the slack and drag it a little and start over. Sometimes I'll drop my rod tip and let the bait fall(kill it). Then count a few seconds and sharply take the slack out of the line by lifting the rod tip. Sometimes that will create a reaction strike. I've also been stuck in a rock...I've pulled and pulled trying to free my rig, when the weight pulled free and the worm took off I've had fish attack it...like anything you just gotta keep trying it to get comfortable.
  23. Been heading out on the water for about the past 3 weeks(at least once a week) I've been struggling...The weather (wind) and I'm just struggling to find fish. The past 2 outings I've incorporated a C-Rig. First day I boated 1 fish on it Yesterday I dipped some Marmalade colored Manns Auger Tail worms In JJ'S Magic. In about 40 minutes I had 2 fish in the boat on those worms I dipped in JJ's. Not saying the stuff is miraculous, but in my experience...it might just give you an edge...
  24. Past 2 outings I've been throwing a Carolina Rig as the wind has been pretty heavy which made throwing other stuff difficult. Tuesday I boated 1 fish and Yesterday I boated 2 (one of em came from the exact location I caught the one on Tuesday.) I don't have electronics on my boat and I'm trying to find the best areas to concentrate throwing this rig. So far I've gotten into: Areas with nasty bright green algae (snot) Areas where i pulled up nothing but heavy strands of Milfoil Some areas have been totally barren and when i pull up anchor all i see is muddy water. Does bottom composition matter when throwing a C Rig? What should I be looking for when throwing this rig... Like the snot grass...is that stuff known to hold fish, or should I just bypass it when I find it. Also...When I'm getting into Milfoil, the wieght gets super heavy...should I continue my retrieve or will the Milfoil hinder the feel of a strike and potential hinder the hookset? I just don't want to spend a lot of time covering water that is known to be unproductive.
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