Me and a buddy have gone out in the last couple days, fishing a small 7 acre or so size pond. The middle areas are 8-15 ft deep, the banks are gentle slopes.
Its literally been snowing and freezing for 3 weeks, and Friday past was the first decent day we've had. It was mid 30's and sunny. The water temp was 32-35. Anyway, we fished the deep sunny spots, no hits. The shallow sunny spots, no hits.
Then he casts up by the bank under some trees, 1-3' of water, in an area that never gets any direct sunlight, and gets a hit. At the end of the day, he ended up with 2 LMB, in the 1-2 lb range, and several good hits.
We went out again today, fished all the sunny deep and shallow spots, no fish, just 2 bites. We go to the same shallow cold shady spot, I caught 2, lost one, and had quite a few bites. He hooked and lost 2, landed one, and had quite a few bites.
Whats up with the bass being bunched up in 1-3' of water, in the shadiest coldest part of the pond? The air temps today were low 30's, and the pond had some skims of ice floating in it, so the water temps were once again, right around freezing. There are no warm water discharges, or any kind of moving water in the pond. Its been a fun way to start the season. Not slammin em, but for icy Feb water, its not bad.