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About nick76

  • Birthday 02/09/1976

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  • Location
    Olivet, MI
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Ackley Lake
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  1. Sounds like an administrator who is trying to be friends with everyone either because they can't do their job or they don't like conflict. Either way it puts you in a bad spot. Your doing the right thing involving the girls, but ultimately you are in this for the long haul so you need to look at what else you aren't being supported in. Moving on is difficult, but so is staying put and feeling like you are being used to your full potential. Comfort doesn't equal success, growth means leaving what you already know behind. Best of luck to you!
  2. Not exactly sure how your school runs, but as a former school board member...the only employee that I had to make a decision on was my superintendent. That isn't to say that we didn't rubber stamp approvals for such things as teachers, support staff or even coaches. If a superintendent is truly doing his or her job, they do all the hiring of the district employees. Part of the process to hire is interviewing and selection of the best candidate. The board merely signs off on the hire as a formality if they trust their employee to do their job. Good teachers and good coaches are in high demand for many districts. It is definitely an employee's market when it comes to good jobs. I would do some research on the administration at the new school and make sure you are a fit with them. It shouldn't be too hard to find out. If it is, then make the move and enjoy the future with your girls!
  3. Praying for positive results and continued good news!
  4. Two things come to mind as I read this. 1. It is amazing to me that more businesses have lost the "service model" in favor of the "make the most money model". This gentleman understood the importance of making contacts and establishing relationships. It is nice to hear when people understand that there is more to business than the bottom line. 2. My wife and I are fortunate to be in a place where we do this as often as we can for others. The one moment that sticks out for me was the time we were eating breakfast in a restaurant and young man from the next door Wal-mart came in to treat himself to a breakfast. You could tell that he was counting every penny and we overheard him ask prices multiple times to make sure he was okay with the money he had. He must have been around 16-18 years old, looked tired as could be and you could tell he was not a regular at restaurants. After watching him order and reorder to stay within his small budget, I called the waitress over to the table and ordered him the largest meal I could with all the fixings and drinks. The look of shock when that kid's order came to the table instead of the 2 eggs and toast he had ordered....it was priceless. He quickly tried to explain he couldn't afford the meal and was almost in a panic until the waitress explained that it was paid for and he wouldn't owe anything. He was in tears as he choked down enough food for a week. Then she brought him a to-go cup for his drinks and several large cinnamon rolls in a bag. I made my wife stay until he had left so we made sure he was full and to watch the smile. He had no idea who paid, but it was worth it. That kid will never forget that moment and I hope he ends up in a place someday where he has the opportunity to pass it on to another young man who needs it. That was a great start to our morning.
  5. nick76

    Making the leap

    Having never owned before I would suggest you find a place you can rent one and go shoot it. Once you find a place, shoot several different guns and find one you are comfortable with. There are way too many choices out there and way to many variables. How big is your hand, how strong are you, how many rounds do you want to carry, are you concealed carrying it? How much do you want spend? Guns are like cars, they make a million different ones for anyone who could ever want one. I used to own an LC9 and it wasn't my favorite gun, but the guy I sold it too loves it. I wasn't a Glock guy, but when I shot the 43 I had to get one. Just my 2 cents.
  6. nick76

    Sig p365

    That P365 is a nice gun. I had the opportunity to grab one a couple of weeks ago and opted to pass. The price on them has skyrocketed in the last 6-8 months. They have become one of the new "hot" pistols to buy. Probably be able to grab one used for a good price in a year or so. They shoot well and there are so many configurations you can change with them to customize. Just couldn't get past the price.
  7. Oregon Native, you have handled the cards you have been dealt with an outlook that many never achieve. You knew going into this what the outcome would most likely end up and you decided to take your life back and live it to the fullest. From spending time with your family and friends, to encouraging others on this fishing forum.. you have made the most of it! You took advantage of the opportunities placed before you to make sure you gave lasting memories to those you cared about. I want to thank you for sharing your journey with us on this forum. I checked in several times a week just to see if you posted updates or funny stories. Having lived this same journey with a close friend and employee who was diagnosed at almost the same time as you, it was refreshing to see another side. Don't ever give up and God bless!
  8. We own a dental office and were forced to shutdown for 12 weeks. The first 2 or 3 weeks was like being on vacation, but soon after that it became a pretty stressful situation. The not knowing if or when we would reopen began to take a toll on me. Spending all that time in school to finally have a career and then to have it taken away was quite an eye opener. We had just purchased our office before the 2008 market crash and our area took 5+ years to begin to recover. Luckily we made it a point to start paying off debt and have stuck to that plan. That helped us this time as we had fewer bills and could live on a much smaller income. I was able to get a ton of honey-do projects done and I am sure if push come to shove I could find employment if needed. We reopened June 1 and it has been crazy busy! People coming out of the woodwork for treatment. We realistically could make 12 weeks up in income by the end of the year. Crazy how people have responded.
  9. Prayers for your mom.
  10. Stay strong. I love your updates! Glad to hear you taking each day at a time and enjoying time with your friends and family.
  11. I'm just glad to see that you are not letting this thing beat you down. From what you have posted the positive attitude has been what keeps you ahead of the game. I love reading your "adventure" stories from each of the journeys you go on while fighting this. Those memories are great to have and equally as great for those you are spending time with! Keep it up!
  12. We just had this happen in our small little community yesterday. There were about 25-30 houses so far that have reported something being taken from unlocked cars overnight. Christmas gifts, car seats, tie-downs, purses....just about anything that was attached to a vehicle. So far nobody has any info on who it was and the cops are saying at least 3 people. Tough time of year for things like this to happen.
  13. I have a close friend who was diagnosed last October, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Make every moment count, never miss an opportunity to tell those you care about what they have meant to you. Trips are great, but time spent with your wife will never be replaced. Things will get difficult, remember that your family is going through the emotions too. Keep your attitude as positive as can be, see this as an opportunity and not the end.
  14. Sorry to hear of the loss of a friend. These things are never easy to explain even when the solution seems to simple. My kids always argue with me about not wanting to wear their PFD's when we are on the boat or out kayaking. There are no options anymore, other than staying at home. We just had this one here locally today. https://www.battlecreekenquirer.com/story/news/2019/07/03/two-found-dead-apparent-accidental-drowning-near-battle-creek/1637795001/
  15. So sad to read this. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families involved. Such a preventable tragedy.
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