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Bass Fear Me

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Everything posted by Bass Fear Me

  1. I live in Litchfield, Illinois and we boast Lake Lou Yaeger. I am mainly a farm pond boy as I have no boat. Anybody in my immediate area?
  2. Every one I can get my hands on.
  3. It's kinda funny this came up. Three days ago I broke my Ugly Stick trying to pull in approximately 50 pounds of moss. Snapped it right in half and it was nobodies fault but my own. Bought it at Wal-Mart too. (Home of the most liberal guarantee in the world) Came home and stuck the reel on a different rod. Never even thought about Wal-Mart guarantee. Why should I????? It was my fault!!!! Be responsible and learn to accept things.......Even if it hurts.
  4. Two nice hawgs (or hawgettes). Thanks for the idea of a fanny pack. Ninety percent of my fishing is done from the banks. I promise not to have my picture taken with it though. LOL.
  5. I fished in a light drizzly mist today. Caught four bass over four pounds and had two nice channel cat caught on plastic worm. I enjoyed it immensely. Let it rain.
  6. Sorry LBH, she said I gotta do the dishes. :'(
  7. LBH, I will be your partner if Avid will send me one of those tickets too. Oh yeah and I will need him to rent a motel room. Would we be getting per-diem for dinners or would we eat at his house? Since we would be flying and you can't take your boat would Avid rent one for us? So many questions.....so little time. Wait, wait, I better go ask my wife if I can go.
  8. Very nice.......built even better than my ex
  9. Glad to have ya here......enjoy
  10. It's good to have you here....I'm from Illinois myself.
  11. Welcome.......you will find many good topics here and even more good people. ;D
  12. I hear ya there Muddy....that is also the reason nobody will let you fish their private ponds anymore unless they are your buddy. I carry a cooler with me for trash and usually bring home mine and somebody elses.
  13. Very nice. Makes me wanna give up ponds but I don't know about fishing in the Muddy Mississippi.
  14. Whoe MasterBasser09, that is one nice looking..er..er..er..bass. Yeah that's it. ;D Seriously though, it looked like your wife had a good day. A couple more would have been good but you can never complain about a new P.B. Have a good day y'all.
  15. You know guys, I really hate to hear of bad luck. But on the other hand it makes me feel really good about my year. I know I have well over two hundred bass this year. Next year I will keep a running tally. Also hope y'all who are not getting the action have better luck than I the rest of the year. That does not mean I want my luck to run out, I want yours to greatly improve. Keep the faith and don't give up.
  16. Damnnnnnn Wayne, you just can't hardly beat a day like that.
  17. If a spinning reel could feel.....it could talk about pain. :'(
  18. The only 4.0 I had in school was called blood alcohol content.
  19. Looks like you had a fun day. I will be at my favorite pond Tuesday. I'll let you know how it goes.
  20. We have a Super Wal-Mart here and I catch a lot of stuff on clearance. Unfortunately they don't have the worm hooks with the pin for the nose of the worm.
  21. Although I've been bass fishing for years I am just now trying Gulp Minnows. For me they seem to be very effective. I don't know how many fish one should catch but it seems I probably average fifteen or so strikes before it rips so bad around the hook I either lose it to a strike or just discard it. Does this sound about right to you other guys?
  22. I had a ball python. They are very good as pets. I wish more people understood snakes in general and maybe they would try to avoid them iwith their cars instead of trying to collect ten points.
  23. Sorry......I thought it said prostitution :-[
  24. That's a valid point you have there.....but to do it on a federal government level might put you on the terrorist watchdog list.
  25. I normally fish ponds and I have been having pretty decent luck with Gulp sinking minnows (which look like worms to me). Deep or shallow water, they have worked for the last month or so.
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