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  1. This one of the best thing I've read in a loooonnng time! Great post man!
  2. It's being taken back today, and replaced with a BPS extreme reel! Thanks any ways.
  3. We hit that jack pot this time!!
  4. I got the same one, sold it a few days after I got it. 49.3 lbs! Bull $h*t isn't it? (that's the one were the spinner baits don't sink right?)
  5. Yes wash it! Did not do it once, the water was like mud!
  6. Woolly rind
  7. nice!!
  8. is the emblem supposed to go in? I still can't get it?
  9. I got some cash! 210 With the money I got a Johnny Morris Signature Series Limited Gold baitcast reel for 100 (on sale, most the time it's 170), and a 7' Berkly lightning rod for 20. Just got out of the yard from casting, ssssmmmoooottthhh!! Man oh man the change from a 3 barring to 10 barring is unbelievable!! It cast a mile even a light 1/4 oz weight (most the time I was casting a spro frog). I hope I get to go fish today!!
  10. Have not payed much attention tot that in the last 5yrs. I've just used what I had. Just in this last year I've been getting into brands. And I have used one reel that so far that I acknowledged the brand. It's a Quantum. I don't like it that much, it was only $60 for a combo anyways. Yesterday I when to BPS and got a BPS Johnny Morris Limited series baitcast reel, I think Shimano, Pfleuger makes them. I'm leaning more to Pfleuger though. Haven't used it yet, so I can't say if I like or not. But from what I've read, I like the sounds of Pflugers.
  11. Who constructs the BPS Johnny Morris Limited series baitcast reel, it looks like shimano to me because of the side plate braking system, like what's on a curado, and a Shimano Core 100MG. What do you think? Also, has anyone had this reel? What do you think of it? the BPS Johnny Morris Limited series baitcast reel:
  12. Yesterday I went to BPS and me and my dad got a Johnny Morris Limited series baitcast reel on sale for $100. We got home and put the line on. My problem starts here with the "6-pin centifugal brake system." It wont come off!?!? We follow the direction to the word. it says one should "push in on the lever plate located on the the palming side of the reel. Turn the leaver to the left and remove." We turn can turn it to a certain point but then it will turn no further. It's loose, but will not come off with a pair of pliers! We are gonna take them back today and get our money back if we can't it off. Dose anyone one have one of these that could walk me through how to get it off? If this a curl joke?!!?
  13. Wow! That's interesting! That explains why I can throw a 1/4 oz spinner bait a mile, but can't throw a 1/4 oz crank bait very far at all! Thanks for the info Rooster!
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