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Everything posted by SHIMANOFAN

  1. Just wondering if anyone has used any of these lately? For the price I'm thinking of switching to their braid just to see if it's any better or worse than my old standby Power Pro. Not that I'm not happy with Power Pro but I'm a tinkerer and have a bad habit of switching stuff around just to see what happens.
  2. If I'm on the lake who cares not me. If someone is bored enough to be filming me fishing I kinda pity them cause I'm the most boring person in the world according to my 12 yr old. On the other hand if it's flying over my house (I live out in the sticks btw) it's going to suffer impact damage.
  3. The one that catches fish ?. In all seriousness there is no one magic bait. I use the zoom lizard a lot but just as an example about 3 weeks ago I was throwing the lizard and caught 3-4 decent fish then they just seemed to shut off. Tried a craw then a centipede nothing tied on a 6" watermelon worm and got 3 more before I went to throwing other stuff (cranks spinners and such) . During the whole program I never moved the boat more than about 6 feet so I guess what this long winded rambling post is trying to say is you kinda have to experiment and find out what their looking for.
  4. Me personally as long as I'm catching something I'm happy. Just put them back and keep on fishing. Most people get to focused on catching the biggest fish in the lake and fail to enjoy fishing as a whole.
  5. I had a 1999 Dodge Durango 4X4 with the 318 I used to tow my 22' cabin boat wit never a problem even towing from Central Florida to Key West at Interstate speeds. It's is basically a half ton truck but you have massive storage capacity with the seats down.
  6. That's a 12 lber if I ever saw one ? That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
  7. I just keep a small pair of sharp scissors in my tackle box. Haven't found anything that works better.
  8. I'm not a professional welder but I do know how to weld (disclaimer). I would have to say yes you have it cleared enough but any decent welder will charge a bit more for having to grind that gorilla patch off the bottom but at least when their finished you should have a simple seam inside and out and not that huge rough patch on the outside unless the hole is wider than appears in the pictures.
  9. West Lake Toho in Kissimmee. Not sure it's the best but that's how they advertise and I do well on it usually. ?
  10. I haven't broken double digits yet but I've gotten within ounces on several occasions. Of course I live within about 4 miles of a boat ramp on the "Best bass fishing lake in Florida". But anyway statistics aside the law of averages reigns if you fish long and often enough you're bound to get a big'un in the boat eventually.
  11. Hello all. Been away for a while checking in but not posting ya know kids work life happens sort of stuff but anyway I'm back. Looking for some new equipment and I've narrowed my selection. What I'm looking at is a cranking rod,mostly for lipless rat-l-traps and such,and I was hoping some of y'all could give some opinions on the two. I'm looking at the Elite tech 7'2" mh mod and the Fury 705cb is the Fenwick worth the extra $40 is the Fury good enough? None of my local shops has either so I'm buying sight unseen so any insight I can get is immensely appreciated. Thanks in advance for any opinions-advice-insights you can give me.
  12. I'm in Central Fl. and been having real good luck with spinners dark color w/large colorado blades in gold and either gold or silver w/ blue or black lipless cranks. Hope this helps.
  13. Just never used a frog with a spinnerbait skirt for legs. Maybe I'll try to glue it and see if that works.
  14. They usually get lockjaw about the same time I'm making my first cast of the day. Seems to last about the length of my trip ;D :
  15. I've recently started throwing frogs,probably 8 or 9 months. I have been using and liking the Snag Proof casting frog but I've noticed that after a few casts it fills with water and starts sinking. Does anyone know how to prevent this or a similar frog that does'nt have this issue or did I maybe just get a bum frog? For info's sake I really like this frog as it very strongly resembles the approx. size and color of most of the real frogs we have here and the bass almost can't leave it alone.
  16. Spinners are usually my go-to baits. Having used most of them I generally prefer Strike King or Terminators with Booyahs running close behind.
  17. We're gonna need a little more info. to answer this one. I use braid (Power pro) almost exclusively,as I fish alot in stained water visibility is'nt a problem with it,but where and what you fish becomes a question. Fishing line really does'nt have a "One size fits all" solution you can either swap lines to suit water clarity,lure presentation etc.. but I think most of us gravitate to one or two lines that cover most of our fishing and call it good enough.
  18. I'd get the 8. It will use more gas not towing than the 6 but will outlast the 6 by a long shot if you plan on dragging the boat around alot,unless it's a pretty small,lightweight boat.
  19. Yes you hook them up +to+ and -to-. You can hook the charger to either battery or put the + on one and the - on the other. As the batteries are hooked op paralell either way you hook up the charger will work you just have to be sure you hook it up correctly(positive to positive and negative to negative) or you'll get an unbelievable fireworks display. :'(
  20. I got my 7 yr old one of the Quantum AVS 1.0 series spinning rods and after he got used to the split grip he loved it. I used it to throw a few spinnerbaits and some soft plastics and found it to be a pretty nice rod for $40.
  21. Mine's a 7MF Okuma Guide Select soon to be wearing a DADADADADADAAAAAAAAAA CiticaE that will be spooled with 40lb (10lb. dia) Power Pro.
  22. "Let your conscience be your guide." I'd take it back and just tell them what happened. I closed my Okuma in my Jeep hatch. Called them and they sent me a RA# and a letter. Took it to my local dealer and got a new one. If it broke that easily and cleanly there may have been a material defect. BPS will probably exchange it. Just remember if you are dishonest, you may get a new rod but, KARMAS a *****.
  23. Looking to get some new round reels for chunking swimbaits. I like the round reels as they hold more/heavier line. I have been using 2 Cardiff 300's and have no complaints but they are pretty well shot after several years of abuse and neglect. Anyway been looking at the Okuma Indurons and was wondering if anyone has any experience with them and what they think of them. Also open to suggestions so feel free.
  24. I won't say it's not possible but if you watch the pros almost all of them have at least one if not several light to medium spinning set-ups on their boat. They have one of the Elite series tournaments about a mile from my house and I check it out everyday. Last year KVD let me get in his boat and check it out and he had three spinning set-ups and that spoke volumes to me about their usefulness.Just as a side note he was demonstrating some casting techniques to a group of kids in the crowd and was casting a 1/8 oz. crank about 60 ft. or so on a casting set-up so if he keeps a spinner for finesse rigs in his boat that's good enough for me.
  25. HEY Thanks for all the welcomes guys. Been looking around and like what I've been seeing. Lotta good info, here.
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