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Everything posted by crankbait2009

  1. if only i had a scale to weigh these fish.................... : anyways, i would love to fish other areas but i will continue to go back to my favorite hole till i no longer catch anything. but as for now.....................i will enjoy it for as long as it lasts!!!
  2. i am seeing the term PB bass quite often. i cannot figure out what the PB stands for. :-/ :-[
  3. i am involved with an OHIO fishing forum as well and i posted the same question. they were telling me that it is as well around $100 plus they can also confiscate every piece of equipment you have on you. thats insane. i realize if you try to cheat the system they can do what they want but that would crush my world. :'(
  4. off the wall thought but................. every time out, i wonder how many people i see that are possibly fishing without a license. how common do you think this really is? i have always fished with a license mainly for the fact that id hate to get hit with a fine cause i didnt want to pay the $20 for a license. has anyone ever got caught without one? how much is the fine over what a normal license would have cost? i honestly cant tell you the last time i have ever seen a park ranger or wild life ranger check for peoples licenses. im starting to wonder if they even exist :-/
  5. i understand theres a time and place. no worries. advice fully taken just got back from fishing. i am so convinced that the bomber square a lures have some type of lucky potion on them ;D. i was throwing the 0-1ft crank that i have been referring to and i didnt get a thing. couple hours worth of throwing and nothing. so i decided to throw my famous bomber out, and wahlah, i caught a Largemouth and a really nice sized White Bass. the white bass was the heaviest i caught to date and it was fighting. didnt have a scale but it had to be close to a 5 pounder. all in all, i was out for about 3.5 hours, 2 fish but had fun!!
  6. it sounds like thatgame uses that 6-axis feature. i dont care for that either. we have a wii and im more for the stationary controller (ps3), forget that tilting remote crap
  7. i was wondering about the graphics. i saw it got a 6.0 rating from users on gamespot.com. i saw one on ebay for .99 cents but it has like 6 days to go. if i can get it for not much more than that, i may consider. is it a good game though minus the arcadish features?
  8. Has anyone ever played the Rapala fishing game on PS3?? if so, how would you rate it? worth purchasing?
  9. im going out again tomorrow morning. so ill see what happens. bassin finatic - i have never fished anywhere other than my normal fishing hole, which is a river off the ohio river. (rather small area). i have not tried my shallow cranks any where else to see if they have worked or not. so where i fish, it works for me!
  10. before i answer Raul's response. the 3/4oz bait does look rather bulky/large. will Smallmouth bite this or is this more for Largemouth? the reason asking, the place i usually go fishing has a lot of rock bass as well as Small mouth. havent seen a large mouth at the end of my line, yet I actually have to disagree Raul. more times than none i will throw a Bomber Square A, 3/8oz crank out. to this day i have never been skunked. i tend to think there is a lot of hokus pokus magic in that lure. never lets me down , talk about a confidence bait since i never used "The Egg" prior to this morning............not so much confidence or magic
  11. last night i took a trip to my local BPS. i picked up two XPS Lazer Eye Nitro Extreme, The Egg (see link below). i picked up the Natural Brown Craw and the Brown Shad. (3/4oz) i just went out this morning and used them both, no luck. i have tried very slow - very fast retreive, nothing was working. although these baits have very good action. nothing was biting. anyone else use these or have any luck? http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_51816_100005001_100000000_100005000_100-5-1
  12. my goodness people, you guys are sick!!! 4, 5, 6AM to go fishing. do you guys not like to sleep? as for myself, i'll be up and ready anywhere between 7a-8a and line will be in the water 15 minutes later.
  13. im not sure that i am doing that but i will pay attention next time out and see what happens. i never had this issue prior to last night so something had to have been adjusted some way or another to start now. :-/ ill check the other things in this thread that everyone has suggested and we shall see what happens. maybe it is as simple as re-spooling.
  14. to bemore specific: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_103926_100001001_100000000_100001000_100-1-1?ordProd=Y&CMID=TOP_selectitems#itemDetail model #ETX10HE
  15. MARAUDERYAK - correct me if im reading this wrong but are you saying there was a chance that i could have been slowing down the casting with my thumb without even knowing it? i tried to take my thumb away completely and didnt see any different result. due to habit maybe i still came in contact with it. i first thought that i was throwing a crank that was not 3/8oz as it said. but would the weight really be that significant to effect the casting? i casted a 3/4oz lure as well, and same thing. so i figured that ruled that issue out.
  16. line - yo zuri hybrid 12lb test BPS - extreme baitcaster reel - 6:4:1
  17. the main reason i asked this question was because i deal with a lot of top water cranks. the one i am going to buy shortly is the same crank but the 2" version is 3/8oz and the 2-1/2" version is 3/4oz. i know there is a size difference but wasnt sure why one over the other. they both dive 0-1ft
  18. wrb - my thumb never leaves the spool. i let it drag on the line lightly then right before it hits the water i press firmly. dont ever get backlashes when it hits water but line is just loose between here and there. no matter which weighted lure i use it still does it. 3/8-1oz. would the line dressing seriously help this issue?
  19. yeah, i check the lure falling knob before casting. every time i change the lure, i test the fall rate.
  20. i have a question about the weight of a crankbait. the rod that i have can handle a lure 3/8oz-1oz. what is the reason to throw lets say a 3/8oz compared to 3/4oz? is it only weight for longer casts? what is the main reason for different weights if the rod can handle either or? if there was a thread for this already, please guide me there and i will read. no reason to beat a dead horse!!!
  21. last night i went out fishing and every cast that was thrown didnt feel right. about mid cast, the line on the spool felt really loose like it was getting ready to backlash. i checked the brakes, and i have the setting from 1-10 as well as a free setting. i always have mine set at 10. i have also messed with the drag setting but i dont think that the drag would cause this. am i wrong? what else could be the issue? i thought about when i spooled the reel, the line was not tight while spooling but i actually had the line really tight to avoid any sloppiness. unless the line is relaxing/stretching making it looser. any ideas? i did not receive backlash.......yet, but would like to avoid it. :-/
  22. http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1246815186 http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/fish-care-in-the-livewell.html i just got finished watching this video that was recommended by Glenn and i have a couple questions. 1. i fish 100% of the time from the shore and dont have a boat or a live well. i never catch fish and keep them, it is more of a catch, admire, and release. if i unhook the fish and set him free, how long after that point could they possibly die? when i release them, they swim off like they are supposed to and all looks fine. but is it really? 2. this video kinda has me paranoid about catching/releasing these fish. i realize it may not feel good to get a hook in the lip but how do i know that they will live after i set them free? if there is no blood present of the release, how much harm are they in once they leave? 3. i also saw a video that shows the correct way to hold a fish, im glad i watched that, very informative. i am guilty of holding a fish horizontally. although i have never caught anyhting of great weight (less than a pound), i now know what not to do. :'( never thought about breaking the jaw. is there a way to know if the jaw is broken. if you dont feel any cracks or breaks how do you know if the jaw is broken? will it heal?? or will the fish die shortly after? hope someone can set me straight :-/
  23. if there was a way to end this thread i would.................... i would like to thank yo ufor the advice on which rod to replace my broken one with. i guess i jumped the gun before contacting BPS. although it was my fault that the rod broke i didn't even think i could return it. i called online customer service and they said i need to mail it in to get "considered" for an exchange. and that would have taken a few weeks. so i decided to take a trip to my local BPS, i explained what happened, (that a smallmouth broke my pole ;D) and the girl didn't even blink. she said we cant give you a new rod but we will replace EVERYTHING, so she said go pick out a combo that is the same. so i did. once i got back up to the counter with the replacement, she asked is it the same, i said ya, ok go ahead and go. she didn't even look at it nor have me sign a receipt or anything :-/. now if i was really that dishonest, i could have picked a rod/reel combo that blew the Extremes out of the water. they would have never known. i am good to go now and again, thanks for the advice.
  24. as of right now i only have the BPS Extreme rod to compare to. (beginner in the whole baitcasting world). how does this compare? i would like a rod that is very sensitive. would this work? i just looked this up and the rod is $40, originally $140
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