I am in need of some quick release straps but have no clue where to find them or on ssecond thought, maybe there is a better way to do this.....
i have a wading/fishing back pack that i am trying to attach a worm bag to. I am not sure the best way to do this.
i am attaching a link to the pictures of what i have and what my thoughts are. i am looking for some quick release straps that i can run from both shoulder straps up and over the top of the backpack down to the worm bag handle. I was going to strap the bag to the bottom clips i have but when wading, there would be a good chance that the worm bag would then be submerged in water. so higher up the bag is, the better.
in the photo in this link, the red shows the straps that i would want and the green is actually the worm bag. (elementary pictures, i know, but not the best "paint" artist .
i was googling quick release straps but am coming up empty. not sure what the straps are even called but i dont know where to find them. i searched, walmart, bps, dicks sporting goods, backpacking websites and hiking accessories....nothing.
can anyone help? i hope iv'e made it clear what im looking for