Scariest thing for me was 3 years ago. Wife and I put boat in the water at 4am, foggy as all get out. We had to idle to where I wanted to fish, took approx 45min to get to where we were going. Wife and I were sitting still for the entire time, until we got close and I moved my foot and realized it was cold. I reached down and there was water coming up through the floor drain at the helm!! I thought we had a good sized hole somewhere. I paniced, I could just start to see as the sun was coming up and opened it up and headed for the nearest ramp, bilge pump running entire time. We hit the ramp with enough water both batteries were covered in the bilge. Beached it shallow so it couldn't sink out of sight, and we sat there while I bitched and moaned about the predicament we were in. Suddenly in a moment in between rants I heard a hum. Then it is hit me "look at the dash", in the dark I hit the switch for the livewell fill pump, and it was filling the entire boat. That next weekend I installed illuminated switches.