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Everything posted by ROCbass

  1. The biggest of the big are found in HUGE concentrations in springtime in VERY shallow water. The spawning ritual is basically several males corner a female, and smash into her, forcing the eggs out to be fertilized. it creates almost a geyser like commotion that can be heard across the lake. Very easy to spot them, nothing at all like trophy buck hunting. Thanks for the information. I looked up some videos of the carp spawn on youtube, it looks pretty cool. I can definitely see how it would make for some easy pickings for bowfishers though.
  2. Does anyone know if there is still ice on Conesus?
  3. I felt it was slightly tip heavy when I first got it, but it balanced nicely when I put a reel on it.
  4. Since you haven't handled an Avid, how can you comment honestly? BTW, I'm glad you are enjoying your Mojos. They appear to be very well made, as all St. Croix rods are. Notice I never said that Mojo's were as good as Avids or anything of the sort. As you pointed out, I'm not qualified to say that. I simply read your comments on it, visited another forum where someone else had a different opinion from yours and had some data with it as well, did some fact checking and shared what I found.
  5. That's strange. A guy on another forum weighed a 66MHF Avid and a 66MHF Mojo and the Mojo was lighter. To confirm this finding, I went to the St Croix website and did a comparison of the listed rod weights. For the 6 casting rods with identical ratings, the Mojo had the lower listed weight 4 times. the two exceptions were 70MF 4.2 oz. Mojo vs. 4.1 oz. Avid, and 70HF 5.3 Mojo vs. 5.0 Avid. The most any of them differed by was .3 oz, which is hardly a huge difference and probably not enough to reliably tell a difference by holding them. edit: Looks like hawgchaser beat me to it. The numbers on paper might be correct, but they DO NOT correlate to my impressions in the store. .3 oz is IMPERCEPTIBLE to most mortals. You guys need to stop looking at spec sheets, and actually use the product. Overall, the Mojos left me unimpressed, and I was really looking forward to getting several. I'll be buying none. I have not used any Avids, and won't be getting any any time soon because they are out of my price range. I have handled them in stores, and they are nice rods. Maybe when I am out of college and have a real full time job I will be able to get some. On the other hand, I do have a Mojo that I am very impressed with so far, although my use of it has been limited to backyard practice. It is also the first rod over $50 I have had, so to me it feels like the best rod in the world. I brought up the actual weights just to show that our perceptions can sometimes be deceiving, I probably should have made that more clear. Ultimately how it feels to you is more important than the specs, you're absolutely right. If you feel like the Mojos are significantly worse than your Avids, fish your Avids and be happy. I will continue enjoying my Mojo.
  6. I think he meant the picture in the article. The caption says its a smallmouth, but it looks like a largemouth. The picture is small and not very clear, so it hard to tell for sure.
  7. I don't use KVD or any other product on my line, and most coiling still goes away after a few casts.
  8. That's strange. A guy on another forum weighed a 66MHF Avid and a 66MHF Mojo and the Mojo was lighter. To confirm this finding, I went to the St Croix website and did a comparison of the listed rod weights. For the 6 casting rods with identical ratings, the Mojo had the lower listed weight 4 times. the two exceptions were 70MF 4.2 oz. Mojo vs. 4.1 oz. Avid, and 70HF 5.3 Mojo vs. 5.0 Avid. The most any of them differed by was .3 oz, which is hardly a huge difference and probably not enough to reliably tell a difference by holding them. edit: Looks like hawgchaser beat me to it.
  9. They are made by a company called Aboss. Same company makes a lot of the private label rods for various stores. They used to be made by Quarrow up until a few years ago. There really are some nice rods in the Gander Mountain line! Those Titananium series rods are very light and feel very nice. I havent fished on but from what I can tell, seem like a sweet stick for the money I heard that American Rodsmiths makes the titanium series, and that they have different builders for the other ones. Not sure if thats true but I heard it from someone who works there.
  10. Its chipotle sauce, which is basically just what you described it as. They have cheese in 'em too, but lots of times they put so much sauce that its all you can taste.
  11. I've always thought the same thing about stores that close early on weekdays. It seems like with most people working during the day that 2-10 pm would be the busiest time for these stores, yet many of them close at 5. I have the same problem with banks as well. By the time you get out of work on payday, you can't cash your check because the bank is closed >
  12. How are the biggest ones easier to kill? To me that seems the same as saying a 200 lb trophy class buck is easier to kill than a 80 lb 1 1/2 year old deer. Sure its a bigger target, but the chances of actually seeing one are much smaller because there's less of them and they are smarter. I don't know much about carp, but it seems like the general principles would be the same. I could be way off on this, and if I am, please feel free to set me straight.
  13. In general, casting rods have more guides than spinning rods because the eyes are on top, so more are needed to keep the line off the blank under load. More expensive rods will usually have more guides (and better ones) than cheap rods, this is one way that manufacturers of low budget rods keep their costs down. The guides on casting rods are smaller than those on spinning rods because the bail on a spinning reel causes the line to come off and on the reel in wide loops, so larger diameter guides are needed.
  14. I bought my brother the Capricorn for Christmas this year for his first baitcaster. It was $50 marked down from $139 or something like that, but I don't think I've ever seen it not on sale. I think they just post some really high retail price so you think you are getting a better deal. The Capricorn seems to be the same reel as the Procaster Rojo, but without the flipping switch. I believe the Rojo retailed for $90, so if it is the same reel $50 is still a good deal, but its not a $140 reel like they would have you believe.
  15. Retrieving lures that I've broken off. One day last year I was fishing into the wind and getting a lot of backlashes, which of course weakened my line so on the next cast my spinnerbait would snap off mid cast and go flying. Happened at least 3 times, and every time I snagged the line and got my lure back a few casts later. Another time I was fishing in a pretty good chop from a canoe and wedged my DT6 in a rock pile. It was way too hard to position the boat to try to get it free, so I broke it off. Went back the next day when there was no wind or boat traffic so the lake was smooth as glass and I was able to spot my lure and nudge it free with the canoe paddle.
  16. Because the percentage of people who will pour their own or go out of state just to buy and use lead is small. most will use up their current stash of lead weights then start buying nonlead sinkers. So in the short run it doesn't do much but in the long run it should.
  17. 6'6" M/F spinning rod with 10# braid
  18. I'm not sure why or how they chose to make the boundaries where they did, but I don't think it matters all that much. The important thing is that there is a subforum available to ask questions related to specific bodies of water in your state or meet people from your area without clogging up the general board. Likewise, if there were more geographic categories, the amount of subforums would be unwieldy.
  19. $4.42 isn't really anything to complain about. This summer NY raised the state cigarette tax to $2.75 a pack, my smoking friends are paying close to $8 a pack now. with the federal tax increasing as well it will probably be over $8 after April 1
  20. We are trying to get a team together at SUNY Geneseo. Our application for recognition by the school Club Sports Association is due on Friday, hopefully everything will go through ok. If everything goes as planned, we hope to fish the northern division of FLW's college fishing this summer. Other schools this far north that have teams that I know of are SUNY Plattsburgh and Cornell. If you go to collegefishing.com, you can click on tournament schedule and then see what teams are registered for the northern division qualifying tournaments. That should give you an idea of schools with teams in your area.
  21. I don't understand why people think they need to put gas in the boater's truck unless you are riding to the launch together. Assuming you are traveling equal distances to the launch, the boater is probably spending more on gas to get there because he is towing, but what if the boater lives five miles from the lake and the non boater lives sixty miles away? Should the boater give the non boater gas money just because he is spending more to get there? I don't think so.
  22. Yeah a few years ago I went on a charter on Lake Ontario and my brother got a pretty nice King, so I know they are there. I want to go to Alaska and fish for them for a couple reasons. The first is that my uncle and cousins live up there, and I have always wanted to go there and visit them. The second is that the ones around here don't get as big as they do up there
  23. Fish in my area: Musky Longnose Gar Brown Trout Rainbow Trout channel catfish bowfin Exotics/destination fish: Pacific salmon in Alaska Peacock Bass in the amazon
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