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Everything posted by ROCbass

  1. my brother made a striker for a turkey call out of a piece of a broken rod once.
  2. You're assuming the employees stocked them on the wrong rack or mispriced them. Far more often, I believe, knucklehead shoppers grab those high dollar baits off the shelf, tote them around while considering whether or not to purchase them and then ultimately decide not to. Rather than return them to their high-dollar rack, they ditch them in the closest spot: the discount box. I agree that this happens a lot more than it should, but there are usually ways to tell when this is the case. There will either be an orange sticker on all the true clearance merchandise and a few baits without them, or something just doesn't fit in with everything else, for example 4 crankbaits in a bin with 200 spinnerbaits and a big sign saying "brand x spinnerbaits 50% off." The situation I am talking about happens more rarely, but I have seen it. In an aisle there will be several rows of an item on hooks which are labeled far below what I know to be retail for that item, so I grab a few thinking they are on sale, only to have them ring up full price. This is when I tell the person working the register the price that it was advertised for on the rack, and if need be show them where I got the item. If it turns out the item was stocked incorrectly, sometimes they honor the price and sometimes they don't like RW said. If they don't and I don't want to pay retail, I say thanks anyway and leave it there. If they do honor it though, I have no problem taking advantage of the deal.
  3. That was tough to watch, but at least they were competitive, which is more than I expected. While I agree that had McKelvin taken a knee the Bills would have won, I can't say I blame him for trying to make something happen. He probably should have gone down once he was hit instead of trying to drag 3 tacklers to get an extra three yards though. Despite the tough loss at the end, I did see a lot of things from the Bills that give me more hope for the season than I had going into this game.
  4. So, which game will be more of a blowout?
  5. Lonesome Dove "Oh this young man has had a very trying rookie season, with the litigation, the notoriety, his subsequent deportation to Canada and that country's refusal to accept him..."
  6. I'm 21, so Ferguson was before my time. The Superbowl losses to the Cowboys are the first things I remember about the Bills.
  7. Is anyone predicting any upsets tonight? As a Bills fan, I have never been less optimistic at the start of a football season than I am going into tonight's game. I fully expect them to get their heads torn off by the Patriots, and have it set the tone for their entire season. Hopefully they prove me wrong. Time will tell i guess...
  8. If you lie and say they were on the wrong rack/switched the stickers yourself, then yes, that is wrong. However, if the item was stocked on the wrong rack/mismarked by the store employees, the store should honor the price they are being advertised for on the shelf IMO.
  9. Are you sure there weren't any further discounts? Reason I ask is the gander near me will sometimes have things in the clearance bins that aren't marked down all that much, but the sales flyer or a sign near the bin says clearance items 1/2 off lowest stickered price or something like that.
  10. I am also looking into getting my first handgun, and there is a lot of great information on this thread. I hunt, and I think it would be a blast to kill a deer at close range with a handgun. For those of you who have hunted with handguns before, what do you recommend that could also be used for self defense/ concealed carry?
  11. I use the E5 for these applications.
  12. Matt, I have to agree with you on the spare spool. At $200, throw it in. With a spare spool, the reel would have been $225+. Shimano is very price-point conscious. I find it hard to believe they would have to mark the reel up $25 to make enough money for it to be worth selling just because they included a spare spool. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that they could include the spool, not change the MSRP one bit, and still make money.
  13. bills 4-12
  14. On another website I visit, a member invented sarcasm marks a while back. They are like quotation marks, but to show when you are being sarcastic. Just put plus signs at the beginning and end of your sarcastic statements. I think we can make this work here. ex: +Throwing cigarette butts in the water is good for the fishery because underwater currents will wash them into a big pile and create a fish attracting structure.+
  15. I might able to to figure something out, but the surgeon was pretty insistent on no weight bearing for 8 weeks so if i did go it would have to be from a chair on the bank, and I would need someone to help carry my tackle and drive me there. Until i go back for my follow up appointment in two weeks I don't want to push it too much, and after that I will be back in college focused on finishing my last semester of undergrad and probably won't have a lot of time for fishing anyway. Not many of my college friends fish so I don't know how willing they would be to help me out when i do have some free time, although I suppose it could be a good opportunity to get them into it.
  16. Late spring/ early summer I was fishing a lot and loving it, but then my summer job as a camp counselor started and I was working 6 days a week and had very little desire to do anything but sleep on my one day off. As a result I have not been fishing in probably two months. Last Friday, just as the camp season is starting to wind down and I'm thinking I might be able to get back out on the water a few times before I go back to school, I broke my leg and found out that I will not be able to walk without crutches for 8 weeks. Looks like fishing winter came early this year...
  17. I've heard people use the term before when talking about their spouses cousins.
  18. Does anybody have any experience with these rods? I was in Gander Mtn. yesterday and picked one up for $25, marked down from $80. It is a 6'6" medium power. I put a Curado E5 on it and plan to use it for cranks, jerkbaits, and topwaters. If anyone else has one of these rods or has used one, please let me know what you think of it.
  19. In NY $68 for a "super sportsman" license gets you: Fishing -$19 by itself Big and small game hunting-$19 by itself muzzleloader permit-$16 by itself bowhunting permit-$16 by itself turkey permit- $5 by itself total if purchased separately $75 I don't know about launch fees because I only have a canoe and every car top launch I've been to is free
  20. Matt, I agree that its not Perry in the photo, as all of the evidence suggests that its not. I'm just saying that stranger things could happen than that evidence being wrong. A prime example is the OJ Simpson trial. Most of the evidence said he did it, but it did not prove it in the eyes of the jury members. As far as Perry watching his father die of cancer and vowing never to smoke etc. If that is true that is the first time I have heard it, and it rules out the possibility that he quit and his son just never knew he smoked that I mentioned, which was basically me playing devil's advocate along with everything else I posted in support of the minuscule chance it could be Perry.
  21. Mattm, I have seen photos of my dad when he was younger from before I was born, and no, I did not recognize him at first. Perry Jr. saying it isn't his dad is very strong evidence against it being Perry. But it does not mean that there is no chance whatsoever in the world that it is not either. Is it good enough to reasonably assume it is not Perry? Absolutely. Enough to be 100% positive and state it as fact? No. When scientists test a theory, all the evidence they gather can support the theory's validity, but it can't prove it. Evidence and proof are not the same thing, that is all I am saying.
  22. Matt, I can show you a picture of my brother and say that he's not related to me, you don't know either of us so you would have no idea. So Perry family members saying its not him is not proof of anything. Especially taking into consideration the son's comment that the reason he knew its not his dad is his dad didn't smoke. Its possible he did as a young man and stopped, and the son never remembered it. If the son said he knew it wasn't his dad because it looks nothing like him or my dad was not that tall it would be a lot easier to take at face value. I could also show you two different pictures of the same person that look like completely different people, but they aren't. So that also proves nothing. Personally I believe it is Perry's fish and that is not Perry holding it, but I don't know. I wish there were some other photos of this Jack Page character. If a known picture of him looked more like that man than the known photos of Perry, that would be good enough for me to say its him and not Perry, but based on the evidence as I see it, there is still some very slight doubt in my mind. As others have said, this is all moot because 22-4 is the mark to beat and no amount of talk or speculation at this point will change that. I just think it is an interesting picture, especially considering the mystery behind it.
  23. Ok, so its not him. How do you know? were you there when the picture was taken? Who is in the picture if not Perry? The biggest piece of evidence aside from a couple old poor quality photos against it being Perry that I have seen is that his son said his dad didn't smoke. Lots of people quit smoking. I agree that it is extremely likely not Perry, but the evidence that I have seen is far from enough for me to declare it a fact. The fact is I don't know George Perry or anyone else who was alive in Georgia in 1932 from a hole in the ground, and a photo of a man whose face is barely visible is not enough for me to say with 100% certainty who it is or is not, no matter what anyone else says. Then again I tend to be a little more skeptical than most people.
  24. I agree that most of the evidence suggests it is not Perry in the picture, but until there is a positive ID of who it is it could still be anybody, Perry included, especially taking into consideration the quality of the picture and the fact that the man's face is shadowed and hard to make out. I just think it is strange that people are so quick to say its not Perry, yet no one knows for sure because no one knows for sure who it is.
  25. Without getting into all of the subtle differences, it's basically what the NYS board of Regents calls geology.
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