Of course they wouldn't care if we lost our job, much like football players get cut (lose their job) all the time and no one notices unless its a big name player or you follow the sport closely. That's not the point, and it's more than just one guy losing his job. I don't know what you do for a living, but if your entire industry shut down abruptly for a year I bet people would notice, maybe even some football players. I'm not interested in taking sides in the labor dispute between the players and owners, I just enjoy watching NFL football and would like to do so next fall. Maybe your life wouldn't change in any significant way if there was never another football game, but that's not true for everyone. If fishing was outlawed it wouldn't change anything for millions of people, but I'm assuming you would be upset or you wouldn't be posting on this site.
As much as I like fishing, and as much of a part of my life it is, if it were taken away from me, I'd find something to take its place. For me it would probably be playing more golf.
Fishing or following any sport should not be like a drug which makes you absolutely dependent upon it for your joy of living.
Nothing in life is certain, or forever. A vital part of enjoying life is to accept adversity, deal with it, and move on. In other words, you should be in control of your own life, not depending upon others to make life fulfilling and rewarding.
I was a die-hard football fan for years, until the last players' strike, and a season of substitute players. I realized that I had allowed football to dominate my life, and was disgusted with the players and owners, all of whom were far better off than I.
Both sides were acting like spoiled brats, and I kissed them off. Strange think was, I suddenly felt free, like a weight had been lifted from me.
I no longer needed them, or even cared about them. Being freed from such bondage is exhilarating. That may sound quite dramatic, and it is. But it is also reality.
I understand that, and as much as I enjoy football, it doesn't consume or control my life by any means. Still though, most Sundays during football season I'm watching the Bills, either on tv or at the stadium. If there's no football, I'll have to find something else to do on Sundays, and I'm sure I'll get by just fine. I'll probably do more hunting and fishing which will be completely fine by me, and maybe I'll end up not missing football at all. Nevertheless, by being forced to replace one enjoyable activity with another, my life will change in some way.