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Everything posted by paully

  1. bravo re file mou! pou stin cypro psarevis?
  2. paully

    Jig line

    Hey guys I've been in search of a new line and was wondering what line do you guys use for jig fishing? I was thinking 14lb Sufix Elite but any suggestions are welcome
  3. thanks guys! appreciate it. For the frogs, would I be better off using a spro bronzeye frog or a horny toad?
  4. well I do know that they have sunken christmas trees at the bottom that i've snagged tons of jigs and t-rigs on. Thanks for the advice everyone! I'llt ryi t out whenever i go there Should I use shallow diving or deep diving cranks?
  5. great advice! might i add that i will be fishing from shore. should i bounce the cranks off of the "sexy" pillars? Do you think there are bass hanging by there? would a jig work well here and if so where? thanks and sorry for so many questions
  6. This spot looks like a great area for horny toads and senkos but i've used em with little success. I'm wondering what you guys would do in this area and what would you do in the morning and afternoon? thanks a bunch guys have a nice day paul
  7. anyone have any input?
  8. Hey all. I went fishing yesterday hoping to catch some bass and I was skunked. As i was scouting my lake I saw 2 bedding bass. No, I didnt target them. But, a few questions; what structure/cover would be a good idea to fish? what lures? btw, im fishing from the shore
  9. I'm glad I have my youth and I work out! ' May I ask what muscles bother you the most after a day of flippin?
  10. Hey everyone, I was looking to get serious in bass fishing this year and I know that I have much to learn but it would be pretty cool to join a fishing club. Would any Chicago clubs accept a 14 year old such as myself? thanks, paul
  11. Over here in Illinois they stock like 2 grass carp per acre or something like that in the lake. If I'm not mistaken these kind of carp are not fertile. They just put em in to prevent algae booms. (I'm not 100% sure so yah) The common carp is the real problem and when they are spawning there are MILLIONS!!!
  12. I'm a member of 4. Bass Resource TackleTour Chicagoland fishing and angling101(another chicago site)
  13. WOW!!! nice fish man!! If i caught one of those I'd be happy!!! RIP RAP BABY!! LOL
  14. Dude!! Thats a great popper! Especially for your first one. Are you going to add hooks and things onto it?
  15. I just got this gloves called Glacier Gloves and wow they kick butt!! They have a thumb andi index finger thing where you can stick it out and velcro it. Do a google search on em.
  16. Right now I think the smallmouth bite is going on up here in Illinois. The Morning temps are in the 40s-50s but daytime temps are 60s-70s and the water is in about 55-60 something. THey should be pretty active now right? I'm scared to use jerkbaits or crankbaits because the river is REALLLLY shallow and has a bunch of rocks. I'll try topwater next time i go cause ive yet to catch a smallmouth I'll also try some shad or something.
  17. In the main lake that I fish there are no creeks in it. Its a man made lake and it has no shad in it. It does however have bluegill. I am not sure what a cove is when it comes to a lake. Can anyone help me out ??? thanks
  18. Hey guys... Fall fishing is here!!... and I have no clue what to do :'( ??? I have a bunch of really shallow pads in my lake and I was wondering if the bass stay there still?is really shallow timber worth fishing also? 1-5 feet deep w/ a jig? How would jigs best be fished and with what kind of trailer? I fish from shore so I am pretty limited. What else is good structure to target from shore in the fall? Is the pike bite on too? Waht else can I use for bass besides a jig? BTW, I'm in northern Illinois. SOrry for all the questions!!!!!!!!!! Paul
  19. Hey, I was watching this show Fishing with Scott Martin and they were fishing Okeechobee on the matts. They used a 1 oz tungten rigged with a 3 inch craw and they were getting lots of bites from theere like that hopping it around
  20. OMG! I put the baitmonkey on hold for a while! I didn't know how I did that! I just walked into my local tackleshop to get some bait and then I saw a bunch of Kreatures, senkos, dingers, crankbaits, spinnerbaits, jigs etc that i neeeded. The baitmonkey was whispering in my ear "grab them. you need them badly even though you have a bunch of each already...!!!!! GRAB THEM!" I said NO! and I turned my head and ordered a dozen minnows and 2 dozlen crawlers and painfully walked out!
  21. You can also try Yum Dingers. They are pretty much the same exact thing as senkos just cheaper
  22. LMAO!!!^^^ I think that colors might matter also depending on the depth you are fishing at. If youare fishing shallow clear water I'm sure it matters but still,won't they see your rod?
  23. why fix it if it aint broke? I would keep it as long as i can
  24. Well i many flaws I wish to change. First off, get more confidence in crank baits. I've caught 3 fish on them. Know when to switch things. Catch a fish on jigs and know when/where to use them. Know what to use when nothing else is working. C-rig T-rig Patience. Pitching/Flipping I think that pretty much sums it up.
  25. aiirus Bad weather good fishing or nice weather bad fishing?
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