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Everything posted by h1x71

  1. i have a older (82) stryer bass boat with a 70hp johnson on it, it has no trimm and i have adjusted the trim points on the moter to evry possiable veryant and am still having the front end rise up and have to get my partner to movie toward the front of the boat to plaine off. I have been told that my prop is the wrong pitch and i can understand this but till i come up with th extra cash for a new prop can i just put some weight up front to temp fix this? im not worried about top speed to much my max speed at 5500 rpm wot is only about 37mph so im not trying to pass anyone we just wont to fish. any help would greatly help me out thanks don
  2. i like "stand up jigs" with a very bouyant trailer for me its the mann's stone jig and a berkley wolley hawg tail in green pumpkin
  3. I am new to bass boat's and have a question about the batteries. I have a 1976 70hp johnson motor with 2 batteries, the first battery is a reguler 12v car battery "I think", for cranking. The other is a 12v trolling motor battey. My question is how can I tell if I have a alternator on the boat to charge the cranking battery or do I have to charge the cranking battery before each trip out? Where would the alternater on the boat be, on the motor? thanks don
  4. I have a 70hp johnson on my boat and it came without power trim. when I put it on the trailor I manualy have to flip a leaver and pull it up and lock it . The man I bought it from said to run with it all the way down? It has holes to adjust the tilt of the motor but im afraid to try anything new do to damage? what do you guys think motor up or down? also should it be locked in place while running or not locked? I have been told that being not locked is better so if any thing was to get run over it would be more foregiving? don
  5. the "clear coat" is chipping on the top part of the boat, is ther any thing i can do to fix this or treat it with? the boat is a 1984 styker bass boat thanks don
  6. in the back yard, i toss out my kids basket ball and try to bounce it off the ball at diffrent distance. between the bushes that i have to *^#@!^&* weed eat around.
  7. I am looking into buying a jon boat and have a questions about them. what is the most stable width for a jon boat for being able to stand and fish and building a deck on later. what would you say the is the least wide but still stable enough to fish while standing? do plywood decks help stable because of weight? on the seats is it better to use lower or highr seats in a narrow boat? this will only fish the back waters where i live at, it will not have a motor but will be run off a trolling motor only for now. stability is what i am after for either 1-2 persons in ths boat. thanks don
  8. in a boat its floating trash if im on land beer cans all over the place
  9. i will never look at baby ducks the same way again!!! we are sick puppies fishing for bass ;D with a duck don
  10. in my part of alabama wal-mart is all i have local to buy fishing items and they dont sell g/y but have a good supply of tikki..........
  11. he was 3, threw a roostertail out on his little quantum reel he got at christmas and caught a brim ALL BY HIMSELF brought it in and everything "rooster tail only had 1 barb" god i loved it have roostrtail now on display don
  12. do ya'll know where on the web you can find a webcam for largemouth bass in a tank. im talking about a live motion view?
  13. here in gadsden alabama our local cable provider "comcast" had a blackman out of georgia that relly showed the tek side and what baits he used and how to use them i think it was called " sportsman paridse"
  14. the worm "green pumpkin" for me was the bread and rat-l-traps "chrome" was the butter but the jam was a 'dbl willow chartuse spinner bait' next yeat going to play more with cranks and pig-n-jigs
  15. gadsden alabama about 30yrds from the coosa river
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