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Everything posted by marinetech

  1. Thank you for the video. I had assumed the met was rh but noticed quickly it’s a lefty.
  2. Check the fuel lines. If you have the old gray merc hose it could be the liner has broke down due to ethanol fuel. If the plugs are dirty replace them , not a big expense. No sense trying to diagnose an outboard with bad plugs. After that determine if you have a fuel or electrical issue. When in doubt separate motor from boat. My best suggestion would be to purchase a REAL Mercury service manual. Do not buy an after market one.
  3. No need to replace a bent prop shaft. That is a big waste of money. On average I straighten at least 10 per week. Guaranteed within .001" or less. $55.00
  4. I believe it will not allow the outboard to go below 500 rpm's so it's not going to bog. I strongly doubt you will get the boat down to 1 mph. You will need to slow the boat down some other way. If it has trim tabs putting them all the way down will help.
  5. For the Yamaha you can install rocker that will change rpm's by 50 up or down.
  6. True and they have also used Yamaha.
  7. Grew up in the 60's and 70's on Sebago. I don't fish it any more. I do fish just about anywhere else. Dead River being one of my favorites.
  8. Fish it real early or late. May have to put lights on the canoe. Topwater works well or soft swimbaits.
  9. 25 plus in my boat always. some may never see the deck but I'm good for no matter what.
  10. Come see me at Yarmouth Boatyard , we can help you out. I've got 2 of the best Yamaha techs out there. We will take great care of you. Dana
  11. Just north of Portland in Cumberland.
  12. Anyone know of someone here in Maine that does rod repair ? Need guides rewrapped and a new handle.
  13. My thoughts exactly.
  14. That I cannot answer. I just know that a reel that is meant for light baits makes it a much less fustrating fishing trip. The pixy is an amazing reel and that is a huge help.
  15. Guess you never tried a pixy type r or a PX68R. They are capable of throwing a bare hook !
  16. Stinkus and I will be there memorial day.
  17. first trip out 2 weeks ago on pleasant pond caught 21 LM biggest was 4.12 lbs. Count my fishing partner in to he goes by Stinkus
  18. I am looking for someone to redue the guides and put a new handle on a rod. anyone no of someone around so. maine that does this ?
  19. Thanks guys , Mike from DVT answered my question.
  20. Just curious as to your thoughts on a daiwa steez reel since you seem to know daiwa's pretty well
  21. shipped it out priority mail monday Wayne. thanks a million , Dana
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