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Everything posted by aceman387

  1. my sister in law told me last night about an incident at the dunkin donut down the street from our business .when she drove up to the drive up window the young girl who usualy waits on her came to the window crying. my sister in law said oh my god whats wrong and she said she just got a 100.00 dollar tip from a customer. the young cashier said this lady came in and during small talk the young cashier was telling her that she was counting on this next paycheck because she needed every penny to buy her daughter this present she wanted so this lady went home and came back with a 100.00 dollar bill and handed it to her and said ,please take this because i have alot of money.
  2. how about a chia pet, the stores are loaded with them this time of year
  3. im so sorry to hear of such a terrible accident my prayers sent to all of those affected
  4. my wife and all her sisters got together and had a christmas cookie bake off ,i got this big tin filled with all kinds of assorted cookies. ive been widdleing away at it the past few nights that stuff is so addicting.
  5. can you imagine getting up in the middle of the night to go pee flipping on the light and having something like spider no 2 on the wall next to the light switch . merry christmas.
  6. congrats ,what a great story, what an inspiration he is.
  7. it seems alot of us are getting the same cold front coming thru. here in illinois by chicago it was supposed to get around 60 for the high and around midnight the temps are supposed to drop way down with freezing drizzle crap.
  8. last year my inlaws gave me the brute gift set comes with deoderant stick and bottle of cologne . shows what they think of me. that gift set probably set them back a couple bucks at walmart. i didnt even know brute was still made
  9. thanks for the heads up i watched it friday night. my wife was upstairs trying to go to sleep, she kept popping her head out of the room asking why are you laughing so hard at
  10. im like you guys, i long for the past at times also. we need to get back to a simpler life turn off the tv and get in touch with family and friends and live with in our means i think everybody is so stressed out from having to work so much because they have to pay for all the stuff they didnt need in the first place. i remember reading this book called your money or your life when i was younger it was a good book it told you how to be frugal .
  11. after just getting over the stomach flu a couple nights ago i would be seen at the party standing in the corner with my hands in my pocket afraid to touch any sneeze sprayed double chewed food germs , of course those type wealthy people dont think they have germs to begin with.
  12. lately when i irratable i strip naked and put on my swim fins and snorkel and go lay face down in a snow drift till i cool off . thanks to glenn for the spell check i just hope i dont burn the system up on him with all my posts.
  13. i like to go there to look around, but buy almost everything at the small bait shop by my house. i found the little shop to be cheaper on almost everything.
  14. looks like a new winter hobby that us midwestners could take up snow drift snorkleing
  15. how much abuse is a guy supposed to take.good for him i hope he taught them a lesson.
  16. i was humming that song to myself at the grocery checkout line, while my wife was paying for the food i was staring at the new issue of gentlemans quarterly magazine with jennifer aniston on the cover wearing nothing but a tie
  17. holy smokes is there anything left of the combine ? me and my wife like to hike this time of year, if those thing were roaming around illinois i wouldnt leave the house.
  18. like the other guys said im also sorry to hear about you losing your job and pray for something good to come out of this for you.
  19. this has happened to all of us, ( empty roll). at times like this im glad that my wife keeps that small little useless trashcan (that i never seem to use) that holds hardly anything but comes in handy at emergency times like this the only downside is when you have to crawl on youre hands and knees to get to it scraping together all the bits and pieces of semi used scraps some with make up on them ,some with snot, seperate the used dental floss fragments and used ear swabs ,eventualy i can put together a decent size emergency wipee
  20. i feel for you ,my wife caught the flu friday night i stayed away from the bedroom i chose to sleep on the couch downstairs hopefully somewhere where it was germ free. the past two years in a row ive gotten the stomach flu when my wifes daughter has come to town around xmas i know its just a coincidence . i have just been informed her daughter is to arrive on the 23rd this month you think the stomach flu thing isint playing on my mind . ho ho ho . hope you feel better i remember it sure messes with your appetite grab some gatorade , ginger ale toast, soup and hang in there.
  21. im from illinois also and it just irks you the level of greed. the poor working guy is scared about his job and scared to spend any money and you have a guy like this running the state who has tons of money and has to have more and more.
  22. i would like to send an assorment to my wifes family but i dont wanna spend that much on them.
  23. i bought an 8 ft one like that from bass pro shop and thats all i use i use it on lakes , ponds , i love the thing just slide it in the back of my truck and im gone most of the time i take my wife or buddy with me we have enough room had no problems ,matter of fact i bought another used one from a customer that i leave chained to a tree at the club i belong to.
  24. try taking omega 3 fish oil im not a vitamin pusher but my wife has been buying this lately and i started taking it a couple months ago i am more upbeat than usual .this time of year i would get on a downer because business gets slow but ive noticed im more upbeat this year and that is the only thing i can think of that is different .just before i posted this i googled benefits of fish oil and helping depression was one of them
  25. i like that. it gets you in the christmas spirit, good job
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