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Everything posted by aceman387

  1. these pictures remind me of a story one of my customers was telling me .he was coming home from his vacation in Wisconsin and on the way home while towing his boat with his jeep he hit a deer ,messing up the front end of his jeep ,when he finally got home in the process of taking his boat off the jeep he got distracted and the boat and trailer came off and slid down his sloped driveway scratching the side of his corvette that was parked in the driveway and knocked down his mailbox and post before coming to a rest in the neighbors front yard . he told me man, my insurance agent is not gonna believe this phone call.
  2. i don't think it can get any better than that , away fishing and with your father yet, enjoy every second of this time spent with your father , its irreplaceable!, cant wait to see the pictures.
  3. i was just talking to a woman who is a personal trainer the other day and she was talking about her trip to Italy , i never travel so i asked her what the biggest difference between our country and Italy the first thing she blurted out was you don't see any fat people over there and here everybody is fat.
  4. i know everybody is in their fishing mode still but can you imagine come winter when most of us have nothing to do you have all this collection to study.how great.
  5. well ,I'm gonna try to be of some help.i own one and find it to be lightweight and sensitive myself being a newbie this is the only high end rod i own so i don't have anything to compare it to, hopefully some one like rw or more experienced anglers will reply to you. on a side note i was fishing a couple nights ago at a forest preserve pond and when i was leaving i ran into a guy whom i always see catching fish when nobody else seem to . it turns out this guy is a very experienced angler who fishes in a lot of tournaments he wanted to look at my rod and reel this guy couldn't believe how nice and sensitive it was he kept playing with it in the parking lot saying i cant believe this rod im gonna have to buy one of these.
  6. my friend was telling me something like this happened to him .he was coming up a bank with waders on and caught some guy digging thru the cab of his truck unfortunately for this guy my friend is a fighter with a temper and beat the crap out of the guy and then grabbed a BBQ grill propane tank out of this thieves truck and banged it up and down all over the outside of the guys truck. sorry this happened to you i hope you catch them.
  7. man those pictures are priceless they make you wanna grab a magnifying glass and study each one.what a neat collection to have.
  8. happy birthday!, i see youre in frankfort , im not to far down the road from you.(willow springs)
  9. i bought one about a month ago ,cortez shad i think it was called .i used it early in the morning before sunrise on a high pressured pretty clear forest preserve pond by my house. one time out i caught a couple dinks on it the second time out nothing, before it fell apart while reeling it in.for me this is a pretty heavy lure by the time you add the tail ,i wasn't impressed with the quality of it and told them so in an e mail they responded and said send us back whats left of the lure( all i had left was the blade) and they sent me one to replace the one that fell apart and one for the shipping .so they at least stand behind their lures.
  10. i would e mail them and tell them what happened. i had a booyah boogie bait fall apart after a few casts and i e mailed them . they said to mail back what parts you have left which was just the blade and they sent me back 2 new ones.
  11. she has that look on her face like she wants to say , YOU ARE NOT GOING FISHING ! unless youre taking me of course.
  12. another vote for the mcoy mean green.
  13. great posts pitchinbass,. im glad your on this site your posts are real informative for all of us learning newbie bass fisherman. thanks, and keep the posts coming.
  14. i share your frustration, i have been skunked the past 5 times ive gone out to this forest preserve lake, and i know its not just me because i havent seen anybody else hauling in anything either .this morning i got out there a 4.30 am .i rigged up this top water lure i read about somewhere else which the fisherman said was to take any decent sized top water lure take the back treble hook off and attach a piece of fishing line 12 to 20 inches to where the rear treble hook was and put n a senko wacky rigged so when your jerk the topwater the splash attracts the fish and the fish goes after the senko .i fish from shore and not a hit on it .now its 8.30 am and im home and crabby from getting up at 4am.
  15. punctuation or spelling not perfect ,its fine with me .we all got stories to tell, some interesting ,some funny.that's why i look forward to reading this site.thanks for sharing yours.
  16. i always use senkos eve though this past winter i bought some jigs and have never taken the time to try them this summer , shame on me because after seeing these posts i see alot of you guys catch have great success with them .i plan on educating myself about them.
  17. i was reading an article in the paper a couple days ago where used car dealers were saying this program is driving them out of business
  18. my love handles tell me im a big fan of cake and ice cream .
  19. hope you have a quick recovery. in the mean time since you cant fish i would plop a lap top on youre chest and explore all the areas of this site there is so much information at youre hands you will be a better fisherman when its time to get back on the water
  20. the past couple of weekends Ive spotted groups of smaller bass around 12 inch hanging out together. the water i fish in is crystal clear strip mine pits and since the bigger bass aren't around i have been targeting these groups of smaller bass . its pretty easy to catch them by throwing small 4 inch watermelon worms at the group. its like feeding frenzy among the group to see who can grab the fake meal first.usually i can catch one after another before they catch on . the question i had was are these small groups of bass like a pack of hyenas or wolves that are working together for food or do groups of bass like this generally hang around together?
  21. i had a question on charging my marine battery i use for my trolling motor. on my days off i will go fishing in the morning say 6am to 9 am then come in do some work around the house throw the battery on charge for3-4 hrs and go back out fishing till evening and then charge it again when i come in at night is there such a thing as charging to much or would i be better off with just letting it sit in the afternoon and charge it just at night. my boat is just a 10 ft pond prowler and most of the time i just use the slow speed so the battery never really gets real drained i guess was wondering if i was shortening the life of my battery charging it too much some days
  22. i love this site myself ,i hop on it first thing i the morning at check back on it a few times during while at work I'm on it so much my wife always says are you on your fish porn site(p.s. Ive compared my fishing catches last year to this being my second year fishing and Ive gotten much better all because of reading posts from some of you great fisherman.this site is the best.
  23. i was thinking about one myself a couple months ago and when i looked on bass pro shops website at the time it got favorable reviews. .
  24. you guys are killing me with this great article .i just stumbled upon it and have to go to work in like 2 min, wont be back to read it for a few hours . I'm hoping time flyes today
  25. any chance the new owner would be willing to rent to you ,at least until you get your money and can buy your own house.
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