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Everything posted by aceman387

  1. Drank a thermos of old coffee that was sitting in the pot from the week before. I added new grounds and added water and started piling all my gear into the car while it was brewing,i was so excited to go fishing i never thought about checking the decanter to see if it was empty before starting a new pot,i kept wondering why it tasted funny and was luke warm at best,i figured maybe the coffee maker was on its way out before realizing my sister in law was at the house the week before and made a pot and didn't finish it all.
  2. I have been out fishing at two different locations.The first place was a cemetery retention pond that i told has bass. (no luck) The second place i tried was a cook county forest preserve lake.(no luck) At the forest preserve lake there were a few others fishing so i walked along and chatted with them, all of us got skunked.I tried lipless cranks,black & blue jig,and a Berkly swim bait.
  3. It looks like none of us boys from Illinois are catching any fish yet.I have been out a few times the past two weeks and haven't caught anything either, actually i am still waiting for my first hit.I have tried grubs,shakey head worm,flukes,wacky rigged zoom finesse worms,bitsy bug jigs, and a 1/4oz lipless crank bait all to no avail.Come on spring!
  4. Good luck Chris, go out a catch a monster for those of us stuck at work who wish we could join you.
  5. This is the future.This is why our country is doomed.
  6. Luckily i have an understanding wife. For those of you that are not so fortunate maybe you can stash it small piles around the garage and the house, so at least when she stumbles upon your tackle it wont look massive and cause a fight.
  7. I get some kind of reaction when i take aspirin. I remember taking it when i was a kid and never having a problem but as i got older it messes with my stomach.
  8. I have lubed everything, organized everything. re-organizes again. It got to the point where i got tired of going out in the cold garage everyday to look at the stuff so i just brought in and put it the basement where at least its warm.The past month i have been going way back in the fishing tackle section on here and writing down different rigging techniques for lures i always use to give the fish some different looks for the same old lures.This site is priceless.There are so many good fisherman (teachers i call them) on here .If your bored just research on here,this site is truly amazing.
  9. I believe i plays a big part with fishing success .Its kind of hard to explain but it helps bring everything together in your mind and helps with your focus and concentration and opens a lot of your senses so you can become a fine tuned bass catching machine.I hope this makes sense,i should be in bed by now.
  10. Last time my wife came with me she brought her cell phone along and talked to half her family members while out in the boat ,unfortunately that daythe fishing was slow and she became bored and started doing pilates poses on the seat of my fishing boat .I had to tell her to stop, she was embarrassing me out there.
  11. The fishing has been slow here also,i just picked up some zoom tiny brush hogs a couple days ago and rigged them on some charlie brewer slider heads . I plan on trying them out after work if they are successful i will post later.
  12. Most of the small shops by me have closed with in the last few years.The one solo guy left has thin inventory and is always complaining about how slow it is,he is surrounded by walmart and a bps a few miles down the road.I also wanted to mention with such slow sales he seems to be a one man operation.
  13. I have an understanding wife,she knows my love for fishing and knows that fishing is the only thing that i really spend money on, plus we split the bps rewards money we get, i spend the spring money on my fishing gear and since her sport is bow hunting she spends the fall rewards money on her sport.
  14. I live near Chicago and every summer i would go to Whitehall to camp owasippe, not as a scout but to go see my friend who helped run the camp.I haven't been up there in 11 years but think about it all the time,fishing in lake wolverine,going in to Whitehall to hit the one bait shop in town by the marina .I cant remember the name of it but i remember the guy running it had more stuff lying in piles than hanging on peg board hooks.Do you guys know if the bait shop is still open?
  15. All spinning for me also.
  16. I hope to see more responses on this topic because i have been thinking of upgrading to tungsten from lead.I was at bps yesterday and saw they have their house brand on sale at 25% off but wasn't sure about them because of the silicone inserts.I have read about inserts may steal some sensitivity so i passed on them.
  17. I just checked the bps website and it still says details coming soon.
  18. I may be mistaken but i thought i read in the paper that the guy got robbed and shot while using his snow blower at 1.20 am.The first thing that popped in my head was that the guy was probably lucky one of his neighbors didn't shoot him for waking him up,especially in Chicago.
  19. I looked up the reviews for the bps tungsten weights on there site.I noticed as far back as 06 that customers were complaining about the inserts and line fraying.I wonder why its taking them so long to finally improve on them.
  20. Being older (50) this was the first time i ever heard of them.I wished they would have stuck with all guns n roses songs.
  21. Its so hard to pinpoint one piece because it seems i learn something new on here everyday.I do have a favorite quote that pops in my head every once in awhile ,Its from Catt i believe and it goes something like "Being a good fisherman has more to do with whats between your ears than whats between the folds of your wallet."
  22. Happy birthday Burleyman! I have never met him so i cant really take a funny crack at him like the rest of you guys, but I'm glad to see he has started to post again on here every once in awhile.He adds some spark to this site.
  23. Just hit 50.
  24. I was thinking of upgrading my worm weights from lead to tungsten.For those of you who have gone the tungsten route have you noticed a big increase in sensitivity since the switch? Is it possible to throw a figure at it ,like 10% more sensitive or 40% more sensitive than lead. Just curious.
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