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Everything posted by quanjig

  1. Mudkart, I am very jealous. Was it local?? I hate playing 20 questions........... please tell us!!
  2. Anyone know if the marina is open and if anyone is catching striper?
  3. You just have to be amazed at the thought process these people go thru.......... "well let's see, I've got a couple of minutes here while it put some gas in my vehicle, hmmmmm......... WOW, look, here is all the crap I've just gone and gathered to cook me up some yummy meth...... shouldn't take but a couple of minutes so what the heck, I'll just jump into the back of my car and cook me up some!!" yea..... get ya some Tennessee guy!!
  4. The biggest chug bug you can find and don't be afraid to really use it!!
  5. I'm going with just enough money for gas, a soda fron the vending machine, and admission.
  6. That sucks!! I was looking forward to pics from the warm side. Hope things get resolved with the truck. Domestic trucks don't suck, just the Fords!!
  7. Thai, you are a better man than I. Geeze Dan?, a pink tutu! "I'm a pretty girl" issues sir??!!
  8. Well then Dan?, how can I be friends with your "secret friend"?
  9. ..... and is confused about his gender??.......
  10. I saw it the day after the snow and knew it was gonna suck to clean it off!! Got all he snow off Wednesday and drained all the water from Friday, yesterday............. it was fun??!! Get yours done??
  11. "that's what I think about your opinion" bwaaahaaaaa!!!
  12. and grew his hair really long....
  13. Ouch, not a good situation. As Buckeye said, don't go in guns a blazin'!! Carefully recount the repairs that were done and the problems that followed. Ask if any of the work that was done could have resulted in the damage that occured, knowing full well that in all likleyhood something was missed by the tech. Calm should win out in this case. I know that you really want to "let someone have it", but you cannot let emotion get the best of the situation.
  14. Where are these magical ponds that have no ice?? I must know...... please.
  15. It was a very tough deal today. I managed to snag a very large carp in the tail, got it all the way to the bank and snapped off!! Couple of small bites, but no bass or crappie. Hooked up with Thai and friends ( sorry guys, I'm horrible with names) at around 8am and we walked around a bit looking for some willing takers in the fast, muddy, cold water. It was a crap shoot at best but we were out of the house and giving it a shot!!
  16. Well then, read and replied to your pm before I looked at the thread. Gonna be on the side next to the Toyota dealership
  17. So what time are you gonna get down there Thai? I think I'm gonna get down there at about 7:30 am, catch the last bit of outgoing tide and the first part of incoming tide.
  18. Eat, Drink and be Merry!! Merry Christmas everyone.
  19. Well nice work Thai. Once again I think the weather is gonna pooch us but good. 2+ inches of rain + snow melt....... I think Saturday might be a tough deal. I've seen what a big rain can do to the run and it's not pretty.
  20. Yes XL, 2 ft. I just am not a fan of snow, especially that much. Would have been fine if we all of the sudden were to have temps in the 50's to meltit all away as quickly as it for here!! I have a terd of a vehicle that is almost unstoppable in the snow ('95 Tahoe 2 door). Had to get some people to my wifes work, so I was out in the thick of it with all the yahoos that for some reason thought it would be fine to get places in their cool guy rice rockets!!
  21. I'm all about fishing whenever I can. If it ain't frozen, I'm tryin'!! I don't care what the temperature is, if its doable I'm gonna give it a shot.
  22. So who is in and what day is suitable? Unfortunatly it would take removing a metric ton of snow to get the boat out!! I'm looking at Saturday to walk around at 4 mile run.............. Anyone else interested??
  23. probably just walk. Nelson is gonna try Friday. I havnt seen any cleared ramps yet so I think just a shore walk is all I can manage right now. Where is LHC, wonder if he has any winter spots on the river? I might be able to make a call and see if we can fish a marina down on the occoquan river.
  24. I mean I've caught the crap out of them in there before. Smoke grubs on jig heads were my best producer but I have done well on other things. Jbs will work as well as rattle baits, senko, small worms. I've even had topwater action this time of year. It's a bit snaggy in some spots too
  25. 4 mile run is just bank walkin'. I only know to fish just upstream of the rt1 bridge. That is the only deep water I know of besides the bend by the airport and that is not all that deep. I've caught fish at the discharge before, but that was a long time ago and I'm sure the depth around the discharge is quite different now. Thai, are you knowledgable about the run?
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