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Everything posted by quanjig

  1. Look up Sadler sport and recreation insurance. They should be able to answer any questions you may have. Our club is 100% payback. The only things we do is hold back a little bit from each tx to have a bigger payout for our end of the year classic and possibly new scales every few years. This is a very informal club. We pay no yearly dues, fish exclusivly on1 body of water and all participants are informed of insurance costs at the start of each season. Great group of guys that I am proud to be associated with!!
  2. See if you can find a place that sells loose teas (not tea bags) and a nice tea pot. I think you will find those to be better quality teas. A place like that should be able to show you how to properly store your tea for optimum flavor and freshness.
  3. When you say "new hires" do you mean generation "flab"? Kids that are just out of college, newly weened from their xbox and mommy's house? Or possibly high school kids that think they should be handed everything on a silver plate?
  4. We have a tea shop called Teavana here in northern va. I have always been a hot tea drinker especially a nice Earl Grey. This place has some absolutly amazing teas!! I usually go thru a couple of ounces in a 3 week period. Equals out to about 3 cups a day. I feel better after a nice cup of cha!!
  5. Week-end weather not looking very yummy. I'm still down if we have a good Sunday. Hopefully it shoots to the south and we get little or nothing.
  6. Look Josh, all you have to do is play it cool. He sounds like he might be a "friend". You remember what those are.............. right??!!
  7. Yea........ you have lost it!!!! That was really funny!!
  8. Ok. Wasn't sure, thought you might be losing your mind is all!!
  9. Dan#, I don't understand.......... your avitar........... huh?? please 'splain it to us!!!
  10. Marc is a good guy, you should have a great time. Fishing with good people is always fun!!
  11. We have the same requirements here in Northern Virginia. Runs us about $400 per year for the coverage. We usually charge an extra $10 per angler in the begining of the year to cover the cost of the insurance.
  12. Wow because they are really tasty, or wow those things will clean you right out beautyful, wow??
  13. I kept a log for 3 years in a row. I was keeping track of not only the conditions on the days I fished, but every day in between. I figured I could look at the conditions leading up to my fishing outings and see if I could determine any trends. Looking back even today, I can learn things about my catches and even compare them to my current outings. Might start it again but it was a bit of a pain. I was keeping track in a pocket type calendar, wish I could be computer savy and do something like that on the 'pooter........ anyone know if software is avail. for something like that?? Woah.....that was way off topic
  14. I'm just wondering what they had to do to get that helmet on and what kind of force was needed to remove it!!!
  15. I am a physical security technician......... Locksmith. 25 years in the business, co-owner of my business!
  16. I wouldn't think it would be that difficult. What are your biggest concerns? Have you looked at the kit or the instructions? I have friends with pleasure packages they have put on outboards. I guess if the kit is all inclusive you shouldn't have any problems.
  17. Josh, you are very funny. You are all NOVA in my book!! Anyone willing to put up with all the stuff that goes on here and keeps comming back for more, you're good peeps.
  18. Burke is still frozen as of Monday. Open in the absolute middle but I don't think you can bust ice to get there.
  19. I do my best to try and surround myself with good people......... That's why I continue to involve myself in with this nice NOVA crew!! You all have been nothing but good and extreamly nice the entire time I've been here. I consider you all good and trusted freinds. Everyone except shimmy, he never stirs the pot anymore!!!! jk
  20. Uh oh...... Aaron, are you serious??
  21. Thai, sorry , I wasn't keeping current on the thread and mentioned Anna to my buddy whose boat is a little closer to Steve. Steve, I hope I am not overstepping my bounds here, but I'm not sure my trailer is long trip worthy at this point in the year. If he cannot go, I can see if I have time to get a little maintenance worked out on the trailer. Let me know. Thanks Jon
  22. Any limit on who can participate? Is this an open invite to NOVA crew? Sounds very fun!!
  23. I wouldn't bet on that Thai. I would be willing to bet a case of the squirts and abdominal discomfort is entirly possible with sewage leaks. The crappy( pun intended) Thing is that no action was taken by the plant to protect anyone.
  24. I think we should call it fecal mile run. Make sure you bring a vat of purell and remember not to shake hands with your trouser trout unless absolutly necessary!
  25. Mark and Steve, saw you guys on the river today. We were the jonboat in the mouth of the spoils as you passed going up to blue plains. Cannot believe the line you guys took over the ferry, very precarious!! It was a bit eyes wide open at times, dodging the chunks out there!! We were just as fortunate to not catch any on the river. Blue plains was an aquarium, just without any bass. You guys pushed on up to 4mr, woah....... I was exhausted after the big push past the WW bridge. Nice to get out, would have been nice to have been rewarded for the effort.
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